gale created by ruaidri

Show Pony

After posting this picture , it was brought up in the comments that some people wouldn't mind seeing the green chastity fox guy I draw now and then in a similar situation. So I did, whee! I figured, why not. It'd been a little while and it's a fun couple to draw.

So I devised a situation they might end up in and drew it out. The blue wolf is showing off his pretty fox pet at the local town centre. Because... why not. I guess these things happen sometimes xD It's like a horse show, except, y'know, with gay submissive chastised slut pets. Why not?

The background I admit is a bit of a throwaway- I just kind of doodled something in quickly and left it at that, didn't want to go into a ton of work over it. Even so, I think I somewhat accomplished my main goal- basically I wanted something with a bit of depth to it, as a lot of my background tend to feel pretty two dimensional. It's not great, but I think it did the trick at least, even if it is pretty fast.

Also tried a slightly different method for colouring in this one that I think I'm rather pleased with, and will be experimenting with again. Might be getting the hang of things finally, heh.

Anyway, as always, lemme know your thoughts, folks!

  • Comments
  • Is that a chastity belt? I'm not entirely clear on what that device is.

    I like the blindfold-headdress combo. Pretty neat.

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  • the funny thing about those types of chastity belts... they just make it so that when you DO get an erection, it hurts like fuck. btw, the pain makes it so that you dont lose it quite as quickly as you would think.

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