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  • Comments
  • As tasteless as this is, I can't stop laughing at it.

    I knew there was a reason I hated that damn pastry-cat.

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  • Meatmincer said:
    I didn't even smile.

    Vinvin said:
    I hope you die painful.

    Come on people, lighten up. It's good to have a bit of levity in our lives. True, this is and was a horrible day in history, but why waste time being sad and serious all the time?

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  • sigh... a insult filled with good intentions ment to make us laugh at a time of sadness and to help us remember that horrid day.. but in turn he pissed people off as well

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  • CL said:
    Who ever voted this up one is a douch. This event you are supposed to respect. There is nuttin funny about this.

    They've said that about, Hindenburg, AIDS, Pearl Harbour, the Titanic and every tragedy that has come before this, they will say the same thing about every tragedy after too.

    It's time to stop keeping this alive, it's time to move on now.

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  • Do you live in the US of A? If you do then at least show respect for the people who died on that day. Nearly 3000 people died for NO REASON!

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  • CL said:
    Do you live in the US of A? If you do then at least show respect for the people who died on that day. Nearly 3000 people died for NO REASON!

    Oh, there was a reason.
    Wasn't very good though.

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  • slyroon

    Former Staff

    This post was flagged for deletion. Reason: its offensive. By: kagekitsune.

    That is not a valid reason.


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  • CL said:
    Do you live in the US of A? If you do then at least show respect for the people who died on that day. Nearly 3000 people died for NO REASON!

    No reason? History says the contrary...

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  • Hell yea thats a good reason. My cousie died in that attack. So many other families were seperated and permanently scarred.

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  • Funny thing is, the same people who say 'Oh no, that is horrible' are likely the same people who partake in earlier jokes of horrible events most probably without even realizing it.

    @CL Of course they didn't die for 'no reason', they died for a big ass insurance payout, and they got to see Nyan cat before he was famous! :O

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  • Oh come on. Yo Americans let the whole world to believe that this happened "just yesterday" for the last 10 years.

    Its a (strange/bad) joke. If ya dont like it dont click at it.

    btw i lol'd because of the catface.

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  • You sir!...are a good comedian!
    I laughed silly.

    Now to see the response to this: All those silly americans,they always remember 9.11 as a grim day in history,and it is,2985 peoples lost their life that day

    In Hiroshima 1945,americans killed 66000 people by dropping the nuke-You almost never hear about it

    In nagasaki same year they killed 40000-also almost never heard

    In Vietnam 2,000,000 Vietnamese civilians on both sides died,I didn't even know that,i had to look it up

    In Iraq they killed 150,726 civilian and combatants(note:i took this from wikipedia,not sure if all iraqi or mixed numbers with americans)some news,but mostly how americans were dieing there

    now they are stiiring shit in Lybia...

    All that bullshit,easy...september 11th? biggest bloodshed in history...Bitch,please.

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  • Rattrap6 said:
    You sir!...are a good comedian!
    I laughed silly.

    Now to see the response to this: All those silly americans,they always remember 9.11 as a grim day in history,and it is,2985 peoples lost their life that day

    In Hiroshima 1945,americans killed 66000 people by dropping the nuke-You almost never hear about it

    In nagasaki same year they killed 40000-also almost never heard

    In Vietnam 2,000,000 Vietnamese civilians on both sides died,I didn't even know that,i had to look it up

    In Iraq they killed 150,726 civilian and combatants(note:i took this from wikipedia,not sure if all iraqi or mixed numbers with americans)some news,but mostly how americans were dieing there

    now they are stiiring shit in Lybia...

    All that bullshit,easy...september 11th? biggest bloodshed in history...Bitch,please.

    time to educate you.
    1. pearl harbor was an attack from japan in order to take out our naval defense.that was an act of war. we won.
    2. the nuclear bombs we had to drop or else they would of kept on fighting. we won.
    3. 9/11 is different from them because it was done for "their religion" basically. they attacked us and we kicked some ass and 2985 people wont die in vain.
    4. and finally the civil war 1861-1865 was the bloodiest battle in history. it was americans fighting americans. no other war has lost that many americans since.

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  • Kabegami said:
    Come on people, lighten up. It's good to have a bit of levity in our lives. True, this is and was a horrible day in history, but why waste time being sad and serious all the time?

    Yeah you're right, why should we be sad?
    Let's just laugh about the over 3000 people that died.

    You, Sir, are a moron.

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  • Rattrap6 said:
    You sir!...are a good comedian!
    I laughed silly.

    Now to see the response to this: All those silly americans,they always remember 9.11 as a grim day in history,and it is,2985 peoples lost their life that day

    In Hiroshima 1945,americans killed 66000 people by dropping the nuke-You almost never hear about it

    In nagasaki same year they killed 40000-also almost never heard

    In Vietnam 2,000,000 Vietnamese civilians on both sides died,I didn't even know that,i had to look it up

    In Iraq they killed 150,726 civilian and combatants(note:i took this from wikipedia,not sure if all iraqi or mixed numbers with americans)some news,but mostly how americans were dieing there

    now they are stiiring shit in Lybia...

    All that bullshit,easy...september 11th? biggest bloodshed in history...Bitch,please.

    Amazing, I applaud you.

    Really, there have been more deaths in other worldly events and far more bloodshed than 9/11.

    Compared to say, Vietnam or Hiroshima, this event was a minor irritation to the world. It's been ten years now, well all grieved at the time, still do sometimes now but you Americans need to move on. As the human race does. It's hard but keeping in the past won't bring people back or help anyone.

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  • CL said:
    Do you live in the US of A? If you do then at least show respect for the people who died on that day. Nearly 3000 people died for NO REASON!

    No, they died because a muslim religious fanatic with help from rich saudi's really really hated the west and the united states, and wanted to send a message to us.

    Either you get terminally depressed about this stuff, stay mad forever, or enjoy a bit of black humor while you envision the people responsible burning to death while they scream in agony.

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  • CL said:
    time to educate you.
    1. pearl harbor was an attack from japan in order to take out our naval defense.that was an act of war. we won.
    2. the nuclear bombs we had to drop or else they would of kept on fighting. we won.
    3. 9/11 is different from them because it was done for "their religion" basically. they attacked us and we kicked some ass and 2985 people wont die in vain.
    4. and finally the civil war 1861-1865 was the bloodiest battle in history. it was americans fighting americans. no other war has lost that many americans since.

    Yeah Americans made the bloodiest shit in history... Americans against Americans.... Dont you see whats wrong with that picture...

    9/11 is a goddamn lie. 2 buildings hit, 3 Buildings go down! Yeah thats logic.. General physics work in the whole universe but in NY... NO ...NOT in NY. Buildings and planes blow to dust because of cerosenefire that isnt hot enough to melt steel. The temperatur in my forge behind my house has higher temp than that. Earthquakeproof yes, but a simple fire... That makes me think that americans build shity buildings.

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  • I agree 9/11 was bad, but it wasn't nearly as bad as some of the other things that have happened. I feel bad for the victims and their families I really do, but this was 10 years ago and we've lost a hell of a lot more people (not to mention about 3 trillion dollars from an already unstable economy) due to this "War on Terror" than we did on 9/11. Not to mention the thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians who just get caught in the crossfire.

    My point is it's time to let go, its ok to mourn the people we lost but that doesn't mean EVERYBODY should have to as well. I'm trying my best to keep from sounding like a jackass but it had to be said.

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  • It just pains me to see someone do this. Let me put it this way. What if someone came to your town and blew it up to the heavans or caused a major fallout in a busy section of it for "a religion". Iv always lived in texas but still, they basically dropped the F-bomb and we punched them in the mouth.

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  • you know i see both sides to this pic . its funny in a way not that funny but funny. and we should lighten up or the terrorists have won. if you kill the u.s.a stronge you can kick me but i keep smiling life style then they have one .

    tastesless yes very im thinking this guy that posted this was not from the u.s or posting this on this day! thats just stupid i men what were you thinking that everyone is going to be like ha!! thats some funny shit!!! NO!!! you just pissed off a bunch of people that didn't want to be mad .

    geez i know its the net but why post tasteless crap and think its ok ?

    i think we should just let this go and move on because this is what he/she want to happen , piss off a bunch of people

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  • CL said:
    time to educate you.
    1. pearl harbor was an attack from japan in order to take out our naval defense.that was an act of war. we won.
    2. the nuclear bombs we had to drop or else they would of kept on fighting. we won.
    3. 9/11 is different from them because it was done for "their religion" basically. they attacked us and we kicked some ass and 2985 people wont die in vain.
    4. and finally the civil war 1861-1865 was the bloodiest battle in history. it was americans fighting americans. no other war has lost that many americans since.


    The attacks weren't for 'religion'. If it was a religious attack, they would of had attacked a religious event or building.

    Attacking both the financial center and military HQ is called a political attack, and has nothing to do with religion. Even Mohammed Atta's written testimony, given by the FBI and submitted to the 9/11 Commission, described the attack as political, due to the 'unqualified US support to Israel' and supporting a rogue state that is killing Mohammed Atta's people.

    And of course, the Middle East is shit right now because of how the US Government funded and supported these middle eastern countries with corrupt governments and fascist leaders, while they get their share of oil for less due to low wages and hardly any regulations of anything.

    Oh yeah, it's a day to remember and respect as the day we deserved this shit for letting it happen. And the day that our government allowed the attacks for a just cause to go into war and stop Saddam and not go after Osama Bin Laden.

    As usual, dumb-numbed Americans, like CL, know shit about things outside their country. And even if he isn't American, he's still an idiot.

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  • Arcanine09 said:

    The attacks weren't for 'religion'. If it was a religious attack, they would of had attacked a religious event or building.

    Attacking both the financial center and military HQ is called a political attack, and has nothing to do with religion. Even Mohammed Atta's written testimony, given by the FBI and submitted to the 9/11 Commission, described the attack as political, due to the 'unqualified US support to Israel' and supporting a rogue state that is killing Mohammed Atta's people.

    And of course, the Middle East is shit right now because of how the US Government funded and supported these middle eastern countries with corrupt governments and fascist leaders, while they get their share of oil for less due to low wages and hardly any regulations of anything.

    Oh yeah, it's a day to remember and respect as the day we deserved this shit for letting it happen. And the day that our government allowed the attacks for a just cause to go into war and stop Saddam and not go after Osama Bin Laden.

    As usual, dumb-numbed Americans, like CL, know shit about things outside their country. And even if he isn't American, he's still an idiot.

    Dude you shut the fuck up. You believe what those dumb ass who think like you. You know nothing, you think you do for watching some dumb ass news channels and shit. I hope you go to hell, this thing is wrong and dumb, nyan cat or whatever its called is stupid, and you are just a plain ignorant dumb fuck who believes whatever his mommy tells him. Get a job you lazy fuck, get a life, and get out of your parents basement believing that shit will get you no where for all you know is false you stupid fuck, go outside and learn first hand.

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  • Delamain said:
    Dude you shut the fuck up. You believe what those dumb ass who think like you. You know nothing, you think you do for watching some dumb ass news channels and shit. I hope you go to hell, this thing is wrong and dumb, nyan cat or whatever its called is stupid, and you are just a plain ignorant dumb fuck who believes whatever his mommy tells him. Get a job you lazy fuck, get a life, and get out of your parents basement believing that shit will get you no where for all you know is false you stupid fuck, go outside and learn first hand.

    I don't watch the news. I read fuckin' content.

    You shit the fuck up, and go to your job or girlfriend, instead of debating in a furry forum about your no-life.

    I live in a fuckin' hotel, working with my family. I PROBABLY make more money per month than you do in a year, since you do nothing.

    So go suck a dick, you lazy git.

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  • Delamain said:
    Dude you shut the fuck up. You believe what those dumb ass who think like you. You know nothing, you think you do for watching some dumb ass news channels and shit. I hope you go to hell, this thing is wrong and dumb, nyan cat or whatever its called is stupid, and you are just a plain ignorant dumb fuck who believes whatever his mommy tells him. Get a job you lazy fuck, get a life, and get out of your parents basement believing that shit will get you no where for all you know is false you stupid fuck, go outside and learn first hand.

    BOOOM you nailed him to the floor. Now he will reaget his posting and cry in his basement. BAWHAHA

    You sir. You should get out of your basement!

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  • Oh lawwwwwwd, this is some prime trollin'.

    9/11 needs to be forgotten already. Seriously, fellow Americans. It was sad, it was tragic, and it was a pretty dick move in all of history- but as with all other events like it, us commemorating it every year is not going to bring anybody back. Get over it already.

    People died. Yes. People die everyday. Some in, I daresay, worse ways. Future generations will look on that day the same way we do the Civil War, or Katrina- an event that happened years ago that cut short a couple thousand lives, that holds little in relation to what we need to do today.

    It was ten years ago. Let it go.

    On another note, fuckity fuck fucking fuck fuckers. Since apparently, I need to have at least five fucks in my statement for me to appear like I have an opinion more valid than other people. Lolque?

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  • Marbles said:

    Weren't you already banned once for posting stuff like that?

    What's your point? :|

    I'm simply counter-arguing.

    If mods or admins see it fit to ban me for shit I have a right to debate, while everyone else is doing it, then that's their choice.

    But I care not.

    What's your point in bringing that up, really? :|

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  • Hiroshima, Pearl Harbor,the killing fields of Pol Pot, Auschwitz, the Russian gulags and their untold dead... it's not a matter of who's right or wrong. All of mankind are a murderous lot. The remembrance of these atrocities deserves some reverence and some reflection. It's a sad reality that 9/11 marks the deaths of innocents put into motion the events that killed so many innocent people in the middle east. Ok, fine, post some lame little schoup making fun of it. Post the cartoons of Muhammad as well. While you're at it post a cartoon of Theo van Gogh being stabbed and some self-immolating Buhddhist monks. In the end it all adds up to nothing. If you can laugh at such tragedies there's something wrong. I feel sorry for you. How empty your life must be.

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  • Caricatures of Muhammed... This brought us censored South Park. No one gives a shit about it for years. Now you get Buttsecksed even if you think of drawing such things. Its the same with the pic above.

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  • The person who edited this picture it is just as bad as Osama.

    Simply tasteless and vile. Even the uploader is not better, since he still supports something!

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  • Xir'nakal said:
    Why does this get so many thumbs up when a picture similarly mocking the event using ponies gets so much hate?

    I was asking myself the exact same thing..

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  • I love how everyone gets all huffy about the 9/11 crap.

    Guess what, it was TEN YEARS AGO. People died horrible deaths every day and nobody seems to give a crap about them, but suddenly 9/11 is the most important event in history and everybody who died was a 'hero'.

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  • MoistPancake said:
    I love how everyone gets all huffy about the 9/11 crap.

    Guess what, it was TEN YEARS AGO. People died horrible deaths every day and nobody seems to give a crap about them, but suddenly 9/11 is the most important event in history and everybody who died was a 'hero'.

    You absolutly right.

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  • @ MoistPancake/TheFurSeeker: No respect for the dead? May we also make fun of you when you're dead? You've probably lost anyone on 9 / 11. That's why you have not the foresight to recognize how such mindless actions on others (affected) arrives.

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  • Durahan said:
    @ MoistPancake/TheFurSeeker: No respect for the dead? May we also make fun of you when you're dead? You've probably lost anyone on 9 / 11. That's why you have not the foresight to recognize how such mindless actions on others (affected) arrives.

    What if the dead didn't want to see us grieving and mourning over their loss, and instead wanted us to be all fun and chippy about their deaths? I'm sure they'll be grateful.

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  • MetalheadOmega said:
    You people have no idea how insulting this is to the people who lived through this

    Maybe, but do you feel sorry about me because russians kills 3/4 of my family during WW2? No you dont. Will you feel sorry about me if this happens again? Maybe, if it is all over the news like 9/11. Even here in Germany it is all over the news again. Every year. Like Hitler who is all over since 1945. I cant hear it anymore. I go now and puke into a bucket.

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  • CL said:
    Who ever voted this up one is a douch. This event you are supposed to respect. There is nuttin funny about this.

    heh. . .and I wonder how many Americans respect December 7th, or June 6th. May 8th. August 15th. No one respects those days anymore, so why be OMFG serious about these? It's supposed to lighten up a serious event. It happens. Not saying I completely approved of the pic.

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  • Arcanine09 said:

    The attacks weren't for 'religion'. If it was a religious attack, they would of had attacked a religious event or building.

    Attacking both the financial center and military HQ is called a political attack, and has nothing to do with religion. Even Mohammed Atta's written testimony, given by the FBI and submitted to the 9/11 Commission, described the attack as political, due to the 'unqualified US support to Israel' and supporting a rogue state that is killing Mohammed Atta's people.

    And of course, the Middle East is shit right now because of how the US Government funded and supported these middle eastern countries with corrupt governments and fascist leaders, while they get their share of oil for less due to low wages and hardly any regulations of anything.

    Oh yeah, it's a day to remember and respect as the day we deserved this shit for letting it happen. And the day that our government allowed the attacks for a just cause to go into war and stop Saddam and not go after Osama Bin Laden.

    As usual, dumb-numbed Americans, like CL, know shit about things outside their country. And even if he isn't American, he's still an idiot.

    yes im american. i live in texas and if you come up to my doorstep i have a RIGHT to shoot you. unfortunately i dont have a gun. where do you live, canada? australia? FRANCE?! just imagine that anyone of your relatives or close friends you liked and he/she didnt do nothing wrong and then killed in an instant. i had a cousin and hes been dead for 10 years. gone and never retrieved. he was one of nearly 3000 people who died. watch the 9/11 video and tell me that you can watch it without feeling sorry for all of those people.

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  • Tragedy will always be laughed at, so deal with it. And to be honest, it's been 10 years and there have been worse tragedies during that time. So quit painting it as "the worst event in human history" and being so butthurt about it whenever someone jokes about it. Most people make fun of 9/11 just because there's plenty of people who are overly touchy about the subject.

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  • More people die of starvation each year than at the 9.11.01 attack. People making humor out of something horrid is a coping mechanism that has been around for ages. It's been TEN YEARS. If after ten years this sort of thing stings enough that someone trying to lighten up things over it by making something silly, then the folks who did this act have won. Yes some folks had family and friends there. Yes it sucks on a personal level for those who have to relive losing a loved one. But for the rest of everyone in the States who can't get beyond this... again, letting the terrorists win.

    The fact that the same folks who baww about this sort of thing getting posted and then will laugh at an image macro of the Hindenberg exploding or other such disasters in history, even ones with death counts far and above this event points even more to the sheer self-centered nature of humanity. Tragedies happen. Pick yourself up and if you can't lighten up the tragedy with humor after a decade, go see a shrink.

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  • TheFurSeeker said:
    Yeah Americans made the bloodiest shit in history... Americans against Americans.... Dont you see whats wrong with that picture...

    9/11 is a goddamn lie. 2 buildings hit, 3 Buildings go down! Yeah thats logic.. General physics work in the whole universe but in NY... NO ...NOT in NY. Buildings and planes blow to dust because of cerosenefire that isnt hot enough to melt steel. The temperatur in my forge behind my house has higher temp than that. Earthquakeproof yes, but a simple fire... That makes me think that americans build shity buildings.

    if you live in australia, look on its history of haw it got started. it got started by bringing prisioners. you live in a prison country. if you live in france, they got embarrassed, overthrown lost lousiana, and taken over by hitler so take that. if you live in china, just fuck you and drop the charges so america can be out of this debt. if you live here in the states (im assuming that you live in california) quit complaning. imagine if a terrorist struck LA? that would be hell. or the san andreas fault, faulted. you would be fucked. but where ever you are america has som old great buildings that is over 200 years old and still standing. take the alamao for example. NY has som built in the 1890s. what buildings do you have that are still standing to this day? they cant be better than americas. they are built with pride.

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  • CL said:
    if you live in australia, look on its history of haw it got started. it got started by bringing prisioners. you live in a prison country. if you live in france, they got embarrassed, overthrown lost lousiana, and taken over by hitler so take that. if you live in china, just fuck you and drop the charges so america can be out of this debt. if you live here in the states (im assuming that you live in california) quit complaning. imagine if a terrorist struck LA? that would be hell. or the san andreas fault, faulted. you would be fucked. but where ever you are america has som old great buildings that is over 200 years old and still standing. take the alamao for example. NY has som built in the 1890s. what buildings do you have that are still standing to this day? they cant be better than americas. they are built with pride.

    äh your country is around since what? 1776. We have buildings who are older than your whole USA here in Germany.

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  • I laughed hard as shit to this.

    Life is short people, im sure the people that died from this event is telling us to let it go!

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  • I have seen the very worst of my fellow Americans come out of this attack. Phobias towards Muslims, news programs making huge issues about the community center that was supposed to be built in down-town New York. If you want to get mad about someone misusing this tragedy, this image is the LEAST of your concerns.

    Get pissed, instead, about the fact that your fellow Americans have used this as an excuse to throw away civil liberties through the patriot act, to spread hatred and misunderstanding towards Islamic folks, and to further agendas left and right.

    The last of your worries should be an image using the event for humor. The first of your worries should be the folks who use this to create something far more sinister than a chuckle.

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  • Celeritus said:
    I have seen the very worst of my fellow Americans come out of this attack. Phobias towards Muslims, news programs making huge issues about the community center that was supposed to be built in down-town New York. If you want to get mad about someone misusing this tragedy, this image is the LEAST of your concerns.

    Get pissed, instead, about the fact that your fellow Americans have used this as an excuse to throw away civil liberties through the patriot act, to spread hatred and misunderstanding towards Islamic folks, and to further agendas left and right.

    The last of your worries should be an image using the event for humor. The first of your worries should be the folks who use this to create something far more sinister than a chuckle.


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  • CL said:
    <long text wich i'm not going to debate>
    what buildings do you have that are still standing to this day? they cant be better than americas. they are built with pride.

    Burg Rabenstein or "castle Rabenstein" built before 1336 a.c. mainly made out of stone, wood and a hint of iron(just for the flavor/doors).

    I know I am not him but we both seem to share the same opinion on this.

    also, inb4: "fascist nazi-german-scum who faps to furry drawings and laughs at our people despite the fact that we kicked their asses back in WW2."

    yes, the USA did, I think it was a good turn but really, my ancestors would have failed one or two months later anyways.

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  • 9/11 happened ten years ago, get the FUCK over it. People die, shit happens. I'm American, have been for all of my life. You wanna complain about 'Duty' or 'Respecting the dead'. I'm pretty sure the dead wouldn't want us to go to war and get MORE people killed for a stupid reason as this. 3000 people died that day, okay, so what? Like Celeritus said, more people die of starvation then in the attack. It's nothing new. Estimates have shown that in the USA, One person dies every ten seconds. You don't see their deaths advertised on the news, they get a newspaper page with size four font, that's about it.

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  • ^how ever they tried to build a mosque near ground zero, making it look like the middle east was T-bagging USA. I should know because one of the reasons that they build a mosque is to show victory over something.

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  • Yes I'm going to cry everytime 9/11 comes by. I'm going to cry when someone says September. I'm going to cry when they say 11. I'm even going to cry when someones say 7-11 and I can't look at a cup of their coffee without bursting into tears.
    Get a grip.

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  • Let me put it this way then. If 9/11 was THAT long ago (and it wasnt) but if it was then i can say that every one can get over with the killing of the jews with hitler. it was only 61 yrs ago. i can also say that his motive was a good one. im just making a point here.

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  • This post was flagged for deletion. Reason: its offensive. By: kagekitsune.


    Idiots can't over something 11 years ago.

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  • CL said:
    yes im american. i live in texas and if you come up to my doorstep i have a RIGHT to shoot you. unfortunately i dont have a gun. where do you live, canada? australia? FRANCE?! just imagine that anyone of your relatives or close friends you liked and he/she didnt do nothing wrong and then killed in an instant. i had a cousin and hes been dead for 10 years. gone and never retrieved. he was one of nearly 3000 people who died. watch the 9/11 video and tell me that you can watch it without feeling sorry for all of those people.

    I live in America. :|

    And unlike you, I have a more open mind than you will ever have.

    And since you live in Texas, I guess it's true: Everything is bigger in Texas, even their ignorance and ego in unmatched. No wonder Bush couldn't put two and two together in his administration, and he's from Texas. Oh, and he believes the earth was created in 7 days.

    You remind me a lot of him.

    Also, people DO make parodies of the Jewish genocide, and no one gives a shit. In fact, there has been a few in the Sunday comic strips in The Miami Herald, where I live, and I've seen them comparing the extermination of Jews to Bush's decision to go to war. Details of that was a little fuzzy since it was years ago and no one gave a shit.

    So your arguments, as always, CL, are invalid as usual.

    Try again.

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  • CL said:
    Let me put it this way then. If 9/11 was THAT long ago (and it wasnt) but if it was then i can say that every one can get over with the killing of the jews with hitler. it was only 61 yrs ago. i can also say that his motive was a good one. im just making a point here.

    yup, absolutely no difference between 6 million people killed, half of them slaved to death(took 2 months minimum) the rest either shot (most times an instant kill), gassed (took around 5 minutes of horrible pain) or hung (up to 10 min if done for amusement, half a min if done professionaly).
    Also, there was no difference between man, woman or child.

    In the Tower? 3000 People, most of them dead in under one minute, the ones with ill luck up to 3 days.

    We remember the holocaust if we happen to visit one of the "Konzentrationslager" and/or on the occasional event of an text/news/whatever about it.
    You made a fucking event out of it with the whole pack of videos and merchandise.

    And to the motive, both were meant to destruct, no one said otherwise. The only difference is not "religious" but "political".
    However, since in the most countrys/states IS the religious law the law of the state so there aren't big differences.

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  • Hitler wasnt a terrorist. He was just crazy.
    Osama wanted to strike fear into hearts of americans. We could drop the a bomb whenever we want. We choose not to. Hitler didnt make an anti american groups or attack the same place twice. And i dont agree with bush. Im a democrat living in a republican state.

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  • Posting this on 9/11...bad taste...

    Obviously I won't call for things like this to be censored and I don't think it's necessarily "wrong" in a moral sense if kept as a joke among a circle of people it doesn't offend...but posting it publicly on this date of all dates...bad taste...

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  • I don't mean to offend anyone at all, and I'm sorry for those of you who lost family members or friends in 9/11, but this is kinda funny.

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  • From a social standpoint, the sensitivity of any tragedy comes from the people in power (and thus with a voice to say "it was a tragedy" or "meh, get over it") and whether they were around during the event. You don't hear about other tragedies because they wouldn't further any political agenda, or are so removed on a personal standard that it becomes a statistic.

    Why don't I feel bad for the people killed by Pol-Pot? Because I wasn't alive during the event, so I feel no personal stake or responsibility.

    Why don't I feel bad for the many people in Africa dying daily from conflict and starvation? They are geologically removed from my sight, so I (and many others) don't feel any personal stake or responsibility in the matter.

    Why do I feel for 9/11 and the 3000 people who died? Because I saw the airplane strike on television, listening to all the commentary and replays. Suddenly I am not removed from the tragedy by time OR distance, making it a lot more uncomfortable.

    I am writing this to try and prove a point on sensitivity about an event, not to start a new flame war. Please, be a bit more thoughtful on world events, as I personally wouldn't be making a Holocaust edit for laughs.

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  • CL said:
    Hitler wasnt a terrorist. He was just crazy.
    Osama wanted to strike fear into hearts of americans. We could drop the a bomb whenever we want. We choose not to. Hitler didnt make an anti american groups or attack the same place twice. And i dont agree with bush. Im a democrat living in a republican state.

    Wait, so Osama wasn't crazy? He was extremely smart, so smart, that he lived in a cave, ordered OTHERS to do his stuff for HIM, and got away with HIM 'masterminding' the attacks (which is not really what happened and there's no shred of evidence to link him to 9/11) and not Mohammed Atta as him and 18 other hijackers planned the attacks and took it into effect. And of course, Osama didn't confess for the attacks until 2003.

    Wasn't the Bush Administration offered a cooperation by the Taliban to hunt Osama Bin Laden? Of course they did. Why didn't they take it? Because, as Bush said, "there is no negotiation. We will go on our time." In a speech. Oh, and the offer came with a condition: Taliban captures Osama Bin Laden, tried in Afghanistan with US in it's presence, and of course, all that could happen, if they could 'produce the proof he did it'.

    Why do you think we invaded Afghanistan?

    Your kind of people are the most misinformed, most uneducated bunch of the whole lot. I hope nobody in your family is as stupid, CL!

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  • this is too hilarious, thank god i'm not from america or i'd probs ahng myself for laughing at this!....but then again i have seen funnier 9/11 skits......

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  • Wow people, just for those who went into detail here's what you should remember, Its a picture, a dark joke, STFU and laugh or cry about it, yes its a sensitive issue, but so is your life if you could be fucked to write a fucking novel about this, so sit down and approve or disapprove.

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  • Daniel_84 said:
    Does anyone remember that Osama Bin Landen use to be a friend of the Bush family? Conspiracy? Anyone?

    Heard he had dinner with the bin laden family the night before....

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  • Daniel_84 said:
    Does anyone remember that Osama Bin Landen use to be a friend of the Bush family? Conspiracy? Anyone?

    Heard he had dinner with the bin laden family the night before....

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  • ok...ok...lets see here. The USA is kinda like the cop of the world...yeah he busts you for having your music up to loud and thats lame but then again if he wasnt there then everyone would be selling drugs and shooting advice to the americans...stop helping people and become self sustaining again...and then watch what happens, if it turns out good then stay self sustaining and shit if it turns to shit then its time to bring back the law...sigh...its all the governments fault so they can afford 14 year old prostitutes with clit rings of solid diamond

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  • Daniel_84 said:
    Does anyone remember that Osama Bin Landen use to be a friend of the Bush family? Conspiracy? Anyone?

    Dose anyone remember the NORAD drills that morning, where they were simulating what to do if planes crashed in to the towers and the pentigon?

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  • Nuwisha said:
    Dose anyone remember the NORAD drills that morning, where they were simulating what to do if planes crashed in to the towers and the pentigon?

    half an hour before the attacks? With their radars fucked up with simulation blips?

    Yeah, how CONVENIENT to attack that same day. Because Osama had full knowledge of air drill simulation schedules.


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  • TrannyFur said:
    Yes I'm going to cry everytime 9/11 comes by. I'm going to cry when someone says September. I'm going to cry when they say 11. I'm even going to cry when someones say 7-11 and I can't look at a cup of their coffee without bursting into tears.
    Get a grip.

    No, you're going to cry about not being able to have 7-11 coffee because you know you should of had Dunkin' Donuts.

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  • 11 years ago.. get the fuck over it.. Im' american, i lost people in this, but i can laugh at this photo because i got over it.. fuck you all

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  • CL said:
    yes im american. i live in texas and if you come up to my doorstep i have a RIGHT to shoot you. unfortunately i dont have a gun. where do you live, canada? australia? FRANCE?! just imagine that anyone of your relatives or close friends you liked and he/she didnt do nothing wrong and then killed in an instant. i had a cousin and hes been dead for 10 years. gone and never retrieved. he was one of nearly 3000 people who died. watch the 9/11 video and tell me that you can watch it without feeling sorry for all of those people.

    My cousin died 5 years ago, do I get some kind of compensation or pity for it?

    I have seen that video, many times actually, and I can't help but think of jokes about it.

    I just thought of one right now: "Why is the leaning tower of pisa like that?

    It had more reflexes."

    And threatening to shoot people through the internet sounds like something your typical redneck with a baseball cap would say, as stated in this article:

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  • what did all the radio stations play on 9/11? its raining men

    if you cant laugh about it they win

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  • KurogamiRyuta said:
    Amazing, I applaud you.

    Really, there have been more deaths in other worldly events and far more bloodshed than 9/11.

    Compared to say, Vietnam or Hiroshima, this event was a minor irritation to the world. It's been ten years now, well all grieved at the time, still do sometimes now but you Americans need to move on. As the human race does. It's hard but keeping in the past won't bring people back or help anyone.

    Really, more people dye in one day in other parts of the world as did on 9/11, and not many people seem to care. Now I'm not saying I mourn 9/11 and the lives lost but there's more going on in the world then just this...and no, I'm not trying to preach.

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  • OMG 3/4 of the way through the comments I got bored of them. Before that though I laughed xD
    The pic amuses me. The ridiculous people amuse me. This is why I still believe in humanity. At least it's stupidity can still be amusing.

    I live in America and couldn't care less about 9/11. I've lost family in my life yes, would them being in 9/11 make their loss any worse? No.
    Now why don't we all talk a nice shower and cool off.
    Don't breathe too much though. Too much of that gas will kill ya.

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  • z46sy said:
    Really, more people dye in one day in other parts of the world

    Reminds me of those blonde Klingons - it was a good day to dye!

    (Sorry, I normally wouldn't bother with such stupid jokes, but given all of the above, stupidity seems to fit right in here.)

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  • oh man the rage eminating from this image alone is enough to get me through 20 winters.
    and learn to toughen up, UK has been bombed countless times throught the years & generally it's "stiff upper lip" "carry on" "don't panic."

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  • Vizzerdrix said:
    I still say we should have nuked the entire Middle East back to the stone age.

    So, what's your beef with Israel?

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  • Arcanine09 said:
    The attacks weren't for 'religion'. If it was a religious attack, they would of had attacked a religious event or building.

    Global market is the 'religion' of dirty capitalist west, and god is green. :p

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  • KurogamiRyuta said:
    Amazing, I applaud you.

    Really, there have been more deaths in other worldly events and far more bloodshed than 9/11.

    Compared to say, Vietnam or Hiroshima, this event was a minor irritation to the world. It's been ten years now, well all grieved at the time, still do sometimes now but you Americans need to move on. As the human race does. It's hard but keeping in the past won't bring people back or help anyone.

    Just saw this, and I had to say:
    I am an American and I can't stand all the fucking bawwing going on about 9/11. Like that one dude said (like a boss) there have been worse times in history. But no, it doesn't count because it wasn't on AMERICAN turf, right? In my opinion we need to get off 9/11's dick and focus on the same people that blew up the WTC (if they even did it) and keep them (if they even did it) from doing it again, because God knows they'll try eventually.

    In other news, I lol'd.

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  • Kabegami said:
    Come on people, lighten up. It's good to have a bit of levity in our lives. True, this is and was a horrible day in history, but why waste time being sad and serious all the time?

    It's not being sad or serious all the time, it's just that there are some things that you shouldn't joke with. The killing of innocents it's a good example. Don't get me wrong i'm not hating, but this isn't right :\

    Kabegami said:
    Come on people, lighten up. It's good to have a bit of levity in our lives. True, this is and was a horrible day in history, but why waste time being sad and serious all the time?

    Kabegami said:
    Come on people, lighten up. It's good to have a bit of levity in our lives. True, this is and was a horrible day in history, but why waste time being sad and serious all the time?

    Kabegami said:
    Come on people, lighten up. It's good to have a bit of levity in our lives. True, this is and was a horrible day in history, but why waste time being sad and serious all the time?

    Kabegami said:
    Come on people, lighten up. It's good to have a bit of levity in our lives. True, this is and was a horrible day in history, but why waste time being sad and serious all the time?

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  • EXCUSE E MOI! (or however that's spelled)
    It's true that it does not need to be made a big deal of anymore. But that does not mean it shouldn't be forgotten.

    Arcanine09 said:
    The attacks weren't for 'religion'. If it was a religious attack, they would of had attacked a religious event or building.

    you, good sir, have failed. i'm STILL looking through comments BTW.
    They (lol) nyan bombed the 2 towers because we weren't Muslim. simple as that. FUCK the al kaida. lol.

    Besides, if it had gone down like this, Nyan Cat's rainbow would have served as a slide of EPIC for the people to get out of the building.

    OVERALL: This pic;

    Minorly offensive
    Epicly win
    Absolutely hilarious.

    vote my comment down if all you read was "american" otherwise, lol.

    too lazy to spell check my post like i usually do. meh.

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  • 9/11 is a lie,the government did this,so they have a good reason to f**k up muslim and get some oil ------that's what Ive been told.

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  • As loathe as I am to contribute to the drama around here, I'm still gonna throw in my two cents.

    "Forget about it"? Really? You just want to pretend that nearly 3000 people, all of whom where civilians, didn't die in a pointless attack? Perhaps we should forget the holocaust, the dozens of genocides in the last century, and every other catostrophic event that's ever happened.

    Perhaps this would've been less of a big deal if the WTC had been a military target, more along the lines of the Pentagon attack. But it wasn't. It was civilian building, housing civilian workers. People who posed absolutely no threat.

    People who bitch about there being bigger bloodsheds all over the world: yes, there are. But that's exactly where they are; all over the world. 9/11 happened here in America, where we shall remember and commemorate it. The Japanese commemorate the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The Jews commemorate the Holocaust. The Cambodians will commemorate the suffering under Pol Pot. And you can better damn well believe the Norwegians will commemorate July 22. It is every country's duty to remember the attrocities commited against them.

    Yes, it is good to temper sorrow with humor, but for fuck's sake, don't be a cunt about it. If someone say's that something like this is offensive, don't go 'BAWWWWW, stop 'Bawwwww'ing.' Keep an open mind, be considerate of other people's feelings, and allow them to believe what they want to believe.

    Remember. Learn. Progress.

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  • If you still whine about this 10 years later, the terrorists have won even more than they already have, can't you Americans look around you and see what happened to your vaunted freedoms... Living in fear and censoring free speech...

    And nobody except religious idiots gives a shit about Israel.

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  • lolwut? said:
    EXCUSE E MOI! (or however that's spelled)
    It's true that it does not need to be made a big deal of anymore. But that does not mean it shouldn't be forgotten.

    you, good sir, have failed. i'm STILL looking through comments BTW.
    They (lol) nyan bombed the 2 towers because we weren't Muslim. simple as that. FUCK the al kaida. lol.

    Besides, if it had gone down like this, Nyan Cat's rainbow would have served as a slide of EPIC for the people to get out of the building.

    OVERALL: This pic;

    Minorly offensive
    Epicly win
    Absolutely hilarious.

    vote my comment down if all you read was "american" otherwise, lol.

    too lazy to spell check my post like i usually do. meh.

    Either you are trolling or are very stupid.

    If they didn't like us for not being Muslim, then that'd be a religious attack.

    Now, if they didn't like us because we keep bringing shit over to the Middle East, intervene in their affairs, bomb the shit out of them and plant military bases, US ones, all over Middle East for "the interest of our arab allies", and not to mention the issue with Israel and their so-called right to defend itself when it comes to the Palestinians.

    You, sir, have failed worse than I. Much worse. :|

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  • dfx_tent said:
    As tasteless as this is, I can't stop laughing at it.

    I knew there was a reason I hated that damn pastry-cat.


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  • 1: Any underaged American, or otherwise 9/11 victim would find this tasteless if they are not mature.
    2: America is not the whole damn world.

    In regards to this picture: Successful troll is successful.

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  • this may be in fact the longest discussion i have ever seen in a single post on all of .................................................


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  • Vinvin said:
    Yeah you're right, why should we be sad?
    Let's just laugh about the over 3000 people that died.

    You, Sir, are a moron.

    No, I just don't waste time on stuff like this. I pay my respects, then move on.

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  • ^ above stated from here up...

    possibly the most controversial piece anyone's ever posted here.

    i got an idea for those of you who are fighting one another so much:
    1- go to school/college and sign up for the debate team
    2- later graduate and become a politician
    3- see how long you last when the sharks come to feed
    4- ...
    5- profit

    as for the rest of you:
    1- continue to lol'd about the cabin, the fasten your troll-belt has been turned off.

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  • I am not an american (im a rus) but I think it's not funny. Cuz many people have died.
    Sure it's my personal opinion...

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  • This page has more posted comments than those who died on 911 and counting those who died exactly on that day on earth

    Seriously we're all american,we are stupid and i have to say we have one thing in common everybody,WE LIVE AND WE DIE and thats a fact,in the future of the 2000's we will give less shit about this day,imagine that?

    Yes i feel bad about those who got stuck in the towers and those who jumped,those who jumped made a great decision because it was a 10/100 chance of surviving so hell a chance is a chance ya know? Those who stayed...kinda had more of a chance to live.

    We americans look up to that day but guess what,in school i didn't,hell i didn't stand for the pledge! HAHAHAHAHAA!

    But still i feel bad for those who died that day...may your god rest they're souls. :3

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  • Like i said everyone i still feel bad but seriously we live we die,life goes on until it dies as well,even scientists would agree with me,even obama would.

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  • Arcanine09 said:
    What if the dead didn't want to see us grieving and mourning over their loss, and instead wanted us to be all fun and chippy about their deaths? I'm sure they'll be grateful.

    Death isn't something to be laughed at. If your mother died do you THINK she would want you be at her funeral laughing? I may be cold and heartless at times,but I always respect the dead."What if the dead didn't want to see us grieving and mourning over their loss, and instead wanted us to be all fun and chippy about their deaths? I'm sure they'll be grateful."
    Grateful? That's just plane disrespect to the dead.It is absolutely disgusting to treat the dead would appreciate your happyness. It's like celebrating that they're dead. No one deserves to die remember that.

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  • whine whine whine whine whine. shut the fuck up. its a picture. nobody cares about your stupid 9/11 anymore. For that split second we all thought "oh, poor americans" happy now? now let it go and forget it.the more you complain,the closer we get to saying. we hope it happens again. so go whine on some other planet please.

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  • Kabegami said:
    Come on people, lighten up. It's good to have a bit of levity in our lives. True, this is and was a horrible day in history, but why waste time being sad and serious all the time?

    Yeah, don't take life too seriously, nobody get's out alive.

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  • It's only funny until someone dies.

    Then you get EXP.

    (I'm already going to hell for laughing at this, what's one more insensitive joke?)

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  • Kingteshay said:
    Death isn't something to be laughed at. If your mother died do you THINK she would want you be at her funeral laughing?

    Mine would, but then again we value the memories of our dead and enjoy the company that a funeral brings together. I've never been to a funeral where people couldn't laugh, and I hope I never will. Nothing will bring back the dead, so better laughter than tears.

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  • That's hilarious!
    I really appreciate those who can live and let go of something so trite.

    If everyone in the world acted the same away Americans do about 9/11 for every tragedy there ever was, this would be a terrible, terrible world full of loathing and pity. Especially considering that only a few people died. What, 3000? 5000? Pocket change, compared to what happens daily in this world, and the suffering felt on that day is nothing compared to the suffering of the people in Rwanda. Who we turned our back on, for the sake of not wanting to get involved as over 1000000 people were killed over a period of a few months during an obvious genocide.

    We should remember the good memories, not dwell on the bad. Like my grandmother always said; "Forget injury, but never forget kindness." It's true, and in a way it applies to this, which is a historical insignificance.

    Those people are dead, and nothing can change that.
    Kudos to whoever made this.
    Everyone should see it.

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  • Can we stop with these obscene, political, American comments? Guess what people? I'M A FUCKING AMERICAN AND I FIND THIS FUNNY! Yes, I'm slightly offended, but you know what? I've gotten over it! IT was TEN. YEARS. AGO. Stop living in the past. You want to do something about it? Join the fucking military and join the fight on terror.

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  • @All the Americans with SENSE
    Well done, enjoyment in life is better that being sad about one event that happened 10 years ago.
    I'm British, I was 4 when it happened, found out when i was 6. I understood what happened. I can understand that you feel strongly towards this. I can understand the 10 year rememberance. But guys, let it go, like those Americans with sense.
    Don't let the Terrorists win.
    Don't let this harmless picture cause you to rage on everyone.

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  • I was just thinking about something like this when I found it. I was like "The frickin' internet is readin' minds, dude!"

    But seriously, it was only a matter of time before someone did this.

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  • I'm not saying we need to be politically correct or something, but... this is a little insensitive. I mean, 3,000+ people died. We don't need to be all BAWWWWW about it, but can we like... not make light of disasters, recent or historical? It's, not all that funny, and gives people a reason not only to bitch, but to cling to its long-faded element of tragedy. Can we not just, let it go?

    I mean, do we have to make poptarts and house cats look evil in the process, even?

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  • KurogamiRyuta said:
    Amazing, I applaud you.

    Really, there have been more deaths in other worldly events and far more bloodshed than 9/11.

    Compared to say, Vietnam or Hiroshima, this event was a minor irritation to the world. It's been ten years now, well all grieved at the time, still do sometimes now but you Americans need to move on. As the human race does. It's hard but keeping in the past won't bring people back or help anyone.

    We Americans have moved on, but our government censored mainstream media plays the scenes of this event and talks about it CONSTANTLY in hopes it will dumb down the ever rising dissent against our military occupations and oil conquests oversees.

    Its sad US citizens look at that event as "an attack on our freedom" rather than retaliation for completely fucking over Arab governments and slaughtering thousands of innocents over the course of around ten years BEFORE 9/11.

    Especially when the event is used as an excuse for our president to violate our own freedoms by passing "The Patriot act" and "National Security Defense Act"(indefinite detention and torture of US citizens without trial by only SUSPECTING some kind of terrorist ties or involvement!!!!!!

    9/11 is the 'boogy man' for everyone that lives here. Scaring us into being good sheeple while the people who run this country can do whatever they want.

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  • robertsaltin said:
    This isnt funny.

    CL said:
    Who ever voted this up one is a douch. This event you are supposed to respect. There is nuttin funny about this.

    I agree with you both, however I still can't
    help but laugh.

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  • SEE? I knewed they wuz coverin' sumpthin' up!

    But, for real, The only reason 9/11 was such a big deal to Americans (Myself included, I admit) is because the only attacks upon American soil we'd had since World War 2 practically had come from disgruntled citizens of OUR OWN NATION.
    We were far too willing to believe in our own invincibility.

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  • muse said:
    SEE? I knewed they wuz coverin' sumpthin' up!

    But, for real, The only reason 9/11 was such a big deal to Americans (Myself included, I admit) is because the only attacks upon American soil we'd had since World War 2 practically had come from disgruntled citizens of OUR OWN NATION.
    We were far too willing to believe in our own invincibility.


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  • xashu5621 said:
    this only makes sense if u pronounce 'nyan' like a retarded American

    It certainly isn't pronounced "nigh-ann cat".

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  • CranialHeartache said:
    Wow, who the hell actually went and read all this shit?

    I did, just cuz the rage from all the comments is hilarious. Just sayin, no one lives forever everyone will eventually die.

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  • CL said:
    i live in texas and if you come up to my doorstep i have a RIGHT to shoot you.

    ...Either this law is stupid, or this law doesn't exist and you're stupid. I'm bettin' the latter.

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  • Guys, Americans are totally incapable of laughing about themselves, unlike the rest of the world. That's what makes them so funny.

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  • JunkieYote said:
    We Americans have moved on, but our government censored mainstream media plays the scenes of this event and talks about it CONSTANTLY in hopes it will dumb down the ever rising dissent against our military occupations and oil conquests oversees.

    Its sad US citizens look at that event as "an attack on our freedom" rather than retaliation for completely fucking over Arab governments and slaughtering thousands of innocents over the course of around ten years BEFORE 9/11.

    Especially when the event is used as an excuse for our president to violate our own freedoms by passing "The Patriot act" and "National Security Defense Act"(indefinite detention and torture of US citizens without trial by only SUSPECTING some kind of terrorist ties or involvement!!!!!!

    9/11 is the 'boogy man' for everyone that lives here. Scaring us into being good sheeple while the people who run this country can do whatever they want.

    should be president.

    also lol'd at sheeple.

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  • Mutisija said:
    take a shot every time when someone flags 9/11 related image for being offensive

    and another if they also nuke all the tags

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  • Guys come on it was 10 years ago. I'm American and I got over it. You all should too. Think about the rest of the world for a change.

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  • Rocza said:
    Guys come on it was 10 years ago. I'm American and I got over it. You all should too. Think about the rest of the world for a change.

    Frankly I only care about America but yes. Get over it. A lot worse stuff is going on now.

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  • I'm enraged.
    Not at the theme, but NC is slightly ABOVE the rainbow. Anatomically incorrect!!

    Mutisija said:
    take a shot every time when someone flags 9/11 related image for being offensive

    Don't. You could die from that much alcohol.

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  • Cute_Fox said:
    This is just plane wrong.

    wow, that how could you say that? That hit me like the 91st floor.

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  • Usually when I browse "lol comments" and find rants, I read through them while pretending to smoke a cigarette. This one took so fucking long I started pretending to smoke cigarettes from my nose. Holy fuck.

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  • KurogamiRyuta said:
    Amazing, I applaud you.

    Really, there have been more deaths in other worldly events and far more bloodshed than 9/11.

    Compared to say, Vietnam or Hiroshima, this event was a minor irritation to the world. It's been ten years now, well all grieved at the time, still do sometimes now but you Americans need to move on. As the human race does. It's hard but keeping in the past won't bring people back or help anyone.

    Some of us Americans feel the same.

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