amon and kyra (patreon) created by atrolux

Here is the start of the public posting of the comic in lower resolution! If you want the high res (4000x5500 pixels) you can purchase it for $10 USD. It will contain a bonus comic page and some sketches, including the thumbnails if you're interested in that!

Store link:

Art @ me
Writing @ Cloperella

  • Comments
  • Can someone explain the Mom thing to me? I mean, why she'd have a problem with it. I know they fuck.. ALOT but, is that why?

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  • e621_Admin said:
    Can someone explain the Mom thing to me? I mean, why she'd have a problem with it. I know they fuck.. ALOT but, is that why?

    its cause being unexpectedly called mom by some rando who shows up on your doorstep and says they're your kid is a, to say the least, uncommon and unexpected occurrence. She may not have considered she had a kid at all before now, so its a bit mind bending going from childless to heres a teen in the span of a day

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  • e621_Admin said:
    Can someone explain the Mom thing to me? I mean, why she'd have a problem with it. I know they fuck.. ALOT but, is that why?

    This predates them doing the fucking. This is an origin story of how they met, and he legitimately just showed up and was like "btw you're my mom"

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  • Weird how snakes with hair, eye lids, arms, legs, and claws some how looks nice. I like the character design but they have about everything a snake doesn’t have.

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  • bismuthalienated said:
    Weird how snakes with hair, eye lids, arms, legs, and claws some how looks nice. I like the character design but they have about everything a snake doesn’t have.

    Your avatar is literally a Charizard with tits.

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  • e621_Admin said:
    Can someone explain the Mom thing to me? I mean, why she'd have a problem with it. I know they fuck.. ALOT but, is that why?

    This comic is during the day they literally just met.

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  • commenter said:
    Can someone explain the Mom thing to me? I mean, why she'd have a problem with it. I know they fuck.. ALOT but, is that why?

    Year late, but believe it or not kids seperated from parents at a young age are more likely to be sexually attracted to their bio parents late ron than growing with them, vice versa with parents

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  • commenter said:
    Can someone explain the Mom thing to me? I mean, why she'd have a problem with it. I know they fuck.. ALOT but, is that why?

    The mom thing is that she has a dick and got another person pregnant and that’s her kid

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