mythology created by eldiman
  • Comments
  • i dont know, i think, tahts not hot, just too angry, too bloody too... killy?

    i dont like porns of thats

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  • snuff said:
    i dont know, i think, tahts not hot, just too angry, too bloody too... killy?

    i dont like porns of thats

    But your name is snuff…

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  • Wulf'sSaraii said:
    She looks surprised, but what is she so damn surprised about?!?

    gee i dunno, maybe the fact that she now has an extra couple holes to breathe through

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  • Wulf'sSaraii said:
    She looks surprised, but what is she so damn surprised about?!?

    From the lack of air, if he cut her windpipe. Or the pain.

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  • I'm not entirely sure that this would be an instantaneously fatal wound. I mean, sure, she'll loose a lot of blood, but that's not nearly enough blood to be the result of a torn jugular vein. Just saying.

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  • EvilEtna said:
    Hrm... not a good way to propigate the race. Hell of a "fuck you" break-up though.

    Maybe his one of the males who doesn't care about propagating the species?

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