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Parent: post #1142379 that has 8 siblings (learn more) show »

This post was deleted or flagged for the following reasons:

  • [DELETION] Paysite/commercial content. (Edits count) - Mairo -

"After 18 practically straight days of work, this has been coloured."
"If it wasn't for my insistence on doing everything manually (literally sitting there with gimp running with a bunch of windows open putting frames together from the "cels" and saving per frame) instead of using dedicated 2D animation software, I might of been done faster, but doing it the long way helps with catching minor errors, so I guess there's that."
"(...)the .avi is the only one of the two that runs at proper speed, for some reason there was some sort of exporting issues with converting the framerate to milliseconds or something."
"And a special thanks to the anon who coloured the backgrounds, for without whom this wouldn't of been finished.": Anon
That anon also wanted to "make it apparent that it was a random anon who coloured this and not the original animator."
For anyone curious, there's a fairly comprehensive rundown of the stages of colouring progress in the 8ch thread before the post linked in source.

  • Comments
  • Is this not playing back for anyone else? Trying to play/upload this .gif on this toaster of a rig I've got isn't doing much of anything for me.
    Clearly time to get new hardware.

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  • Why was this deleted? Nothing about it is an advertisement nor does it promote a paysite. I'm confused.

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  • This wasn't paysite/commercial content, though. The original would have to be paid content, as well, yet it is allowed on here. How can an edit of the original be deleted for being an edit of paid content if the original is allowed on here?

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  • Was kinda expecting to get 101% hate from this one...

    Tailed said:
    Why was this deleted? Nothing about it is an advertisement nor does it promote a paysite. I'm confused.

    StukaXCII said:
    How is this paid content when the original animation is free for everyone?

    Dook_E_Howser said:
    This wasn't paysite/commercial content, though. The original would have to be paid content, as well, yet it is allowed on here. How can an edit of the original be deleted for being an edit of paid content if the original is allowed on here?

    There's difference between advertisement and paid content: first one is material to make you buy stuff, other is stuff already bought. Both are covered in our guidelines if you want to read: uploading_guidelines

    Free animation is 450p, artist is giving out 720p for patrons only (you can even read this from parent post description), this is 2x upscaled from 720p version, thus it falls as edit of paid material as well as artificial upscale, neither are things we allow here. Someone feel completely free to prove me wrong, would be happy to be able to restore this one.

    Edit itself is so well made that there can be leaning made with upscale part in this case, but paid material is still full on DNP. Only if artist gives us permission to host paid version in any way we can host this, so get artist to be in contact of our head admin for that.

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  • Mairo said:
    Was kinda expecting to get 101% hate from this one...

    There's difference between advertisement and paid content: first one is material to make you buy stuff, other is stuff already bought. Both are covered in our guidelines if you want to read: uploading_guidelines

    Free animation is 450p, artist is giving out 720p for patrons only (you can even read this from parent post description), this is 2x upscaled from 720p version, thus it falls as edit of paid material as well as artificial upscale, neither are things we allow here. Someone feel completely free to prove me wrong, would be happy to be able to restore this one.

    Edit itself is so well made that there can be leaning made with upscale part in this case, but paid material is still full on DNP. Only if artist gives us permission to host paid version in any way we can host this, so get artist to be in contact of our head admin for that.

    Okay, that I understand, but no one understood the reasoning behind it because all it says is that it's paid content or something. How would we know that this edit is artificially scaled up or the Patreon version sized up. I think you can see how this would be misinterpreted by the standard viewer yes? Most of us don't have scaling programs and such to determine whether something is safe or not, so I'm glad that we have mods and such like yourself to monitor issues like these. At the same time, you should understand why people were confused given that the reason seemed whack until further explanation. Thank you for clarifying.

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  • Mairo said:
    Was kinda expecting to get 101% hate from this one...

    I mentioned to whoever messaged me about it, but we don't actually know what the source video for this was. There's no mention in the sources of which one was used, and the closest to any mention of it by the person who made the edit was "Source rez is 720p, despite that I was working at a upscaled 1440p because 720 frankly isn't good enough.". The only thing we can say for certain is that they knew of a 720p version, and decided to upscale whatever version they were working with to 1440p before making subsequent edits (then downscaled to 720p to post a dong edit before working on the color edit), or upscaled the 450p version to 720p, and then later to 1440p for some reason.
    I don't believe there would of been any notable difference between a 720p version and the 450p one we have here, there's not much detail to be gained that I could tell watching the 450p one. Of course, there's no way for me to know what this 720p one looks like for comparison, so I couldn't say. But no one else could say either unless whomever made the edit comes along and says something, or someone with the 720p version comes along and tries to re-create the upscale and color process with both versions to see how they compare.
    I'd error on the side of the fact that we don't know, and that it's clearly a edit with a lot of time put into making it look good, with lots of people who'd like to see it up.

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  • Tailed said:
    Okay, that I understand, but no one understood the reasoning behind it because all it says is that it's paid content or something. How would we know that this edit is artificially scaled up or the Patreon version sized up. I think you can see how this would be misinterpreted by the standard viewer yes? Most of us don't have scaling programs and such to determine whether something is safe or not, so I'm glad that we have mods and such like yourself to monitor issues like these. At the same time, you should understand why people were confused given that the reason seemed whack until further explanation. Thank you for clarifying.

    Yeah, that's why I do like commenting on these kind of matters, this was just one of those cases where I know that many liked the content itself so much that I would make things even worse by fueling those fires with commenting on the matter.

    I could always just go with the way "I'm right" and just ignore everyone, but usually when shouts get ignored it can really easily turn into anger and those shouting thinking they are right and need to be heard - and sometimes they are right.

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  • Mairo said:

    If the colored version was downscaled to match the free version's resolution, would that be acceptable here?

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  • Anonomn said:
    I mentioned to whoever messaged me about it, but we don't actually know what the source video for this was. There's no mention in the sources of which one was used, and the closest to any mention of it by the person who made the edit was "Source rez is 720p, despite that I was working at a upscaled 1440p because 720 frankly isn't good enough.". The only thing we can say for certain is that they knew of a 720p version, and decided to upscale whatever version they were working with to 1440p before making subsequent edits (then downscaled to 720p to post a dong edit before working on the color edit), or upscaled the 450p version to 720p, and then later to 1440p for some reason.
    I don't believe there would of been any notable difference between a 720p version and the 450p one we have here, there's not much detail to be gained that I could tell watching the 450p one. Of course, there's no way for me to know what this 720p one looks like for comparison, so I couldn't say. But no one else could say either unless whomever made the edit comes along and says something, or someone with the 720p version comes along and tries to re-create the upscale and color process with both versions to see how they compare.
    I'd error on the side of the fact that we don't know, and that it's clearly a edit with a lot of time put into making it look good, with lots of people who'd like to see it up.

    There is ever so slightly more detail on 720p version and 720p version can only be accessed from artists patreon, so thus if I'm doing my job correctly, that's considered to be paid material which is DNP. Just because someone was unaware of this doesn't change the factual state of the situation.

    I know that when editing content you need to work with best source material possible and even 720p is kinda low res, but these are the sites rules and thus we need actual permission to overrule the DNP.

    Ijerk said:
    If the colored version was downscaled to match the free version's resolution, would that be acceptable here?

    No. That would be inferior version to this post.

    So like I said above, best course of action would be to make artist aware of the situation and be in contact with our head admin to restore this.

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