spike (shut up and take my money and etc) created by unknown artist
  • Comments
  • Raven_Blakwulf said:
    Why don't I remember this episode?

    because it never happen.... yet!!

    ok i got to throw this in before i forget, New season starts December of this year, so prepare Pony fans (and everypony else as well)

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  • Raven_Blakwulf said:
    Why don't I remember this episode?

    It's when the "Eye Phone" came out and as Twitter (a.k.a "Twitcher") hones a battle between Bender and Fry for who can get the most viewers, resulting in Leela's secret exposed, drama, etc. etc. and Steve Jobs wins again in the end, even though the entire mass population of the city are zombies.

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  • Drakanifox said:
    It's when the "Eye Phone" came out and as Twitter (a.k.a "Twitcher") hones a battle between Bender and Fry for who can get the most viewers, resulting in Leela's secret exposed, drama, etc. etc. and Steve Jobs wins again in the end, even though the entire mass population of the city are zombies.

    And thats how Equestria was made. :D

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  • Kenjitiger said:
    And thats how Equestria was made. :D

    Shut up and take my internetz!

    Sirius_Mejir_Vine said:
    Em... Okay *takes the money and quickly deposits in bank*
    Well that was easy.

    *hits the Staples Easy button*

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