kyra created by atrolux

Here is the start of the public posting of the comic in lower resolution! If you want the high res (4000x5500 pixels) you can purchase it for $10 USD. It will contain a bonus comic page and some sketches, including the thumbnails if you're interested in that!

Store link:

Art @ me
Writing @ Cloperella

  • Comments
  • RustyHauser said:
    12:44? Is she serious? 12:44pm?
    Or maybe that's weird because I sleep at 1am and wake at 7:30am...

    Probably works out really well for a snake to wake up when the sun has been high in the sky for a while and warmed everything up.

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  • RustyHauser said:
    12:44? Is she serious? 12:44pm?
    Or maybe that's weird because I sleep at 1am and wake at 7:30am...

    You should see me, i wake up when i fall off The bed-about 4pm.
    I'm holding around in weekends

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  • RustyHauser said:
    12:44? Is she serious? 12:44pm?
    Or maybe that's weird because I sleep at 1am and wake at 7:30am...

    no, it's 12:44 in the afternoon because it's very delicious, yummy, too horny to sleep late, i for example wake up at 10:30, she wins me

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  • Natanael44 said:
    no, it's 12:44 in the afternoon because it's very delicious, yummy, too horny to sleep late, i for example wake up at 10:30, she wins me

    And I, for example, wake up at 6am to get to work by 7am. She trumps me...

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  • neutronian said:
    I'm really excited to see this story unfold.

    4 years later, how do you feel about this comic now? still excited about new chapters?

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