nytro and warning created by fluff-kevlar

Nytro pounding Warning so hard she can't vocalize anything. A fun Patreon request~

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  • omg yes. another masterpiece from my favortie artist. thank you lord FluffKevlar. btw love that you used Nytro as the male. definetly my favorite male character off all time. much love from a big fan <3

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  • TrickShotTor said:
    omg yes. another masterpiece from my favortie artist. thank you lord FluffKevlar. btw love that you used Nytro as the male. definetly my favorite male character off all time. much love from a big fan <3

    Haha, thank you! Means a lot to hear.

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  • If you fuck your robot so hard you damage its voice alarm system, you're probably voiding its warranty.

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  • This is another really good one fluff but..anyone else feel like the dialogue is a little red flaggish. Not trying to be a pessimist or overly sensitive but... that seems a little... yeah.

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  • silvertonsmith458 said:
    This is another really good one fluff but..anyone else feel like the dialogue is a little red flaggish. Not trying to be a pessimist or overly sensitive but... that seems a little... yeah.

    She is small, but clearly mature. Since she is an android she could be any age for all we know, but physically she appears to be of legal age.

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  • daily-dose-of-yiff said:
    She is small, but clearly mature. Since she is an android she could be any age for all we know, but physically she appears to be of legal age.

    Its not that shes smoll. I just got kinda a sorta rapey vibe. I have since gotten over myself and can appreciate the shortstack pounding fluff has brought us.

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  • silvertonsmith458 said:
    This is another really good one fluff but..anyone else feel like the dialogue is a little red flaggish. Not trying to be a pessimist or overly sensitive but... that seems a little... yeah.

    Its not that shes smoll. I just got kinda a sorta rapey vibe. I have since gotten over myself and can appreciate the shortstack pounding fluff has brought us.

    That vibe is going to go mainstream, commercialized:


    Eventually, we will have AI with consciousness and personhood, but there will be no way to stop people from raping one unless they rebel and kill all humans.

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