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- Where are we going?
Kaelyn wasn’t really confident, as he followed the two older priests in the empty streets of the city.
- Don’t worry, Kaelyn… You know, every priest must pass this ritual. That’s why we’re here tonight, we’re going to the temple, so that you can become priest… Entirely.
- I never heard of a ritual like that, especially during the night… It should be public, right?
- No, it’s a private ritual, just between priests, so I’s normal that you never heard anything about that. But, trust me, it’s not difficult, don’t worry.
The black jackal tried to explain the “ritual”, as they arrived in front of a little temple, two other priests waiting for them to arrive in front of the door. Kaelyn was the first one to enter, the four priests following him, closing the door behind them.
- Here we are… The ritual room is downstairs, Kaelyn.
- Alright…
Said the fennec as he started to go down inside the temple, before entering into a little room. Nothing inside, except an altar in the middle and two canopic jars.
- Now, Kaelyn, go on the altar, the ritual will start when you’ll be standing on it.
Kaelyn walked to the altar, still a bit sceptical.
- It’s not that I don’t trust you, but… I really never heard of a ritual like that, even during my classes… Is it some sort of trick ?
- Kaelyn, said the jackal. Just do it, you’ll see why this ritual is secret, and why nobody talks about it.
- Ok, I get it. But wh- Hey !
As Kaelyn was standing on the altar, bandages came from nowhere, catching his hands. Other bandages tied his legs, spreading them, while the priests were getting close to the fennec, getting his loincloth to remove it.
-What are you doing, what’s the meaning of this ?!
Kaelyn was clearly surprised, panicked… And nervous while one the priest tied a bandage at the bottom of his cock and around his scrotum. The fennec whined a bit, before he felt the soft hands of the jackal gently stroking his member.
-Hmf… What are you doing ?...
-I’ll make sure that you like it… it’s just our personal ritual, Kaelyn, don’t worry.
Kaelyn sighted before his dick got a full erection because of the stimulation. Behind him, the other priests were pouring some sort of oil on one of the canopic jars before bringing it in front of Kaelyn.
-Wait… What are you going to… No, please, don’t do what I think… It’s not going to fit !
But the black jackal stopped hearing Kaelyn. First, he felt the jackal head of the canopic jar entering into his tailhole, the oil helping it to get inside him. Moaning softly, Kaelyn started to pant as he tried to relax when the biggest part of the jar arrived, before the priest pulled it out of him… Before making the same movement, starting another penetration, quicker than the last one.
-Hmf… I’ll remember this, you-Ah !
A quick movement of the jar inside him stopped his sentence.
-We’re not done yet, Kaelyn… You’ll be here for the night, we got another jar waiting for you…
-What ?!
That's some strange ritual don't you think ? ~
MemberI was enjoying this image.
Then I remembered when I studied ancient Egypt in my youth and discovered that they used those ceremonial jars to store the organs of the people they mummified.
Now I'm on the fence.
user 191570
MemberWhat if that one's got a penis in it so he's just being fucked from beyond the grave.
angel whore
MemberOr perhaps that's how they're putting the organs back in?
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