fox mccloud (nintendo and etc) created by miles57

When you go out exploring and happen upon some relic of unknown origin, particularly something like a ring with undecipherable runes, maybe it's not the best idea to try sliding it over your cock.
Fox did just that in the cockpit of his Arwing and paid quite the price for his foolishness... The mysterious ring he excavated from the ground of a remote jungle seemed to tightly vanish into his flesh, and then his cock split into two! Two cocks sure seemed nice, but the ring's enchantments doubled his endowments again, and again, and again, and again! And then a final time, leaving him with an absurd 64 canine penises fighting for space on his lithe frame.
Luckily for him all 64 of his cocks seem to fit back into his sheath, and enlarged balls aside his bulge is deceptively normal. Even so, such a ridiculous development carries quite the complications with it...

(Feel free to say it. WTF.)

This ludicrous piece came to be when I wanted to see how far I could take multi-cock, and felt like drawing Fox McCloud.
It got so far that I needed to utilise 3D software to figure out how to position his cocks.
Honestly I doubt I'll ever try and pull a stunt like this again, but drawing this was certainly...interesting. :X
Stay tuned for your regular hyper shenanigans.

I wrote up a short story to go with the pic, nothing much but check it out I suppose?

  • Comments
  • RunawayDanish said:

    If this is the "bloomin' onion" I fear to ask for the "Chocolate Thunder from Down Under"

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  • Ozzydreamurr said:
    I hate to say this but... theres to many

    I highly agree with you on this one way too many also how is he not dizzy or passed out from the lost of that much blood? ಠ_ಠ

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  • You know when just blowing on your cock feels a bit good? Imagine that like a hundred times! He'd have to put a space helmet like orb around his dicks just to function. And don't get me started on transportation! Riding anything would be like frotting with a whole football team at once!

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  • I am the bone of my porn
    Hard is my body and furry is my logic
    I have fapped over a thousand times
    Unknown to girlfriends
    Nor known to life
    Have withstood bitches to soil many napkins
    So as I wank

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  • catman9222 said:
    I am the bone of my porn
    Hard is my body and furry is my logic
    I have fapped over a thousand times
    Unknown to girlfriends
    Nor known to life
    Have withstood bitches to soil many napkins
    So as I wank

    Never again reference FATE/

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  • It is going though his nut sack, he looks dead, the dicks are creating a half sphere and it appears to be going through him.... He is dead it is only a matter of time before the dick sphere leaves him and goes after another host to feast on them while they decay

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  • I can understand someone being into multidick, but this might be a bit much. I mean, I would not really be able to be turned on by Krystal with that many tits, so who is the specific person who is turned on by Fox Mccloud with this many dicks? Like, who specifically. This is probably a good example of "only one person has this fetish". Wait, back up, I'm kinda assuming this is a commission. There's always the chance the artist was like, "Hmm, I wonder how many dicks I can draw on one character coming solely from their crotch?", and this was the result.

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  • tiki45 said:
    I highly agree with you on this one way too many also how is he not dizzy or passed out from the lost of that much blood? ಠ_ಠ

    The blood is stored in the penis. eternally E R E C T

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  • i can't believe someone counted the amount of cocks in there just to make the "64 penises" tag

    and i can't believe i actually counted them just to check if it was correct

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