kiara and kovu (the lion king and etc) created by unknown artist

Original filename: 911lions.jpg

  • Comments
  • people are funny. there are these two planes flying into skyscrapers and everybody is like "OOHMYGOD, we must cry til eternity now" in an over-patriotic way. the tsunami in the indian odean 2004 killed about 200.000 people and nobody's even thinking about that anymore. (btw 9/11 only got 3.018. think about it)

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  • DarkHorst said:
    people are funny. there are these two planes flying into skyscrapers and everybody is like "OOHMYGOD, we must cry til eternity now" in an over-patriotic way. the tsunami in the indian odean 2004 killed about 200.000 people and nobody's even thinking about that anymore. (btw 9/11 only got 3.018. think about it)

    difference is, when man kills, the world takes note, but when mother natures decides to take us out, we just roll over and hit the snooze button XD

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  • AlexUrssa1 said:
    difference is, when man kills, the world takes note, but when mother natures decides to take us out, we just roll over and hit the snooze button XD

    Fusion testing is some thing nature cant do.

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  • Americans

    DarkHorst said:
    people are funny. there are these two planes flying into skyscrapers and everybody is like "OOHMYGOD, we must cry til eternity now" in an over-patriotic way.

    QFT, America is a attention whore over terrorists, in Northern Ireland we've had 40 years of sectarian violence and bigotry, there's been countless car bombs, beatings and people burned out of their homes.

    America has gone "WHAT, two pretty much empty buildings blew up in probably the most non-destructive way they could? BAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWW"

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  • mcninja said:
    AmericansQFT, America is a attention whore over terrorists, in Northern Ireland we've had 40 years of sectarian violence and bigotry, there's been countless car bombs, beatings and people burned out of their homes.

    "And we LIKE IT that way!"

    Also, this pic is concentrated failure.

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  • Fox2K9 said:
    What happened that day is that milions of people in europe and asia vere happy.
    Too bad that air plane didnt carry a nuke.
    Also there is a large amount of evidence that that is fake. The guy esured the buildings with 3 bilion dollars.

    I knew u were gonna say something douchey like this.
    Although I do have to agree with mcninja, america is an attention whore. I think that's pretty much the reason y everyone hates us, cuz they r sick of hearin bout us.
    And by the way, fuck you all, lol

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  • when it happened, all I cared about was getting out of school early and watching t.v. Problem was, every channel was dedicated to vomiting the same nonsensical bull that cnn had. :\

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  • Shyre said:
    when it happened, all I cared about was getting out of school early and watching t.v. Problem was, every channel was dedicated to vomiting the same nonsensical bull that cnn had. :\

    Watch what you say. It was pretty aweful and I don't blame America for retaliating, but you can't call it bull. Its not right, people died. P.s. This picture is a fucking fail! D:

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  • its all like the joker said. if someone says thier gonna kill abus full of civilians or convicts, then noone panics cause its part of a plan, but when someone kills one senior citizen then everyone losses thier minds. this is the same it was and out of the blue thing so everyone freaked it was bad when it happened but seriously ppl die thats the way it is and we been killing each other since the dawn f time it just gets worse with technology.

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  • if you ever been to america, you know why everybody hates it

    everyone there is all about themselves, getting bigger cars then the people they know, or just a bigger car cause the others just push you off the road

    they actually believe that because they have so much land they can have a say in every other country, cause they matter too, boohoo

    america is all about the self, its pathetic
    they deserved the bombing, they got it coming after being pathetic douches and being melodramatic for years

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  • AlexUrssa1 said:
    Difference is, when man kills, the world takes note, but when mother natures decides to take us out, we just roll over and hit the snooze button XD

    Yup. And while we're at it let's just forget The Crusades, The Inquisition, The Holocaust and the Stonewall Riots. And technically all that "natural" stuff is God as well. Just ask Fred Phelps.

    Wow, 2008. How frighteningly prophetic.

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  • I can't believe how many dicks on here are being like this to the artist. I feel like this is a very well thought a creative picture. I vote up to this pic and favorited it. If I get downvoted then big deal I don't care.

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  • alexurssa1 said:
    difference is, when man kills, the world takes note, but when mother natures decides to take us out, we just roll over and hit the snooze button XD


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  • darkhorst said:
    people are funny. there are these two planes flying into skyscrapers and everybody is like "OOHMYGOD, we must cry til eternity now" in an over-patriotic way. the tsunami in the indian odean 2004 killed about 200.000 people and nobody's even thinking about that anymore. (btw 9/11 only got 3.018. think about it)

    You see, the tsunami wasn't man-made, and wasn't caused by anyone, it was an incident, a natural disaster, 9/11 was a terrorist attack, caused by people, those people made the deliberate choice to do what they did, and what they did killed 2,996+ people, that's why people are so distraught over 9/11, because it was a mass murder, an attack on a country, and a nation, it was caused by a deliberate choice, the tsunami was inevitable, there was no way to stop it, so shut up and stop being disrespectful and insensitive

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  • darkhorst said:
    people are funny. there are these two planes flying into skyscrapers and everybody is like "OOHMYGOD, we must cry til eternity now" in an over-patriotic way. the tsunami in the indian odean 2004 killed about 200.000 people and nobody's even thinking about that anymore. (btw 9/11 only got 3.018. think about it)

    Because there's a difference between mass murder and a natural disaster. 9/11 was horrifying because of how unreasonably violent it was. Those on the planes could see the targets incoming before obliteration and eternal oblivion and the people inside that towers who saw furniture/people floating and shit as the tower fell before the windows went dark into the ash cloud.

    "OOHMYGOD, we must cry til eternity now" in an over-patriotic way.

    How old are you? It wasn't over-patriotism/chauvinism, it was the world rallying together with the U.S. in sorrow and anger. 9/11 wasn't some school shooting, it was an act of war. Have some empathy ffs

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  • darkhorst said:
    people are funny. there are these two planes flying into skyscrapers and everybody is like "OOHMYGOD, we must cry til eternity now" in an over-patriotic way. the tsunami in the indian odean 2004 killed about 200.000 people and nobody's even thinking about that anymore. (btw 9/11 only got 3.018. think about it)

    Yeah burning alive in the mega-skyscrapers that got hit by airplanes hijacked by religious extremists in the largest city of the most powerful nation in the world doesn't seem different at all.

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  • Okay I found the artist but I really don't think I should taint their artist page with this image, I'll add the 2004 tag tho lmao

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