mythology created by ruaidri


Because I don't draw enough lesbian arts. Also couldn't think of a better title.

This picture... blargh. This is another one of those pictures that just absolutely did not want to exist. The idea I started with is so far removed from this picture that by the end I had almost no concept of what I was trying to do. I started out with a nice idea, but I couldn't make it work so it got changed a bit and that didn't really work either, so more changes... by the end I had no idea what I was even doing.

I even tried to give up at one point, just do other stuff and completely forget about it. But it was really bothering me that I couldn't get it sorted out, and I wanted a finished picture before moving on to anything else. So despite all the anatomy issues and things that I just couldn't get under control, I decided to finish it just so I could focus on the things I actually want to be doing.

But hey, at least it's some girl on girl stuff, which I really do need to draw more often. Now maybe I'll be able to get the crap I want to be doing done. x3

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