captive Queen Aria – Knotty Predicament
Now that we have discussed the various kinds of Warg and why they were created (originally for cannon fodder in the Asian wars) and by whom (the Japanese of the far future) we are ready to talk further about them and their antics.
Here we have a visual from a little Warg party the Sultan is throwing for his valuable Azerbaijani captive, Queen Aria. Aria ventured too close to the front lines during the war between Azerbaijan and the Sultanate; and a traitorous former general managed to eliminate her escort and make a gift of her to the Sultan of the Fenrir.
The Sultan’s battles were going poorly for his troops up to that point, so rather than bed this captive himself he opted instead to use her in an extended psy-ops campaign; mostly consisting of filling the Queen with aphrodisiac and introducing her to his unit of Guardian Warg. With Aria’s capture, and the various broadcasts of their Queen being pounded (and apparently enjoying it) Azerbaijan’s forces are now thoroughly demoralized. The first introductions between these Warg and this captive Queen actually took place three months ago - since that time the Sultan’s victories have lessened with the Queen’s half-brother having assumed command in place of his absent sister.
The three months have given Aria’s slave piercings time to heal; and time also for her new social status to fully sink in. There are a limited number of Warg in Azerbaijan – her father for example had a guardian of his own – but those beasts were always below Aria; now here in the Sultanate they are quite literally above her.
Aria is approximately fifty-six suns here (six hundred eighty moons); but as her family is extremely wealthy she has for years spent weeks in the rejuvenation tanks beneath Baku. This is a future Earth, and the humans have for centuries known how to eliminate most disease and slow the aging process. And the beastmen of Baku (mostly Wolves) have been on excellent terms with the Hume civilization beneath their city for a long time. Of course the humans are willing, in exchange for gold, to work to keep Aria youthful; she is not immortal though.
Of concern to Aria now is that the hollowed armlet put on her is filled with slave drug; she may be unhappy with this winning Warg’s attentions for the moment, but she knows eventually she will enjoy his presence. As for her predicament… once the drug has fully taken effect her ropes will be cut; and if this captive Queen, under the influence of the aphrodisiac, should become affectionate enough in her own turn, cameras will roll to record the passionate display.
These two studs are not necessarily the highest rank in the Sultan’s Guardians, nor the smartest, nor the strongest; simply the most lucky. Since introductions took place months ago (and the month after that) everyone in this unit has already had several opportunities to get to intimately ‘know’ this fallen Queen; consequently today is not her first knotting. This evening though it is to be just a small subset of the total number of Guardians. As stated, the luckiest studs in the unit; for this bound Wolf bitch is in season, they can smell it, and she has been given to them for the next few days as their plaything. We can see the Warg have been gambling for who is to be first, and whom second, and who third and fourth, to give this captive Queen her first pups. We will presume the dice rest for the moment, as the first two studs appear to have their bats ready.
We know what eventually becomes of Aria; though this scene is Aria’s second pregnancy as prized pet of the Sultan’s, and not her first. Her half-brother’s original plan was to try and retrieve his sister quickly; but once it became apparent there was a majority on the Royal Council who preferred him as ruler over the captive Aria, he realized there were certain advantages to this Queen remaining a guest of the Sultan’s for a while longer.
Memberone of three updated versions of post #1768087
some color tweaks, some closeups, and in this one she's been knotted
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