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The Yuns are the owners of the only chinese restaurant in town, the Peking Duck. Cheng arrived in the US during WWII, at the time he was a young hot headed martial artist looking to make big in the new world. Along with him came his grandmother, a wise old little lady who decided to look after Cheng.
He never expected people to be so big in the US, in fact, everything seems too big for red pandas! lucky for them that means the clients are also big eaters and big spenders!

Nowadays Cheng is a respectable businessman, albeit a hot headed one... owning and running a restaurant takes most of his time and patience.

His greatest nemesis (other than those infuriating Italian restaurant owners!) are a family of local direwolves who continue to come to his place at least once a month to eat their way through the menu and then try to haggle the prices down!

His two daughters are Shu and Liyu. The eldest one is following his steps to take over the restaurant some day, while the younger one... well, she had been having some "problems" which got her sent to Camp Pines for the summer..

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