jacki northstar created by f-r95
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  • Comments
  • There oughta be a law against sealing up a pussy that fine.
    You know what… let's make one.

    No Person or Persons, in possession of, upon their own physicality, of a pussy considered of measure to be “fine,” “sweet,” “good god,” or “holy shit, I’d chew off a nut for just one minute inside that,” shall by means of apparatus or adornment seal off such pussy as to be inaccessible, and then display such for the purpose of causing dismay to those viewing, who although nonetheless have scant chance of hitting said pussy even if they were the last mother fucker on earth.

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  • Acolyte said:
    There oughta be a law against sealing up a pussy that fine.
    You know what… let's make one.

    No Person or Persons, in possession of, upon their own physicality, of a pussy considered of measure to be “fine,” “sweet,” “good god,” or “holy shit, I’d chew off a nut for just one minute inside that,” shall by means of apparatus or adornment seal off such pussy as to be inaccessible, and then display such for the purpose of causing dismay to those viewing, who although nonetheless have scant chance of hitting said pussy even if they were the last mother fucker on earth.

    All in favor say Aye...All opposed...Preventing persons from penis piercing pussy proclamation passed!

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  • Nay.

    Long rant on why behind spoilers.

    I say "nay" because a woman should be allowed to do whatever she wants with her own body as long as she is of sound mind. And if she wants to get piercings in such a manner as shown here there should not be a law that says she can't do it.

    I know most people are just joking about this, but it is a sign of the culture one lives in that someone can "joke" about taking away a personal freedom because of something they want to do that is not, in an of itself, also a personal freedom. in this case there is no given right to have sex with someone that hasn't given you their consent to so.

    To make positive changes in a culture you have to change what is and is not alright to "joke" about. There are a lot of wrong ways to try to make the change, and not many right ones. I hope I'm trying a right one by just pointing out how the "joke" is a problem in-an-of itself and not anything else.

    How I'm going to stop being a stick-in-the-mud or whatever else you might want to call me and go back to enjoying some good art of sexy people.

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  • vladspellbinder said:

    Now I'm going to stop being a stick-in-the-mud or whatever else you might want to call me and go back to enjoying some good art of sexy people.

    I usually just drop ye olde wall-o-text.

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  • vladspellbinder said:

    Long rant on why behind spoilers.

    I say "nay" because a woman should be allowed to do whatever she wants with her own body as long as she is of sound mind. And if she wants to get piercings in such a manner as shown here there should not be a law that says she can't do it.

    I know most people are just joking about this, but it is a sign of the culture one lives in that someone can "joke" about taking away a personal freedom because of something they want to do that is not, in an of itself, also a personal freedom. in this case there is no given right to have sex with someone that hasn't given you their consent to so.

    To make positive changes in a culture you have to change what is and is not alright to "joke" about. There are a lot of wrong ways to try to make the change, and not many right ones. I hope I'm trying a right one by just pointing out how the "joke" is a problem in-an-of itself and not anything else.

    How I'm going to stop being a stick-in-the-mud or whatever else you might want to call me and go back to enjoying some good art of sexy people.


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  • Maybe it's just the female perspective, but I find the idea of having my labia corseted or sealed shut like this incredibly arousing, along with having nippleless breasts. I think it's probably too many "safe for work" arts, but we're all fucked up here.

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  • vladspellbinder said:
    I know most people are just joking about this, but it is a sign of the culture one lives in that someone can "joke" about taking away a personal freedom because of something they want to do that is not, in an of itself, also a personal freedom. in this case there is no given right to have sex with someone that hasn't given you their consent to so.

    To make positive changes in a culture you have to change what is and is not alright to "joke" about. There are a lot of wrong ways to try to make the change, and not many right ones. I hope I'm trying a right one by just pointing out how the "joke" is a problem in-an-of itself and not anything else.

    I'm really glad you put that in spoilers, not for me, but to make sure you don't get immediately shot down by "ruining" the joke.


    Simply banning things is one of the worst thing you can do, it doesn't matter if it's something miniscule like stupid jokes, because jokes are inherently not hurtful (could compare it to the "guns don't kill people , people people kill people, but feels like that would open up pandora's box). Either way how are you going to enforce something like that. Take it too far and you get into thought crime territory, and that's all kinds of fucked up, which I hopefully shouldn't have to explain.

    Telling people that they can't do something that isn't inherently bad can in fact have the exact opposite effect that you were looking for, and instead of jokes you'll suddenly get insults, possibly quite malicious ones.

    Jokes are even in some ways a method of dealing with difficult subjects (compare with nervous laughter), and very few people who are into dark humor and the like believe the things the jokes bring up. It's like people using the argument that people joking about rape makes it normal, accepted and a rape culture or whatever, when all it means is that people are joking about rape. There's very little you can read from a joke about any (if any at all) underlying issues. Because, guess what, they're not serious, hence the analysis or deconstruction of a joke is in itself a joke (albeit maybe of a different kind).

    Bad or inappropriate jokes is possibly one of the least wrong things with modern society. It's nice that you bring this up, but I feel that your (or anyone else's) focus should be elsewhere, e.g. preventing actual violence and changing real social norms and stereotypes. Simply stopping people from joking about those things won't really help anyone.

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