natani and zen (twokinds) created by tom fischbach

"Assassin Siblings, Catching Up, Pt 2"

Sketch of the 1035th page of TwoKinds.


Natani: Oh, yeah. There’s been… quite a few changes recently you missed out on.

Natani: If Kat didn’t tell you, I guess the biggest one would be that… Well… the secret’s out.

Zen: Woah, seriously?!

Zen: You mean… everyone knows that you’re…?

Natani: Yeaaah. Pretty much. Well, actually, I’m not sure if Stripes or her human actually saw it, but…

Natani: While they’re both a little dense, even if they didn’t notice my scent that day I’m sure word has spread.

Zen: Wow… I can’t believe it.

Natani: You really didn’t know? You usually root through my mind right away for this stuff.

Zen: No, like I said, your memories are closed off to me. I figured you were keeping me out. I could have pushed, but I didn’t want to pry.

Natani: (thoughts) Huh, weird. I wonder if the link is weaker… of if my mind is stronger, now?

Zen: So… how did people react?

Natani: Oh, well… I’m not sure. I’m still kinda waiting for the blowout from it. No one’s said anything to my face yet, but I can tell some of them look at me different, now. Especially the Basitins and Blondie’s ship hands.

Natani: I hate that they act different. What does it matter to them whether or not I have breasts?

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  • Comments
  • Kassimor said:
    Gee it's almost like you being a women actually matters, you braindead retard.
    Still love you though, Natani.

    Guys im pretty sure what he means is that no one in universe cares and thus the whole hiding the fact was a non issue she was worrying over nothing, I think?
    I prefer to assume bad wording before malice.

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