pone created by brian o'connell
  • Comments
  • Imagine that. Quality Furry artwork hailing from 1989.

    Back to a day when Furry was a hell of a lot smaller. Only one convention opened (ConFurence), no established subcommunities, no Internets retardation, a time before the Burned-Fur/Freezing-Fur conflict, etc.

    The classical era of Furry indeed.

    Oh, I approve of this image. Good stuff.

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  • Back when B. O'Connell was a friendly, but clueless N00b, before he became an asshole. There was a lot of quality work back then, because only the quality stuff sold at conventions. If you didn't draw well, you simply didn't eat.

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  • this might be the classiest pic on this site. These days we got all the colorful femboy foxes we want but somehow this takes the cake for me.

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  • skwirl said:
    Imagine that. Quality Furry artwork hailing from 1989.

    Back to a day when Furry was a hell of a lot smaller. Only one convention opened (ConFurence), no established subcommunities, no Internets retardation, a time before the Burned-Fur/Freezing-Fur conflict, etc.

    The classical era of Furry indeed.

    Oh, I approve of this image. Good stuff.

    I know I am 12 years too late to ask, but what is/was exactly the Burned-Fur/Freezing-Fur conflict?

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  • brett_keane said:
    I know I am 12 years too late to ask, but what is/was exactly the Burned-Fur/Freezing-Fur conflict?

    To VASTLY oversimplify it from a cursory search, the Burning Furs and Freezing Furs were two groups who cropped up in 1998 and 1999 respectively, both wanting to radically reform the furry fandom. The Burning were prudish, the Freezing were freakish, and the both of them were obnoxious with hair-trigger tempers shorter than a Microfur's eyelash.

    I don't blame you for not being familiar; I was three when this stuff was going on.

    (The Burning Furs were far, far worse, though. They considered homosexuality one of the "extreme kinks" that they opposed.)


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  • lendrimujina said:
    To VASTLY oversimplify it from a cursory search, the Burning Furs and Freezing Furs were two groups who cropped up in 1998 and 1999 respectively, both wanting to radically reform the furry fandom. The Burning were prudish, the Freezing were freakish, and the both of them were obnoxious with hair-trigger tempers shorter than a Microfur's eyelash.

    I don't blame you for not being familiar; I was three when this stuff was going on.

    (The Burning Furs were far, far worse, though. They considered homosexuality one of the "extreme kinks" that they opposed.)

    Burned Furs opposed ANYTHING sexual of any nature. They considered it extremely offensive that the fandom had become synonymous with sexual content and wanted to purge anything and anyone that enjoyed or promoted anything sexual. Obviously their little movement-slash-fandom coup failed but sometimes I wonder what they would've thought/how they would've reacted if they were suddenly transported through time to the fandom today and see it's thousands of times worse than it was in the past (I'm not saying this is a bad thing, but it's true.)

    Also these earlier comments are making me feel old. All this shit was going down when I was in high school, heh. I still remember the Burned Furs site badges people would put up in support of the movement.

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  • drakkenfyre said:
    Burned Furs opposed ANYTHING sexual of any nature. They considered it extremely offensive that the fandom had become synonymous with sexual content and wanted to purge anything and anyone that enjoyed or promoted anything sexual. Obviously their little movement-slash-fandom coup failed but sometimes I wonder what they would've thought/how they would've reacted if they were suddenly transported through time to the fandom today and see it's thousands of times worse than it was in the past (I'm not saying this is a bad thing, but it's true.)

    So in short they were like the Spanish Inquisition but as furries?

    I would agree that the furry fandom has a massive sexual image that even SFW furry stuff is declared as "sus" (pardon in advance for employing such word) and that the people (especially on youtube) are making the same unfunny "I am calling Jesus" jokes each time they see a sfw thing from an artist that was involved with NSFW before (which ironically makes them even more famous for their nsfw content).

    But this is also the case for mangakas that were involved in hentais, publishers don't wanna be affiliated with them (so this is why most nsfw artists have a different alias for their sfw persona online). This is kinda why there were many rumours about pornographic material made by some of the Disney animators that are buried deep within their headquarter's cave.

    Maybe Burned Fur were a bit too extreme about their actions but I can somewhat understand their intentions (as much as they are all paving the road to hell as they say).

    Because of some of the thing I just don't tell that I like anthropomorphic material irl and on sfw websites anyway.

    PS: And sadly many people still assimilate homosexuality with deviancy (I know that plenty of gay/LGBT people are in the furry fandom in term of percent compared to other fandoms)...


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  • ginkei said:
    So in short they were like the Spanish Inquisition but as furries?

    I would agree that the furry fandom has a massive sexual image that even SFW furry stuff is declared as "sus" (pardon in advance for employing such word) and that the people (especially on youtube) are making the same unfunny "I am calling Jesus" jokes each time they see a sfw thing from an artist that was involved with NSFW before (which ironically makes them even more famous for their nsfw content).

    I wouldn't say Spanish Inquisition, more like teetotalers during US prohibition that blamed all evils on alcohol and wanted to see it completely eradicated. Or extremely conservative/fundamentalist Christians who blamed rock and roll and D&D for corruption and the downfall of society.

    This is kinda why there were many rumours about pornographic material made by some of the Disney animators that are buried deep within their headquarter's cave.

    Oh believe me those rumors are true. In fact the hilarious thing is Disney itself has its own porn archive because due to their contracts (which is pretty standard in the industry, actually) any artwork their artists do of Disney properties while they're employed are automatically considered Disney property. So what this means is if, say, one of their artists does a drawing of Judy Hopps getting railed while they're employed by the company then the piece automatically belongs to Disney. And there's been known cases with artists doing porn that end up being stored by Disney to keep them out of public view.

    Also I forget who it was, but one of the higher-ups at the time had an artistic nude of Jessica Rabbit over his desk.

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  • drakkenfyre said:
    I wouldn't say Spanish Inquisition, more like teetotalers during US prohibition that blamed all evils on alcohol and wanted to see it completely eradicated. Or extremely conservative/fundamentalist Christians who blamed rock and roll and D&D for corruption and the downfall of society.

    Oh believe me those rumors are true. In fact the hilarious thing is Disney itself has its own porn archive because due to their contracts (which is pretty standard in the industry, actually) any artwork their artists do of Disney properties while they're employed are automatically considered Disney property. So what this means is if, say, one of their artists does a drawing of Judy Hopps getting railed while they're employed by the company then the piece automatically belongs to Disney. And there's been known cases with artists doing porn that end up being stored by Disney to keep them out of public view.

    Also I forget who it was, but one of the higher-ups at the time had an artistic nude of Jessica Rabbit over his desk.

    Each time there's a fanbase there will always be fanatics about wanting to keep the art/entertainment "pure" (aka people that want to make changes and improvements are frowned upon) and be massive gatekeepers.

    I cannot wait until they let to the public the forbidden pics.

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