sam and wrath (oversexed eeveelutions and etc) created by kuroodod
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With all the licking to his backside, Wrath's hard-on emerges. The grass type eagerly servicing Sam while the vee is rimming his lovely tush. And with their mouths busy, there's not room to speak~ Ah Wrath, such a hard worker for the praise he desires. And Sam seems to love the grass type's unique scent and flavor. Maybe it's mint? Oh! Or lemon-grass~

  • Comments
  • Protostar said:
    there's an extreme lack of comments right now..
    and quite a few downvotes as well

    I never really liked this comment section.

    You either get a ton of likes, or a ton of dislikes.

    And im probably going to get shot at by a ton red arrows as if im Indiana Jones because of how dumb my comment is.

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  • bobb13325 said:
    I am the voice of the people, and we want more but begrudgingly acknowledge that we have to wait another week. We are slightly sad but mostly horny.

    why the fuck is this so downvoted? you all know it's true

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  • Your_have_big_gay_xd said:
    why the fuck is this so downvoted? you all know it's true

    Yeah, Fuck it. I took it down, probably. A bunch of these people make unoriginal jokes, or just quote the story and receive tons of upvotes, while whenever someone tries to make an original joke all of a sudden they are more downvoted than a comment made by Hitler.

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  • bobb13325 said:
    Yeah, Fuck it. I took it down, probably. A bunch of these people make unoriginal jokes, or just quote the story and receive tons of upvotes, while whenever someone tries to make an original joke all of a sudden they are more downvoted than a comment made by Hitler.

    Maybe they didn't agree that your sentiment was "speaking for the people".

    But who knows. I have little regard for the voting system because it encourages jokes or memes to get virtual popularity points and detracts from the image itself. It would be depressing to calculate the percentage of comments relative to the art, and the percentage of comments just fishing for points or complaining about downvotes.

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