lemon (mythology) created by ruaidri
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To The Victor...

Commission for EdenVolfer

I was kind of worried when I started painting this- people seemed really excited for the sketch and I was worried the colours wouldn't live up to it. But I think I actually pulled it off! Fairly pleased with this. :D Not perfect of course, nothing ever is, but nothing really jumps out at me as unreasonably bad either so yeah! I hope it lived up to the hype for those of you who were excited about this picture.

It's kind of funny... I don't really think I'd enjoy being this rough in real life, and I can guarantee I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end, but despite that it's weirdly fun to draw. I don't think it's even a fantasy thing, I don't get much from this kind of physicality, I think it's more of an artist thing. It's just kind of fun to draw someone being a big ole' meany from time to time. Like when writers write a real asshole for a villain. It's fun seeing how big a douche you can make them. Just kinda cathartic!

Anyway, rambling again. I'll shush. Hope y'all like it!

High res is up on Patreon if you're into such things! https://www.patreon.com/ruaidri

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