rarity, sara, vicki, and weighted companion cube (blizzard entertainment and etc) created by brian mcpherson
  • Comments
  • IHateRule34 said:
    Nice test picture.
    If you noticed Rarity first... then I have bad news for you.

    idk about you but I noticed the Companion Cube first o3o

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  • Monfang said:
    I don't know about you guys, but I noticed the women first.

    PhrozenFox said:
    Let me be the first to say I noticed skunk pussy first.

    Okay, there are at least two furries who are not hopeless yet...

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  • First I noticed the women, then the privates, then the controllers, then the NES in the back, then the rebel flag, then the Rarity, then the Pepsi, then the companion cube, then the fox.

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  • Royal_Guard_#2 said:
    First I noticed the women, then the privates, then the controllers, then the NES in the back, then the rebel flag, *then the Rarity*, then the Pepsi, then the companion cube, then the fox.

    suuuure you did

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  • inkfox said:
    im a gamer girl and i don't do this... and unfortunately, no one really does

    Well, you should.
    And they should.

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  • rdwulfe said:
    Well, you should.
    And they should.

    Sweet, sexism! But if it comforts you, I often play naked as well. it makes you less predictable on multiplayer. JK JK XD

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  • Royal_Guard_#2 said:
    First I noticed the women, then the privates, then the controllers, then the NES in the back, then the rebel flag, then the Rarity, then the Pepsi, then the companion cube, then the fox.

    lol i noticed girls, that they were bottomless, le puss puss, then the starwars curtain, the rest i found from reading the comments xD

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  • I first noticed the furry on the left, then the pS2 controller, then the fact they are lacking underwear, then I noticed Rarity, then the fox, then the NES on the shelf, then the popcorn, then the rebel flag.

    This picture is so much win it's almost enough to make a nerd cry.

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  • Monfang said:
    Gamer girls play without panties... Wish I could find more of them.

    Your search query, then, is thus: "gamer female bottomless"
    ... unless you meant IRL, in which case ... *sigh* ... me, too.

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  • Two things one I noticed half naked gamer chicks first
    Second I actually found a gamer chick who does this. And I am proud to say that I am proposing tomarrow with potal rings (specially made) and giving her both a skyrim sword and a EEVEE (umbreon to be exact, just because I am an umbreon.)

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  • Monfang said:
    Gamer girls play without panties... Wish I could find more of them.

    Also, NES FTW

    You and me both. Strike that, every organism in all of every reality XD. Yes, that includes the women

    Btw, NES thru Gameboy SP pwned (i still have a SNES)
    After that, most of it sucks except retro remakes and pokemon.

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  • I noticed the NES first. o.o

    Spacewolf19 said:
    Two things one I noticed half naked gamer chicks first
    Second I actually found a gamer chick who does this. And I am proud to say that I am proposing tomarrow with potal rings (specially made) and giving her both a skyrim sword and a EEVEE (umbreon to be exact, just because I am an umbreon.)

    I hope by "giving her an EEVEE" you mean trading her one in the game, with a message attached asking her to marry you... that would actually be the first use for those mail items I've ever seen.

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  • cheeze9000 said:
    i want the one on the right because of the companion cube.

    Arter said:
    Only for it?

    shes also a Jedi

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  • Monfang said:
    Gamer girls play without panties... Wish I could find more of them.

    Also, NES FTW

    Gamers don't need no stinkin pants to play!... Unless it's a LAN party, public event or a tournament in which case they do.

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  • *is gamer girl*
    *most of the time doesn't wear pants / panties when gaming*

    rdwulfe said:
    Well, you should.
    And they should.

    rdwulfe said:
    Well, you should.
    And they should.

    rdwulfe said:
    Well, you should.
    And they should.

    victor said:
    This doesn't exist in real life even if they weren't animal people. Sorry, lonely fat kids.

    ElGranFracaso said:
    Your search query, then, is thus: "gamer female bottomless"
    ... unless you meant IRL, in which case ... *sigh* ... me, too.

    Shirokami said:
    You and me both. Strike that, every organism in all of every reality XD. Yes, that includes the women

    Btw, NES thru Gameboy SP pwned (i still have a SNES)
    After that, most of it sucks except retro remakes and pokemon.

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