yeania aeon created by morticus
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  • Hmmm, I suppose transgender could be correctly in a way... but they have both sex characteristics (although only 1 of them is a secondary). I would classify them as a transsexual. On the other hand, "gender" is a psychological construct (in this case), so it doesn't apply to the issue of their sex. It could be argued that within the characters mind they neither specifically identify with either sex... in which case transgender might be technically accurate. It's never used as an "in-between" classification though.
    *fap fap fap*

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  • Wow, less muscular and and black instead of white and this would be a perfect match for what i was thinking of my Herm fursona o.o

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  • TrannyFur said:

    Transsexual implies born male and turning female, in which case hormone pills/injections grow the breasts and reshape fat deposits for a feminine shape. Since there's no vagoo visible here, it may very well be transgender, but if we're going by the vast bulk of furry, then it's probably futa or herm (ie, born this way) using terms they're not entirely familiar with.

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  • By the way I wasn't talking about tagging.
    I am transsexual and have no vagoo (but have taken steps to get my body in line with females). Transsexuals may never actually get the surgery because of costs or health reasons but would still be classified as such. Transgender is an umbrella term which include transsexuals under it. But that's not their gender it's referring to their sex. Like I said psyhcological construct... meaning how she thinks of herself.
    Futa and herm really are misused a lot here, you're right about that.

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  • TrannyFur said:
    By the way I wasn't talking about tagging.
    I am transsexual and have no vagoo (but have taken steps to get my body in line with females). Transsexuals may never actually get the surgery because of costs or health reasons but would still be classified as such. Transgender is an umbrella term which include transsexuals under it. But that's not their gender it's referring to their sex. Like I said psyhcological construct... meaning how she thinks of herself.
    Futa and herm really are misused a lot here, you're right about that.

    just curious about something an mean no disrespect if it comes out that way, do you prefer being called he or she?

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  • She, and what you said wasn't offensive. Well, actually I'd prefer being addressed as a lady or miss.
    I abhor the "shi", "hir", "zie", etc words... if you can call them words.

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  • I was in my early 20's with hormones, and I've had breast implants (which is why I had to stop hormones for a while). Of course, you don't know how old I am now... and you never ask a lady her age.

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  • TrannyFur said:
    I was in my early 20's with hormones, and I've had breast implants (which is why I had to stop hormones for a while). Of course, you don't know how old I am now... and you never ask a lady her age.

    how old are you?

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  • TrannyFur said:
    I was in my early 20's with hormones, and I've had breast implants (which is why I had to stop hormones for a while). Of course, you don't know how old I am now... and you never ask a lady her age.

    Do you hate your penis?

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  • No, I don't hate it. I am actually comfortable with who and what I am. I see myself and identify as a woman. Although to avoid confusion I use the term transsexal for a label in some situations... oh, and "tranyfur" is more for the sake of humor.
    And if I feel I am a woman and happy with what I am, there is no need for me go any further.

    Every "girl" is different. Being a transsexual is more than just physical characteristics.

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  • TrannyFur said:
    I was in my early 20's with hormones, and I've had breast implants (which is why I had to stop hormones for a while). Of course, you don't know how old I am now... and you never ask a lady her age.

    lol of course not, im always curious about that ive got a friend he prefers he even though he neither looks nor sounds like a he

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