jessica ainsley and sherri mayim created by twinkle-sez
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Golf was best played on the most perfect of days. Anything less would be detrimental to the experience of golf, it was more than simply a leisure sport. Golf was like experiencing a mix of pristine and cultivated nature. It was the essence of serene, some people would go to yoga, some would meditate, but for Jessica there was nothing more relaxing than letting her entire body relax for the perfect stroke that would send a golf ball flying across the distance.

The conditions were beyond perfect, a cloudless blue sky with the sun shining down and the slight ocean breeze keeping it from being too hot. Jessica smiled, closing her eyes as she tasted the salty ocean air upon her tongue and felt the slight breeze touch through her fur, cooling the skin beneath the sun warmed otter fluff. On top of such a perfect day there could only be a couple things that made it even better.

First of all was a paid day off.

Yes, this wonderful Monday in January was always a perfect culmination to a three day weekend, on top of that it made the rest of the week go by faster, double bonus. However there was one more thing that made this particular day of golf the most perfect day ever. Jessica’s eyes opened as the breeze ceased, her fingertips held at the handle of the golf club, patiently waiting as her beloved pupper stood with a focused look on her face. “That’s it babe, bend your knees just a little bit.”


Jessica’s lips curled into a smile as she saw the culmination of Sherri’s pose, how her body turned and twisted in such a manner. Maybe it was simply because Jessica loved the sport of golf, but somehow the way Sherri posed with her follow through after striking the ball gave the otter a sudden chill along her spine. “That’s my girl.” Jessica crooned, she didn’t even notice where the ball was flying, the proper motions of the stroke were the most important thing.

“Uhm.” Sherri bit down on her lower lip as Jessica hugged on her frame from behind, Sherri had been watching and unfortunately that white ball had decided to curve its way into the pond. It landed with a small splash that signaled its new home in the basin with plenty of other fallen comrades. “It went in the water.”

“Its fine babe.” Jessica lowered her head, gently peppering her sweet pupper’s cheek with plenty of kisses and tightly squeezing her close. “It’s your first time, you’re doing fine.” The warm sentiments were accompanied by the soft touch of her fingertips rubbing along Sherri’s frame. Sherri was so warm from soaking up the sun’s rays it almost made Jess refuse to let go.

“I know, but I really want to get a hole in one.” Sherri pouted softly, it suddenly made sense why Jessica had easily taken up the idea of Sherri getting a hole in one being rewarded with an extra fancy date night dinner. It definitely wasn’t as easy as she thought it would be. “Anyways, you’re up.” Sherri smiled and leaned her head in to smooch in return at Jessica’s cheek.

“You will sweetie.” Jess reluctantly released the warm doggo from her tight grip and slowly exhaled as she made her way towards the tee. She surveyed the distance, her eyes judging where she could feasibly land the ball and the best angle towards the hole marked with the flying red pennant.

Golf was a unique game in the way that it used all of her senses to achieve such a seemingly banal goal. Get the little white ball in the hole. Jess breathed deep and retrieved her driver with the same care a medieval swordsman would have for a broadsword. Her fingertips tightened on the handle, her eyes focused upon the ball, her goal, where she wanted it to land. Jess breathed in, and exhaled.


The arc of the ball soared overhead as Sherri watched awestruck, the ball didn’t veer off into the water like hers but instead landed majestically in the area that Jess had aimed for. The otter had a relaxed smile as she looked over to Sherri, and suddenly realized that her golf-date was barefoot and tucking her shoes into the golf bag. “..And what are you doing you crazy doggo?” Jess smirked.

“The grass feels pretty good! I figured it’d be a nicer walk barefoot!” She scrunched her pawtoes into the grass and poked her tongue out. “You said this places is the ritziest golf course, I doubt there’s like.. twigs or shrapnel hiding in the grass!”

Jess chuckled slightly. Sher had a point. “Maybe I’ll give that a try..” It seemed pretty convincing of an argument, and before she knew it she was pulling her own shoes off and the pair was walking down the golf course with the warmth of the grass touching against their paws. As they came to where Jessica’s ball had landed the otter set down her bag of clubs. “If you like, I can finish this hole real quick and we can practice on your putting?”

“That sounds good.” Sherri chirped excitedly at first, but then her ears folded. “But.. It’s only the third hole, I don’t want to take up your whole day with my practice.”

“Aw.” The otter chittered sweetly, she didn’t expect to make it through the full course today, but she’d rather a third of a course with Sherri than a whole one by herself. “We’ll have fun with however much we do, and maybe more as you get better.” Her hand gently reached out and caressed along Sherri’s chin, her digits adoring the soft ebony fur and the way her ruby clawtips could smooth in so easily against her skin. “I’m having a wonderful time, don’t you worry about that.”

“All right, well it’s your shot! Let’s make the most of the daylight left okay?” Her hands lifted and gently held onto Jessica’s palm, offering a gentle kiss before letting it go and taking a step back. She let her bag rest on the ground as she flickered her tail behind her, watching intently as Jessica did her little ritual of setting up a shot. One thing Sherri thought was particularly cute was the way Jessica’s long otter tail would twitch at the base and tremble before tightening at the end.

Her juicy otter butt would wiggle in those tight shorts, slowly adjusting her footpaws to her ankles and gauging her own strength with her hands on the putter. She drew back the putter and then…


The ball rolled along the green of the grass, careening down the curvature and as if following a rail it began to slow as it headed towards the hole. The echo of plastic and urethane connected and tapping against each other broke the silence.

Jessica gave a pleased smile, a solid eagle for a par 4 hole was definitely a gloat-worthy achievement! She slowly made her way to the hole to fetch her ball when she suddenly felt Sherri’s arms wrapping around her waist and a congratulatory smooch pressed against her cheek. “Wow! That was quite a shot!” Sherri mused happily, the otter’s cheeks flushing red at the praise.

“Mhmm!” Jessica cherished the warm embrace she was given, and Sherri slowly came around to face her lover, the otter rolling her fingertips along Sherri’s cheek as the doggo lavished her with affection. “It’s a lot of practice, but I’m sure you’ll be able to do it too some day!”

Sherri thought for a moment, her lower lip tucked against her teeth as she looked up with those bright brown eyes, her tail flickering. Something inside her suddenly sparked to life with excitement, something about watching Jess perform an exceptional feat made her thighs shift together. “Well, there’s still something I can do way better than you.” Sherri teased, her tongue poking out as she gave a sultry gaze up to her lover.

“Oh yeah? Well there’s a few things I can name right off the bat, cooking for one!” The flirtatious tone seemed to have gone over the otter’s head, then again she was still almost glowing from the eagle shot she just hit. However when she felt Sherri’s fingertips tugging down her shorts the otter instantly squirmed, it was a fairly empty day but still in a matter of seconds her ass had been revealed to the open. “What are you doing?!” Jess practically coughed, her tail curling tightly as she felt her limp girth flop freely into the open.

The warmth of Sherri’s furred digits wrapped around Jessica’s length, a new sensation overwhelming the poor otter as she tried to keep her legs from melting to the ground. The soft pads caressed along her otter cock, gently encouraging it to harden in her grasp as Sherri looked up, watching the conflicted emotions overwhelm her lover. “Shhh..” Sherri whispered softly as she slowly knelt down to her knees, words would be empty at this moment.

Why was she doing something like this? What could her motivation be? Jessica swallowed hard and tried to decipher what could be going through that crazy doggirl’s head, but when that blue tongue extended and warmly licked along her sac, suddenly motivation was the last thing she cared about! “Ooohnnh..” Jessica moaned, feeling the slick motion of a tongue twirling along her thick sac, her hand instantly reached out and pet her webbed fingertips through Sherri’s silken locks. “Shhh.. Sherri..”

There was something about spontaneous sex that made it seem all the more romantic, somehow a trail of rose petals and silk sheets on Valentine’s Day was nice and all, but it didn’t compare to a moment of lust that would overwhelm her senses. Sherri adored those thick balls, the way they could swell to the point she could only fit one in her mouth, knowing it was Jessica’s fertility that caused it. Her fingertips dipped down between her thighs as she knelt against the grass, her petals slowly stroked as juices started to spill forth. “Soh thick..” Sherri crooned as she licked up between those balls and to the base. Her tongue gliding along the thick vein that lay in the center of Jessica’s cock, trailing it with her drool until she came to the tip.

The otter stared down through half closed eyes, watching as Sherri slowly pressed her lips down the length and suckled, her tongue swirling the tip while slow gliding motions of her fingertips. Her breasts heaved as she gulped down a deep breath of air, blood rushing throughout her body and causing her fur to stand on end as Sherri continued to stroke her length. Those lips disappearing underneath her cock and finding one of her balls, Jessica swallowed hard as the thick orb was lost into Sherri’s lips.


The intense pressure on the otter’s swollen nuts made her stand upon her tiptoes, fingertips clutching desperately into Sherri’s tresses as she exhaled. “Hahhh.. Fffuhhhh..” She panted, her tongue hanging out from her lips as she closed her eyes feeling every sensation that warmed her body to the point that her hips were trembling. The pressure, combined with Sherri’s wet smooth doggy tongue was causing her knees to shiver and shake, every inch of her body felt like it could explode at any moment.

Between Sherri’s thighs her fingertips were slowly rubbing the semi-smooth ball against her lips, slowly pressing against her entrance. The girl was truly a master of multi-tasking and in the same way that Jessica’s thick nut had been enveloped by her lips the golf ball was tucked nicely into her pussy. Sherri’s pawtoes tightened at the way the ball rubbed against her walls, and she mimicked the sensation with Jessica’s sac.

Her mouth opened wider, slowly pulling on the already swollen balls and letting them fill in her lips, they took up every inch of her oral space pressing against her cheekflesh as her tongue rubbed against the underside of those juicy balls. The feeling of those sweet smooth cheeks was more than enough to make Jessica’s cock throb with ecstasy, her tip bubbling precum that spilled down the length. “Sherri.. I’m.. I’m gonnahh..” She gasped, her eyes shutting even tighter.

The ecstasy that filled Jessica’s body was overwhelming as she ran her fingers through her silken brunette locks. “Fhahh.. Sherri..” Jess panted for air, her thick swollen balls lavished by that sweet tongue sending chills along her spine. She couldn’t believe she was doing this, further more she couldn’t believe that she had never thought to do this before! Her webbed pawtoes scrunched against the blades of grass as she felt her body suddenly jolt, hot strands of cum bolting from the tip of her cock and stringing through the air as they landed on Sherri’s muzzle. “Hhaaahh.. Yesss… Yesss!” The otter groaned, her fingertips clutching at Sherri’s tresses as her engorged meaty cock continued to drip rope after rope of spunk onto Sherri’s sweet little face.


Jessica suddenly looked over to the side in time to see a particularly slick n’ slimy golf ball pop from Sherri’s pussy, the dented orb rolling down the blades of grass and leaving a sticky trail as it tumbled into the hole beside her own ball. Sherri’s fingertips still teasing at her clit and sliding her tongue along those thick balls as Jess looked down at her beloved pupper who’s sultry eyes looked up with a wry grin. “Okay babe… That counts as a hole in one.”

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  • Comments
  • Not sure if this hole requires a wood of that size, but I'm sure it'll work out.

    Srsly, not a single "wood" joke until now with golf here? For shame.

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