kaila created by scappo
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Kaila Cleanup

After a long day supervising sharks and building sea-craft Kaila takes a few minutes to clean off the grease and grime...just because she's had a long day doesn't mean she's too tired to show off the goods!
I gotta tell you it was really weird to try and pull off the glass of the shower without obscuring the Yeen too much- I'm still not 100% sure I got it right, but at least you can tell there's glass there and that she's pressed up against it!

I had fun with Kaila (as I always do) and look forward to including her in the comic I'm currently working on called Sleepless Nights on my Patreon :3!

If you’d like to see more and support me in making more, --Check out my Patreon--!

  • Comments
  • There is something about an uncut dick pressed up against glass that just...it makes me lightheaded 😅

    More of this please \(^-^)/

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