syandene (halloween) created by ruaidri

Halloween Sy

So, a while back I wrote a journal asking for idea for halloween costumes. I wasnt necessarily looking for the best or most unique costume, just whatever gave me an idea for a picture. Coincidentally, the very first commenter, kurtsa gave me the idea that would get stuck in my head and not let go. I waited for and read all the other comments that would come in, but nothing managed to beat out the idea that got stuck firmly in my head from the begininng.

So I decided to go with a Mummy costume for Sy. But, in her usual style, she got distracted half way through getting into costume, probably looking to get some sex from whoever was helping her get all wrapped up. She tends to be a bit like that, what can I say?, I don't know what the hell happened with that leg. I think my brain was trying to compensate for some kind of perspective or something, but it did so in a way that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. I could have sworn it made sense at one point, but whatever. Other than that I like the picture, the idea was certainly nice, but I just didn't pull it off quite the way I had originally hoped. Ah well, better luck next year I guess.

  • Comments
  • bloodted said:
    you know to be honest this looks kind of like my gf

    You must be from Missouri, where bestiality is legal.

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