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MemberMmh, can't tell why, but I actually trust the guy, his concern feels genuine. (It's a boy right?)
Ambus on the other hand, might have some trust issues thanks to Mindes. I feel like he might reject that hand.
Still hoping for a happy ending tho!
user 353995
MemberIt has EYELASHES!
Iku the Lewdtsune
Memberlets hope this one is a kinder one than mindes. and stays true to that as well
MemberMoment of truth
MemberYour point being?
MemberIsn't that eyeliner?
MemberI don't trust this new guy... It's just me having a bad feeling about this
MemberIt’s Mindes. I’m calling it.
Battle Fennec
MemberIt can't be Mindes. Look at the tail.
MemberNot only that but I don't think grim is the kinda artist that would resolve a story with such an overused cliche.
MemberDusk form and a shiny midnight form, I think this is gonna work out just fine
MemberI've got a feeling maybe Mindes might catch wind of this and get possessive and something bad will happen.But I'm hoping for a good ending.
MemberI was right
Memberthat look a like mindes got some thick-ass eyebrows
MemberI’m calling it, This guy turns out to be one of those shiny hunters who ACTUALLY torture shinies, and Mindes is the only one who finds out and saves him... oooorrrr, since this guy is litterally named GRIMart... He doesn’t.
MemberOr he's called grimart because grim reaper, previous comics of his have had good/cliche endings too. What's in a name anyways?
MemberHmmm....too early to judge the new guy.
MemberAaaand there's the kidnapper...
Remember how earlier in the comic it showed instructions on that site for "attracting shineys"? yep. step one is a go.
MemberMy personal theory is that this guy will be the opposite of Mindes.
Meaning he won't care about his color, but instead focus on what he is inside, his personality.
Dusk guy seem to be aware of his own difference, but is proud of it and don't let others talk shit about it, like shown here when he refuses to be called a freak.
Ambus color won't matter to him, because he himself is unusual too.
I also get the feeling that this comic will end soon. With the one year skip and the sudden sunset setting, to me it just screams "a bright new beginning" kind of scene, not "this random dude is faking his concern and wants to kidnap you"
But that's just how I see things, maybe i'm just pulling that outta my ass and next page he'll pull out a knife and stabs him in the back, we'll see.
MemberBack earlier the person torturing the other missing Pokémon on that site had the same color voice bubble. So I'm calling that this doesn't end well. Oh, and that it's the same person.
MemberThat person in the video also had completely different finger shape (no black claws) and fur color for their hand.
MemberIs anyone else voicing the new character in your head with a country accient or just me??
BlockedI don't know. They don't grow genitals until it's time for sex >.>
user 353995
MemberI dusk lycanroc cant be as rare as a shiny can they?
MemberI can't help but reading the dusk lycanroc in a scottish accent
MemberI can't help but laugh at Ambus in the fourth panel
Membersame here my dude.
MemberAnd now I am caught up....whyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!
Either way wow this comic goes up and down a lot, my emotions are all over the place. It was so cute and sweet at first, then got...dark and intense. Lets hope this is another up scale moment, bring back the cute moments!
BlockedIt doesn't look like a duck lycanroc (it's not as orange >=/)
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