samantha thott created by hladilnik
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  • *laughs in Far Cry 2 healing animation*

    Don't forget to top it off with a drink of bottled water.

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  • furry4ever said:
    I've always said...the women are the tougher ones...

    In reality or in fiction? Because if the latter I totally agree.

    Also I'm pretty sure ripping a object out of your body is a bad idea because you'll probably end up bleeding a lot more because of it. If you're not careful you can actually make it much worse too, so, always let medical professionals remove things from your body. Even if you think it makes you look cool, in reality, makes you look pretty dumb.

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  • JadePrime said:
    In reality or in fiction? Because if the latter I totally agree.

    Also I'm pretty sure ripping a object out of your body is a bad idea because you'll probably end up bleeding a lot more because of it. If you're not careful you can actually make it much worse too, so, always let medical professionals remove things from your body. Even if you think it makes you look cool, in reality, makes you look pretty dumb.

    Depends on the person. I knew one chick who had her foot ran over by a multi-ton hangar door, breaking her foot in multiple places, and didn't make a noise outside of the initial "FUCK!" Not to say she looked particularly chipper about it though. Another chick passed out after dislocating a finger.

    As for this, you're suppose to immobilize the object and get to a medic. Tearing it out will cause far worse bleeding and you may have to use a tourniquet or quick-clot at that point to keep you from bleeding out. Neither of which are particularly fun items once used. Though I doubt Lt. Thott requires that much blood for her brain to operate anyways, being a Lt and all. :P

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  • IDFailure said:
    Depends on the person. I knew one chick who had her foot ran over by a multi-ton hangar door, breaking her foot in multiple places, and didn't make a noise outside of the initial "FUCK!" Not to say she looked particularly chipper about it though. Another chick passed out after dislocating a finger.

    endorphins are a hell of a drug

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  • Nero_The_Red said:
    does she suffer from congenital analgesia?

    For those too lazy, it’s where you don’t feel pain.
    I think it’s a possibility considering this last line of pictures, or she’s a cute pupper.

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  • I’m loving Thott more and more with each picture. She either displays hilarious incompetence or a scary level of a lack of fucks given. And I love that; it’s almost like dead pool. Except with considerably less cancer and real gore and more boobs.

    The description is also very apt. That is super Far Cry 2. Just needs a set of pliers and some matches and she’s good, not even needing bandages.

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  • I once had a metal rod go through my arm (thankfully it didn't fuck it up to bad, occasional spasms suck, especially glad it wasn't wank arm), anyway stupid ass me decided let me pull it out.

    could be heard screamin two states over

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  • funny how I can relate to this... your the one wounded and yet folks around ya are losing their shit over your wound XD

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  • Quick, someone get her a dose of advil.

    Also, a PT belt since that would have stopped this accident from happening.

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  • Wolfmonger said:

    *laughs in Far Cry 2 healing animation*

    Okay I have put 78 hours into that game and I have to say I've never seen the animation where you rip your own tooth out with your bare hand. Maybe it's specific to taking melee damage? I've certainly seen all of the bullet removals

    Far Cry's system is kinda consistent on that. depending on the damage that put you in critical health and where, that'll determine your healing animation. say you got meleed in the face, it would likely produce that. getting hit by exploding vehicles prompts various shrapnel removals etc.

    and lets not forget all the dislocated joints and bones you improv snap back into place...those ones make my skin crawl a bit.

    Still evidently there's still a bit of RNG involved in it and typically what's gonna get most players is bullets so...yea.

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  • thott is a badass for how peppy she is and to remain joyful like that in the heat of battle requires a fuckton of not giving a fuck.

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  • Who is she? Interesting character and good way how to get in a story thats blood thirsty without being go courteous.

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