From the source:
I'll be right with you! - by ruaidri
It wasn't at all unusual for the bakery just downtown to appear empty at first glance. It was a one woman operation after all, so Cinnamon- the owner of the shop- frequently had to duck into the back room to receive deliveries, grab fresh ingredients, or do other maintenance duties not fit for the store front of such an establishment.
Having shopped here for many years now, Tyler didn't even think twice when he walked into the store and saw nobody behind the counter. From the sounds of it, Cinnamon was busy out back moving boxes of eggs or heaving heavy bags of flour or some such activity, so he grabbed one of the convenient nearby bags and began filling it with his usual order: some fresh bread, a baguette, a few bagels and maybe a cookie or cupcake if he just couldn't resist that week. He tried not to do it often, but damn did she make a good cookie.
After spending the time to gather his items, and maybe taking a minute or two checking out the mini cakes, doughnuts and other confectionery (firmly telling himself not to buy them no matter how tasty they looked), Tyler gave the bell on the counter a few rings to politely get Cinnamon's attention so he could pay and be on his way. Usually she wouldn't have been out back for so long with a customer in the front, so whatever she was doing it must have been pretty important to demand all her attention. Still (after an admittedly unusual little yelp that sounded like surprise... perhaps she hadn't heard him come in?) she called out to let him know she'd be right with him...
Leave it to me to draw a picture focused entirely on porn and then write a story to go with it that's all about the one guy in it who's entirely unaware sex is even happening.
Anyway, got the picture all coloured! Would definitely love to know what you guys think. :D Had a lot of fun with this, it's not very often I take time off to just put my all into some personal work like this. I do lots of quick little things sure, but it was nice to spend some real time on something just for me. I hope you guys enjoy it!
I'm currently also toying around with a short sketch comic that details the next minute or two of the scene depicted in this picture, if you're curious the first page is up here:
One last tidbit of news: If you've been following me for long at all you've probably noticed I like to make a rather large mess of my characters. I just can't help it, fluids are fun! However it did occur to me that since said fluids are the last thing I usually paint on a picture, it wouldn't be too hard to scan in a 'clean' version of pictures like this. So as a little bonus to people who are kind enough to send some support my way, I'm adding these fluid-free versions of pictures to my Patreon at the $3 level. The same level also gets you to see the pre-coloured, inked stage of pictures that I don't show anywhere else. If you're interested in such things, feel free to check it out!
As always though, the final versions of all my paintings will always be posted here on FA. I'm not interested in creating a paywall, just tossing up some variations that without Patreon I wouldn't have bothered with spending the time making before. If you're not interested in that kind of support, comments are always super appreciated too! ;P
user 145534
MemberThat's one big light switch on the wall there.
the average fapper
MemberGot 'em!
Memberi have that light switch, its more like a teter toter than a switch to be honest
MemberThose switches are fun to punch (for dramatic entrances)
Memberagreed but is that really your comment on a post of someone being ate out on an ice box?
MemberSo is she recieving deliveries, getting ingredients or preforming maintenance in this instance?
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