mythology created by ruaidri

Colour Test 6

Another red/yellow bird thing, because I'm not worried about being creative while I practice.

Alright, I know, this one's bad. Bad bad bad. I made some serious mistakes along the way that really screwed things up. I erased when working on the lower body too many times which messed up the paper, and then I went and used too much water in the same area and just really killed it even further. Also overall I kinda screwed up various things. Put all that crappy on top of already crappy linework and you've got a recipe for ew.

I even considered not posting it, but there's a few things about it that make it worth posting if only for a 'history of how I learned how to draw' sorta thing. I think I figured out how I'm going to take care of the ink being grainy when used for texturing, so that seems to work alright despite needing some tweaking. And the background wash finally looks quite nice.

So, while as a whole this picture is kind of godawful, it still represents a tiny step in the right direction. A feeble, tiny step on broken feet, but a step none the less. x3

I'ma try drawing this girl again tomorrow and see if I can do a better job. For now, try not to hate me. :P

...I always feel a little uncomfortable rating these nude, pinupy type poses as "all audiences", but I guess whe nothing's showing it'd be wrong to do anything else. Eh.

Edit- Or, you know, maybe I'll mark it mature anyway.

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