For a couple years, Clara had been ambivalent to sex... of all the men she's dated, only a few had gotten close to rocking her world. But she'd be blind to not notice the hungry looks from men around her. Even her male friends...
One night, after letting a friend vent about his string of bad luck with ladies, she felt like doing him a favor and just... letting him fuck out the frustration on her. As expected, she didn't get much out of it, but he was so relieved and grateful! That satiated smile on his face... she got into the habit of helping out her friends whenever they needed the release.
Now, she's got more friends with benefits than without. It makes them happy, and it's no big deal for her, even if it eats into her schedule a bit.
user 147859
MemberAh meesh, using your character to do the lords work and confuse us all sexually even more than we already are
horse balls cocktail
MemberThe horse is perfect! *-*
Dragon Whored
MemberJust makes me sad she doesn’t enjoy it...
user 134340
MemberMy God! he says what we're all thinking!
MemberI guess she's a good friend 😉
user 67457
MemberMeesh is Aphrodite's gift to mankind for providing us with some fantastic furry adaptations of the free use fetish. Never really liked free use in traditional porn, just go to /r/freeuse and see how lackluster it is. The fetish is really difficult to convey effectively in live action, but there's basically infinite potential for fictional applications, in art, literature, etc.
cayrne sh1606
MemberCouldn'T we all use a friend like that ?
MemberThe guy has discord open on his phone
MemberMeesh literally says in her bio that she generally doesnt enjoy sex very much
MemberDude, come the fuck on, she is so obviously bored with everything going on in this scenario. She literally asks him if he's almost done so she can go work out. She CLEARLY doesn't enjoy this...
And why call the dude a virgin? Totally uncalled for and entirely unrelated
MemberIf Macklemore was a horse
MemberI can never unsee that now. Thank you.
Hotaru Zoku
MemberThe detail of having what amounts to a shower cap on the horses tail is's a sex scene. That kind of attention....this is an /artist/.
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