created by ruaidri


Man, clicking the 'digital' category still feels really weird.

Anyway, last month, as part of his patreon thing, dasaki asked me to draw an avian critter of some sort , and a few folks remarked that the way I drew her looked a bit like a Sergal. Inspired, he asked me to actually draw his sergal girl this month! I can hardly complain, I actually rather like the critters.

I also discovered the 'smooth stroke' option for this sketch, and as a result this is the first digital sketch I feel comfortable enough to pose without the underlying scribbles to help hide issues. Rather pleased with this really!

  • Comments
  • What a beautiful drawing. Did a real good job with the facial expressions.

    sergaliciousowo said:
    Sergal are hot and there no changing my mind.

    Don't think you'll have to worry about anyone here trying to change your mind.

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