mythology created by falcrus
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i feel your smell (+story)

I was planning to draw a werewolf for a long time and I think Halloween is the right time

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Story - He is a werewolf
He is a werewolf

Narrator: The wind lifts snow into the air, causing the snowflakes spin in the air and bump into your face, your skin nip nastily. In this time,snow falls rarely, and if snow falls, it quickly melts and but this time winter has come. But even the cold can not ruin the festive mood. Although these days are called the "festival of witches" and everyone is talking about terrible creatures creeping out of the depths of nightmare upon this period, it does not frighten you, you know that this story are scare children and catch up a terrible atmosphere.

Narrator: There was a crackle of branches in the distance and you stopped, and your imagination is trying to play with you. Naked forest begins to seem creepy, what could it be?

Narrator: You took a few bold steps forward and a white hare ran out from under a tree covered with snow.

You: Fuh, this is just a hare.

Narrator: Having continued to wade through the snow-covered forest, you are anticipating how happy your brother will be that you came for him to support him and celebrate together. When you saw him for the last time, before he left he didn't say a word, it seemed that he was saddened by something, it was just before the holiday, and you have not seen him since. Usually he never left you on holidays and you had fun together, but now he just left and you decided that visiting him would be a pleasant surprise

Narrator: You turned head in the direction of an unusually large but typical for this holiday full moon and noticed that your brother already behaved in this way, if earlier you spent a lot of free time with him, now you sometimes have not met him for weeks, and sometimes he just suddenly goes away, as if he has urgent business, but you knew that he is not particularly busy, unless he keeps some new occupation from you in secret.

You: pff, well, won't he hide something from me?

Narrator: You barely heard your speech from the suddenly rising wind, which made you fall into the snow, covering you and penetrating all the crevice and places of your wear, instantly cooling your skin defenseless against the cold snow.Gathering your strength, you rise to your feet and began to spit the snow out of your mouth with displeasure and frantically shake it out of your clothes.

Narrator: It did not give much effect and you still feel the presence of melting snow and moisture under your clothes, good you already see the twitching light of the windows of the settlement where your brother lives.

You: damn snow, damn wind, how cold. Need to hurry

Narrator: You pick up the pace and moved towards the settlement, snow and wind tried in every way to prevent you, but this time you ready and take a stable position.

Narrator: After a few minutes of stubborn advance through the snow which deep enough for you, you got to the village and, shaking off the snow. You went out onto a more or less cleared village road and carefully looking around, you began to look for brother’s house.

Narrator: You just remember that he was live the 4th to the right of the entrance and it was to this house that you approached, a light was burning inside and expecting to see brother’s face, you began to knock on the door with a kind smile.

Narrator: After a moment, the door opened and a unknown man appeared before you, who with a smile look at you.

Stranger: happy holiday, it's silly to walk down the street in this weather

You: oh, yes, I'm just looking for my brother's house, strange, but I'm sure this house was his

Stranger: yes, I bought this house quite recently, so I am sorry, but the old owner bought a house from me on the edge of the village, near the forest, I was be a hunter and it was convenient for me that the house was near the forest, but now I decided to move closer to the people.

You: well thanks

Narrator: You were ready to leave, as a man stopped you

Stranger: If anything you can come to me - I will warm you. In this holiday I would be glad if you will be my guest

Narrator: You thanked him and said that you are grateful for the welcome and you remember this, but now you need to hurry.

Narrator: You moved at a pace to the hunting lodge. You knew where it was, because you often played with his brother there. Now all your thoughts were not about a surprise, but about how to warm up quickly. So you fast got to the house.

Narrator: It is dark inside, but you decide to knock on the door, which easily opened and the wind blew inward, pushing you forward. You quickly went inside and closed the door behind you. The bright moonlight made their way through the windows illuminating some parts of the hut. It helped you quickly light all the lamps. While you were candles, you called your brother several times, but in vain, you decided quickly take your wet clothes off and naked.

You: so much better than wearing wet clothes. Um, it's not so cold here

Narrator: You came to the fireplace, took a tinderbox and began to try make a fire, good that your brother carefully put the sprinklers and tinder.

Narrator: The flames did not make them wait long and the room was illuminated by the bright glow of a big fire in the fireplace. You took to warm up and dry.

Narrator: You remembered the clothes and hung it beside to the fire, so that it would rather dry out.

You: Well, brother should have at least some kind of clothes, I don't want him to find me naked

Narrator: You began to walk around the hut and look for at least some clothes or at least something to cover up the nudity

Narrator: Then the door suddenly opened, cold air enveloped your body, and a dark figure appeared in the door. It quickly walked inside the house and closed the door behind. Light instantly lit up the features in which you recognized your brother.

You: Sorry for breaking in and for wearing no clothes i’ll cover myself

Narrator: you covered yourself of what came first

Brother: What are you doing here? I'm sorry you can't stay here.

You: Wait what? I thought you would be happy. We always celebrated together!

Brother: Forgive me, but you should not be here, at least for now

Narrator: Looking closely you find that he is dressed in tatters

You: What about your clothes? Is it such a holiday outfit?

Narrator: You decided to make a joke and clear the air, because this considered a tradition.

Brother: No, it ... no matter, please, you need to leave

Narrator: He took you by the shoulders and aggressively began pushing in the direction of the door. But you resist

You: So, what are you doing? I will not go anywhere, I came here through the forest in such weather! All my clothes got wet! And at least wait ... stop, what are you doing?

Narrator: In a fit of anger, you did not notice that he stopped pushing you and slips your shoulder and neck with his nose and tongue. You jerked forward and turned in his direction.

You: You behave strangely!

Brother: Please leave before it's too late

Narrator: His speech began to break and he wobble. You approached to support him and not to let him fall, because he clearly weakened

You: You are definitely sick, in such clothes and in the cold, do not be afraid, if anything, I will save you

Brother: Save yourself ..

Narrator: He lost consciousness. Just in case you checked his heartbeat, it was hard and his body was fiery. You quickly took off his clothes and put him by the fire to make it dry. When you had to helping doctor, when he cure wounded soldiers. Therefore, you were sure that he had a fever and needed to bring down the temperature.

Narrator: You started rummaging in lockers looking for the right tools, at the other end of the hut, you found stocks of medicinal herbs. Lifting it to the light from the window, you began to look for the right thing, trying to hurry. You heard some sounds behind your back that made you realize that your brother is still alive.

Narrator: On your shoulder lay down a massive hand. You froze and silence in the house broke growling breathing. Slowly turning around, you saw a large clawed paw on your shoulder. You became scared, you do not know what to do

Narrator: The creature behind you pull back sharply, tearing off your improvised clothes from you. You turned around and saw a huge werewolf, oh gods, you never believed that they existed, and now your brother was one of them. He as if resisting a certain force, crawls away from you.

Narrator: He did not seem so scary, at least not yet growling and trying to devour you. You decided to be a hero and try to calm him down.

You: Hey, everything's fine, it's me, you know me?

Narrator: On your attempts to calm him down, he only said painfully that you need run away and you decided to follow the advice. You went back to the door and began to run away. Frost are penetrate your body, and bare feet burned with cold. But now you just wanted to get away from this place.

Narrator: Having run away for a sufficient distance, you were in the village. Running up to that same house you started hysterically knocking on the door. It still opened soon and you fell inside. The man looked at you fearfully.

Stranger: Oh gods, what's wrong with you, wait, I will bring clothes

Narrator: He closed the door and soon brought clothes, helping you to put it on. So it took a few minutes and he decided to ask you what happened, but your breath did not allow answer anything intelligible.

Stranger: Wait here, I'll make warm tea, so that you get warm

Narrator: Man went into another room, and you got up and walked to the window, looking in fearfully. You began to seize the thoughts of what to do now when your brother was a werewolf, but the creaking of the opening door interrupted you. You turned around and observe how a werewolf sneaking enters inside, sniffing the air and looking around the room until he finds you, standing in one place.

Narrator: You are silent and afraid to scream, afraid to annoy him. The werewolf slowly and predatorily began to move in your direction, licking and looking at you, getting closer and closer to you with each second and with each heavy step of his powerful paws until he came close and you did not smell his wool.

Narrator: In your head you have a mess of thoughts and emotions, you do not know what to do, need you say goodbye to life and pray to the gods? He is a your brother or an animal in him captures his mind. The werewolf took you with his hands and began to sniff, in his movements there was no anger or hatred, or a desire to tear you apart, if werewolf wanted to devour you, he would have done it already, but he clearly thought of something else and you guess that do not want to believe it and understand that this behavior can not mean anything else

Stranger: What kind of .. Gods

Narrator: There was sound a crashed tea set and the werewolf jerked sharply in the direction of the sound, staring at that man. He scared ran into the room, screaming something, and the werewolf began to slowly follow him until he disappeared into the same room.

Narrator: Come on, this is your chance - you thought and quickly ran out of the house, rushing headlong into the woods. Snow began to hit in the face again, but this time you had at least some kind of clothes. Your task now is to run as far as possible.

Narrator: The noise of wind and snow pierced a loud roar. You hear something breaking and crunching behind your back, but you do not stop running forward, only occasionally looking back. Sometimes you stumble upon trees, but continue to run away. Running past the fallen trees near the spruce you found a good shelter in the relief and decided to hide there.

Narrator: The wind has calmed down and you hear the crunch of snow under the feet of your pursuer, his lustful growl as he sniffs the air. You are slightly poked your head out of your cover and saw your brother in the form of a werewolf, who is actively looking for you, his condition has finally convinced you that he does not want to devour you. You are absolutely faithful that in such a frost the smell spreads badly, besides you have such good shelter, he will not find you and you are right, you see that he lost your trail. Now, being sure of your safety, you were curious and your gaze sank under the werewolf's belt, you noticed that your werewolf-brother had very big stuff between the legs. His groin area was tense, and his penis was a stake. You examined the relief of muscles on strong body of the werewolf, his crotch and did not even notice the confident look of the werewolf about in your direction.

Werewolf: - I smell you

Art & Story © 2018 Falcrus

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