bowser jr. (mario bros and etc) created by z666ful
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  • Hey dude. It's not just your dad. It's also King Boo, Chain Chomp, Bullet Bill, etc. Whatever that crown happens to fall on makes it hot.

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  • If it makes you feel any better, kid, I have no attraction to your dad, whether he's got the crown on or not.

    Now a couple of your brothers, on the other hand...

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  • KaiTheInferno said:
    Hey dude. It's not just your dad. It's also King Boo, Chain Chomp, Bullet Bill, etc. Whatever that crown happens to fall on makes it hot.

    Tiki45 said:
    Well actually with rule 34 and 36 idk which rule it is so please let me get away with it this time anything that exist will be porn or in the crown sense turn into a hot female for us to enjoy~

    Bowser was already hot without a useless power up to do exactly what people would do to him with regular rule34 and rule63, whether Bowser remained a guy or turned into a girl (for the non-homosexuals). These arguments are invalid lol

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  • I don't get why people think this is a new concept.

    Both people fapping to Bowser, and people drawing a big-breasted Peach in a black and edgy outfit.

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