mythology created by ruaidri

Colour Test 7

The bird-cat lady returns, this time with added nipple so I don't have to feel iffy about mature or clean rating. x3

This one's a bit better. I decided to give up on the method I was using for the earlier tests, it just wasn't pulling together the way I wanted. This one's done with a bit more standard a method, and it seems to be a bit easier to control. I'm still having some issues with smoothness... that should ease up a bit with practice, and also getting better paper. The stuff I'm using now is major cheapo, just some nonsense I picked up at walmart. Someday soon I'm planning to take a trip down to an art store and see if I can find some half decent watercolour paper, but for now it's all I have to work with.

Not that I'm blaming all the problems on the paper, I know better than that. I've got a long way to go with this stuff. The problem is mostly me, but some better watercolour paper certainly wouldn't hurt. :P

That said, I think this one is an improvement over the last attempt at this particular bird-cat lady thing. I felt bad about how terrible a job I did on that, so I decided to try her out again. Feeling better now.

It's kinda funny, when other artists draw a side view like this it's because they want to do something quick and easy that doesn't require much thought. When I do it it's because I'm really bad at them and actually need to practice them. xD I find 3/4 views infinitely more easier than this, so I've been trying to get a few profile shots in lately to help with that. I think this is the best one I've done yet, despite still having plenty of issues.

Anywho... lemme know your thoughts, folks.

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