cebron, nailah, and tsenaya created by scappo
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Ask 14- "Dinnertime"

Eat your broccoli Tsenaya....

Alo wanted to know what dinnertime is like in the Nadari household-

It's probably pretty awkward with a shapeshifting snek watching you the whole time! Please enjoy the awkward silence, and be sure to check the updated inks for Viper! I've added her clothing and shrank her hood a little since I let myself get a little carried away with it initially X3.

  • Comments
  • This in a strange way reminds me when I had sleep paralysis and at the same time having a nightmare in the passenger seat of a pickup outside a post office.

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  • ConfusedReptileAgent said:
    This in a strange way reminds me when I had sleep paralysis and at the same time having a nightmare in the passenger seat of a pickup outside a post office.

    Is it weird that I kinda wanna hear how this story went?

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  • Taranuka said:
    Is it weird that I kinda wanna hear how this story went?

    Hey I'm all ears too, let me find some chocolate first.

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  • Hmmm, anyone else wondering who Tsenaya's Father is? All we get is that her Diamond Shaped iris are not from her Mother.

    I will laugh if it's Crebron.

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  • Mdf said:
    Hey I'm all ears too, let me find some chocolate first.

    Taranuka said:
    Is it weird that I kinda wanna hear how this story went?

    So this was after a long drive from Montana. I woke up when my dad parked at the post office i was trying to move and couldn't, so i started to freak...well as much as a paralyzed person can. and for some reason i had this intense feeling of being this time my dad came out of the post office and was coming back to the pickup when a friend of his walked up and they started talking in front of the post office 5 feet away from the pickup. as i was trying to yell but instead making no movement and producing the quietest of whimpers the screaming started. and you know that feeling in nightmares when the thing chasing you is in a hairs length away from getting you? imagine that but paralyzed and its screaming from the seat behind you. But the worst part about the scream is that it was a mix of a woman's scream of rage with something that would be dream-pt up by H.P. lovecraft. i was now desperately trying to yell for my dad who was 5 feet away talking with a friend while i was having a sensory overload of pure terror and dread. Now from a outside perspective all you would see is a kid sleeping still with tears rolling down their face. i did however break free from the paralysis but only far after the screaming stopped. and i have no idea how long i was in that state for but i would guess too long. any who that is about all that happend.

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