wendy created by third-party edit and wolfy-nail
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  • Comments
  • PhrozenFox said:
    I don't know why people insist on defacing somebody else's property.

    No ones likes dog nipples.

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  • PhrozenFox said:
    I don't know why people insist on defacing somebody else's property.

    Okay, what? First off, it isn't defacing, it's editing the art for those who have a slightly different taste. I linked to the original post, and I didn't claim I made it. I took all the right steps, and you're getting your panties in a wad. He released it for FREE to the public domain, so it isn't even his property, but he should still be credited with making it (which I did), so what's the issue?

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  • ... really? You can't go off and find some other lesbian dog porn? I'm sure there's pics out there with no dog nipples. Some people are the pinnacle of assburgery I swear. :|

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  • I really like WN's work, but thank you Mason, This I like better imo. I kept seeing the nipples as just odd lumps.

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  • I love the art, but the rash/nipples were really off putting, thank you so much for the edit.
    Just ignore the haters, I don't know why they even care. If you were taking credit for it or something then they would have a point, but you're just doing something nice for the community.

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  • masonrulz said:
    He released it for FREE to the public domain, so it isn't even his property

    I'm pretty sure this is wrong. Just because it's not a paid product doesn't mean you don't own the rights to it.

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  • I personally dont mind dog nipples, so I dont know what all the fuss is. Nor do I understand why some people dont even bother to use this magical thing called a blacklist. The image was fine with or without the nipples. Use your imagination folks.

    Vinvin said:
    Why does at least 1 charactere in wolfy-nails art always look stoned?

    This is a good question, but Id warrant its because this particular character has been pumped full of so much semen, her brain cells seem to have perished in the flood. AND.... this character seems to be the one he draws the most.

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  • Deadman said:
    I love the art, but the rash/nipples were really off putting, thank you so much for the edit.
    Just ignore the haters, I don't know why they even care. If you were taking credit for it or something then they would have a point, but you're just doing something nice for the community.

    how is altering how the character is to begin with, doing something nice for the community?

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  • Pinprick said:
    how is altering how the character is to begin with, doing something nice for the community?

    Do you REALLY need the blatantly obvious pointed out to you?

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  • ippiki_ookami said:
    I don't know why people insist on using Yahoo as a search engine.

    Who the hell uses yahoo anymore or atleast in arizona in 2012.
    we use google and very rarely people use bing

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  • RIS said:
    I'm pretty sure this is wrong. Just because it's not a paid product doesn't mean you don't own the rights to it.

    he didn't say "I own the rights to it"

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  • Majora said:
    ... really? You can't go off and find some other lesbian dog porn? I'm sure there's pics out there with no dog nipples. Some people are the pinnacle of assburgery I swear. :|

    the original is still up, why are you complaining over a simple edit?

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