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Noodle character sheet

Noodle can be considered a collateral effect of the Japanese society of the late 22th century. Their mixture of exploding population with a high rate of technological development and the vague laws protecting the Moreau population.
Her netname Noodle, chosen from her favorite band, Gorillaz is known as the most infamous new hacker in the whole Asia. But despite this fame, behind it hides a very lonely and barely sixteen year old Moreau kitten with a small degree of agoraphobia and an interesting case of Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD-an ongoing pattern of disobedient, hostile and defiant behavior toward authority figures which goes beyond the bounds of normal childhood behavior). But, despite that, it can’t be denied that Noodle is a genius on her field of “work”.
Noodle is not a normal Moreau, these are called the fourth generation now, she is actually one of the very very few new “ first generation”. This means that she was created using technology from the late Omega Genetics. And wasn’t naturally born out of a mother. Subject 5kG-17 aka Noodle was created with other sixteen sisters under specific guidelines on a recycled Omega Genetics lab, rebaptized as GeneA facility located in Kyoto. The request came from an eccentric and nearly retiring Japanese executive. His original request was of only five special Moreau to make him company in his old age at his large house, but the genetic company who produced these was more interested in making extra profit with the “final product” appeal which presented a fur pattern specially expensive to attain again.
The work made by this facility, since the beginning had been far from anything legal, it was actually solely designated to the high quality merchandise requester by the black market for supplying fighting pits and prostitution. Eleven new females where being prepared in sequence using the same genetic blueprint given by that man and fitted to be just “companions”. Just like a first generation Moreau, it meant being stripped of most of their higher mental functions by micro implants. They were not much more than pets who had the benefit of being fuck buddies for their owners.
Catching word of the further activities of GeneA in the form of a “pre sale for special customers” the Ex-businessman made an ultimatum to GeneA. Either they destroyed the remaining sample material as he has originally requested and handed over all the remaining copies or he would acquire the facility, fire the crew, sell the equipment for the best profit and burry the responsible on shallow graves. At the time this man was still very powerful and held a corporate empire at his hand. His kind request was attained with deep apologies from the chairman of GeneA. Despite being a reclusive traditionalist of Japanese culture he was known to be vicious on the “personal” and public business.
His swift threat saved the last one of the eleven kittens from being, for all purposes lobotomized. She was the youngest and last to be produced.
As people might know, Moreau, unlike humans, present mental development much sooner than the average Homo sapiens child. At the age of three they already are able to understand their world quite well and interact with it even though the physical development of the vocal cords only allows the speech to appear by this age. Also, another studied aspect is the frequent occurrence of hereditary geniality amongst certain breeds. The “genius trait” has been observed solely on feline Moreau who, most of the time, also present some sort of social inabilities or sociopathic tendencies. Some claim that this is due their even earlier mental maturation which presents the mind of the cub to harsh life experiences before it can understand how they are supposed to be handled.
Noodle was one of these cases. Although she was not present at the moment of the implants, she saw the result of what they did to her “sisters”. And it made her averse to humans for the rest of her life.
When the yakuza received his truck load of kittens aged from 7 to three years old (Noodle) he had no idea than one in the middle of those kittens was a mentally fit, albeit emotionally damaged one. The five original female Moreau that lived with the man in his large state where already mature enough to help taking care of the eleven, and raised them the best way possible. Unfortunately the ten mentally handicapped ones would never go as much as being able to speak or be independent. They where, for all purposes very big cats that lived in the closed propriety scratching the doors and sleeping under the sunlight.

The old boss still received many important people in his mansion while his son occupied his place in the head of the “family business”, and every time the “cats” would be wandering on the Japanese garden besides the meeting room giving him a little fame of becoming kind of crazy on his old age. He was nicknamed Koi (carp) by the Moreau living with him duo to the large tattoo of the fish on his back. Outsiders know his as Harukichi Benkyou.
Her eldest sisters knew of Noodle’s intelligence and told Koi. But he instead decided to give the kitten her time to heal. Since she would avoid him at any costs… He had a very strange relationship with all these Moreau, calling the five and even Noodle his daughters. Unfortunately, Noodle never, not once spoke or even stayed in the same room alone with her adoptive father, she was very good at hiding and would spend a good deal of her time in hard to spot places minding her own business. Although the man was a truly scary corporate shark to the outer world, inside the household he was gayer than one would imagine, and was leading a peaceful, happy life. But Noodle did not thought well of him or of any other human. She observed most of his movements during the day and eavesdropped every meeting he had with people from the outside half expecting to find some sort of evil plan in motion. On the other hand though, Koi was always observing Noodle’s exploits around the house and would always “lose” things round the house that he believed would spark interest in the kitten.
When they discovered that she had taught herself how to read before someone could be found to teach her. Koi was astonished. Noodle (At the time Shizu) after that would spend several hours watching subtitled films on the TV, stealing magazines and mostly just reading anything with words on it. Upon that, Shizu eventually “discovered” a passage to the great library filled with thousands of books that Harukichi collected throughout his life, obviously left open by the man itself for her. Needless to say that Shizu was rarely seen in the following months. Except in dinner time or to be found sleeping in a cushion at the library corners hid in the middle of a book pile
The years passed by and she learned through the library everything she could, and was especially interested in the concept of computers and the unlimited information on the so called Internet.
Her life was changed one day when she “stole”, from the master bedroom a laptop. Shizu discovered a entirely new world, full of so much fun information. She deepened her studies on the art of controlling this new world of electronics in a completely obsessive way. Shizu was 7 years old by then…

She finally spoke with her “father” directly when she decided to leave his house at the age of 12. For her disappointment he was not surprised or angry, he had spent the last nine years giving her his support at his own way and watched for her most of the time, keeping her safe with the one way connection databases, security cameras and guards around the house.
Knowing that she had been watched this whole time was humiliating for Shizu and she nearly ran away right then. But Koi had something for her first.
He told her of the events that led to her birth and cruel end of her sisters. Also, he told her that initially, the genetic material provided by him to GeneA belonged to a Moreau who lived with him for many years as his companion. She earned for children which she could never have and died fairly young still. For all purposes she was their mother, and her ova where used for all the sixteen of them. This crippled her desire to get some sort of revenge from him.
No matter how much reasonless aversion she had for her father, she never touched his personal finances or tried to make him go to jail for the long criminal record owned by him. On her eyes, her sisters would never be so well treated and happy as if she left the old man alone. She researched that. Public shelters for Moreau where not an option. That in mind, Noodle decided to turn her fangs to everyone else who, she thought, deserved it.
Koi made her know that he had a small apartment ready for as long as she needed it. Despite her stubbornness, once trying to live outside by her own Shizu ended up on said apartment for two years. With the unwanted help of Koi she found “job” as assistant on a software developing company owned by the man, she stayed there while “working” in perfecting her skills and accumulating enough knowledge to go in the offensive against the world as she damn wanted without any help.
The following years witnessed the blooming of Shizu into the infamous cyber criminal Noodle.

The first was GeneA. Unknown viral attacks trashed their isolated mainframes and suddenly every little dirty secret of the company where spilled to the Japanese police (except a few ones who disappeared with the virus). Also, the robots operating inside the facility went berserk and destroyed every single cloning pod not occupied, causing one hundred million dollars worth of damage tech.
The police eventually placed those newly born clones for adoption and ever since then the charity establishment where they were sent received several millions on anonymous donations.
She perfected a program that allowed her to have a 3D point of view of the entire network, the package delivery system of the world wide web became her toy. She was the self proclaimed “Lord of the Ethernet”
Noodle stole fortunes from illicit and sometimes licit business from the Japanese conglomerates and the mob. And the money that she did not lost on silly ways she used to create her own set of highly advanced hacking tools and rented hideouts to make “secret bases” filled with computers to back her up, effectually disappearing from Koi’s radar and the vigilance set on her apartment by the Japanese police three days after turning 14.
From there onwards the exploits of the infamous hacked “Noodles” became subject of international security and news broadcasts. She made, maybe thirteen times already the lights of Tokyo turn on and off forming a giant kanji of her nick. Messed with hundreds of floating billboards and organized the biggest “revolt” of factory robots in the history of… well, the only revolt of robots in history, where nine hundred humanoid machines from all Tokyo gathered in front of the forth biggest yakuza’s headquarters, made the Noodle dance and proceeded to demolish the building. Many armed individuals of said organization where arrested while fighting off the machines.
So far Noodle have sent twenty corporations to the sink hole, the smallest connections with GeneA or Moreau slavery are enough for a very flashy demise of their business in the hands of the biggest hacker in Asia.

  • Comments
  • this image is over 6 years old, it does not fit with the current universe of Camp Pines... Dunno why it only showed up now in here

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  • The_Domo said:
    this image is over 6 years old, it does not fit with the current universe of Camp Pines... Dunno why it only showed up now in here

    To show off her origins? Who knows.

    But I do kinda hope that victory dance is still canon

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