sam and wrath (oversexed eeveelutions and etc) created by kuroodod
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With Wrath sitting on Sam's face, the vee couldn't say much. But his actions did enough of the talking. Gripping Sam's head with his tail, Wrath told Sam to sit tight because he had much more fun in store.

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  • Wrath told Sam to sit tight because he had much more fun in store.

    and I hope that doesn't rhyme with vore

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  • you know, Wrath could make some serious cash with that ass and Sam's getting it for free! (assuming prostitution is legal wherever this is taking place at and Wrath wouldn't rip his potential clients heads off anyway)

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  • Troublesometruck100 said:
    based on what this artist draws that kind of wouldn't be a surprise if it happened

    It's certainly possible. Unlikely, but possible.
    Personally I'd love seeing it just for the inevitable backlash.

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  • Troublesometruck100 said:
    based on what this artist draws that kind of wouldn't be a surprise if it happened

    Best opportunity to do vore would be with Gluttony and I think they already made a vore joke back during the Gluttony section. Shoulda seen the look on Sam’s face!

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  • Frast said:
    I can't take this comic seriously anymore

    well there's your problem right there; as much as i love this comic, treating it with any kind of seriousness will just lead you to a bad time

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