created by ruaidri


So, anybody who's been paying attention to the games I've been playing lately probably knows that for a while there I was playing a ton of Titan Quest. Tons and tons of it. Like, hundreds of hours. xD

Anyway, one of the enemies you eventually run across in that game is literally just big anthro tiger fellows. They have swords. And axes. And sometimes maces. They're kind of awesome.

Anyway, every time I saw one of those I thought "I should really draw a tiger." and... so I did. I actually wanted it to be something smutty, but I guess the tiger preferred to be a tease and not show you his bits. Sorry tigerbit lovers!

On the art side of things, I wanted to try something a little bit different and see how it would work. Results are... yeah, looks pretty good, but I'll have to try it a few more times to see what really comes of it. Also, very happy I've finally find a method of doing white fur that seems to consistantly work very well. Excellent! Things are feelin' good.

So yeah, tiger dude. Lemme know your thoughts, folks.

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