european mythology and etc created by rajii
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Just a Kiss You Say? - by rajii

Posted a while back on my Patreon

Random girly centaur presenting his donut, ready to be cream-filled ^.^

I want to change the way I post things in my Patreon page, mainly because I don't get to do it often enough and newcomers don't get to see the rewards for past images 'cause they, inevitably, missed the 'pledging window' for them and could only contribute for next piece after they pledge.
I going to change it to a monthly contribution instead of the current per-creation donation system. This won't happen right away though, because I need to re-think the reward tiers and all that stuff....and my mind is not up for the task right now U_U

I'd love it if you consider supporting me through patreon at but keep in mind what I said before, depending on you pledge, you would be contributing for the next image but eventually you would get access to previous rewards after I figure things out :]

Thank you for your time and consideration and I'm sorry for the wall of text and for spam posting, I'm done for now x3

  • Comments
  • Al_Gone said:
    It took me longer than I would like to admit to figure out this wasn't German.

    ...really? This doesn't bear even a passing resemblance to German. In fact, I would not be able to translate it because the way English has turned an interjection into both a noun and a verb has no equivalent in German.

    Zehn von zehn... unfs? Würde wieder unfen? No, doesn't work.

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  • SevenfoldSymmetry said:
    ...really? This doesn't bear even a passing resemblance to German. In fact, I would not be able to translate it because the way English has turned an interjection into both a noun and a verb has no equivalent in German.

    Zehn von zehn... unfs? Würde wieder unfen? No, doesn't work.

    rip, joke.

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  • Even centaurs are not safe from futanari mutilations anymore.
    Wonder Woman next? The centaurettes from Disney's Fantasia? Will the next i-comic by Toril Orlesky feature male centaurs with boobs and vaginas?
    I'm developing a serious identity crisis!

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  • Vestiphobic said:
    Even centaurs are not safe from futanari mutilations anymore.
    Wonder Woman next? The centaurettes from Disney's Fantasia? Will the next i-comic by Toril Orlesky feature male centaurs with boobs and vaginas?
    I'm developing a serious identity crisis!

    This is clearly not a hermaphrodite, as the term "futanari" literally translates to.

    This is a femboy stallion.

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