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  • Comments
  • supersolo123 said:
    this pretty accurately depicts modern women. sluts for money. to all the guys out there, get a job or you are physically incapable of getting any girl above a 3-4/10. dont @ me

    [casual sexism]

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  • supersolo123 said:
    this pretty accurately depicts modern women. sluts for money. to all the guys out there, get a job or you are physically incapable of getting any girl above a 3-4/10. dont @ me

    We Live In A Society

    Bottom Text

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  • supersolo123 said:
    this pretty accurately depicts modern women. sluts for money. to all the guys out there, get a job or you are physically incapable of getting any girl above a 3-4/10. dont @ me

    We found the incel, folks.

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  • giamidwi said:
    wow that image response was such a totally great argument it nearly made me forget the retarded high divorce rates and disgusting culture the western woman has created for herself!

    Sir, this is a Wendy's drive through.

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  • supersolo123 said:
    this pretty accurately depicts modern women. sluts for money. to all the guys out there, get a job or you are physically incapable of getting any girl above a 3-4/10. dont @ me

    Rolai said:
    Apparently, if you think that it's sexist to call modern women sluts who just want money, you're some kind of chad I guess? lmao

    giamidwi said:
    wow that image response was such a totally great argument it nearly made me forget the retarded high divorce rates and disgusting culture the western woman has created for herself!

    randomguy85 said:
    Yeah, if you unironically use terms like "chad" or "stacy" to describe people, you're an incel, aka a complete loser nobody likes. ;)

    post #512318

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  • And of course my comment saying that arguing over stupid things is annoying was downvoted. People are really dedicated to being god damn idiots . . .

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  • CamKitty said:
    And of course my comment saying that arguing over stupid things is annoying was downvoted. People are really dedicated to being god damn idiots . . .

    But that's why I find e6 comment sections so entertaining!

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  • Hiatuss said:
    Does it involve anything more than oral? Might pick it up myself.

    Marcasaur said:
    How explicit is that version when compared to this one? Is it really worth the purchase?

    I bought it too and it's just an extended oral scene, pretty hot oral scene though. Would recommend, it's pretty cheap anyways.

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  • Bucket said:
    Gotta buy the extended version if you want that

    Just a heads-up, it's basically the same video with some parts looping slightly longer. I bought it thinking there would be more and was disappointed. If you're into that though, then by all means buy it.

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  • CamKitty said:
    And of course my comment saying that arguing over stupid things is annoying was downvoted. People are really dedicated to being god damn idiots . . .

    No not really, you just showed a lack of self awareness really. You say people should keep opinions to themselves, and in the same post drop a side note on your negative opinion about the music. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that's why you got down voted.

    Surprised you didn't notice.

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  • The song is kinds trash, but the animation is adorable. Love that cute little deer and wolf Daddy. I hope there's more in the future!

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  • Wow. I.... 𝔀𝓸𝔀.

    The lewd levels in this animation are beyond mankind.
    Top-tier L e w d n e s s .

    It's my dream to finish an yiff animation this lewd & cute.

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  • Bruh, I just came here for a good beat and ya'll talkin' about politics n' shit. Man just enjoy the porn.

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  • To be fair, the wolf might be her sugar daddy who only gives her money when she does do something for him. Super cute girl tho, like awwww when she poses at the end.

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  • supersolo123 said:
    also whatever happened to dont @ me?

    You made an incredibly shitty sexist comment and are therefore not entitled to everyone saying "yeah ok" and moving on with their day like they never saw it. That's what happened to don't @ me.

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  • Jelliest said:
    Just a heads-up, it's basically the same video with some parts looping slightly longer. I bought it thinking there would be more and was disappointed. If you're into that though, then by all means buy it.

    Not all heroes wear capes.

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  • supersolo123 said:
    im just loving the fact that if the guy lost his job one day because of factors outside of his control she would be gone, probably with half his remaining money and assets. lets all defend the gold digger. even during sex she doesnt think of you, she can only see the prize at the end of the road: money. make sure you get a prenup boys.

    Sir, this is a Walmart Customer Service line.

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  • supersolo123 said:
    im just loving the fact that if the guy lost his job one day because of factors outside of his control she would be gone, probably with half his remaining money and assets. lets all defend the gold digger. even during sex she doesnt think of you, she can only see the prize at the end of the road: money. make sure you get a prenup boys.

    Well sure you may not be wrong...

    But bro, where do you think you're commenting at lol

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  • BleedinSkull said:
    Huge dick tease but I'd like to see more.

    Kodanis said:
    That's pretty creepy man.

    I try to warn people about when they do something that break the e6 CoC so they can avoid getting in trouble with the Admins. So why the downvotes? Do people like getting blocked?

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  • supersolo123 said:
    this pretty accurately depicts modern women. sluts for money. to all the guys out there, get a job or you are physically incapable of getting any girl above a 3-4/10. dont @ me

    Bruh you're spouting incel shit on a porn website LMAO. Try going outside sometime.

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  • SevenfoldSymmetry said:
    When you see a cute animation, but then make the mistake of scrolling down to the comments.

    What are you talking about? I clicked on this because I was browsing the LOL_Comments tag :P

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  • giamidwi said:
    wow that image response was such a totally great argument it nearly made me forget the retarded high divorce rates and disgusting culture the western woman has created for herself!

    Dude, it's just porn.

    Let people enjoy things.

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  • Oh jesus this whole comment section. Yall know women are just other people right? Like, you can just talk to them. It's not nearly as complicated as you would think

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  • Thunderwing5746 said:
    Oh jesus this whole comment section. Yall know women are just other people right? Like, you can just talk to them. It's not nearly as complicated as you would think

    bippity boppity, women are property

    (just kidding and did this for sake of the joke kek)

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  • CamKitty said:
    And of course my comment saying that arguing over stupid things is annoying was downvoted. People are really dedicated to being god damn idiots . . .

    Someone else already corrected you but uhh

    Yeah you should know why you were downvoted. ^^;

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  • Bought it. It comes with alot for 5$. Regular and extended versions. A bunch of individual scenes so if you just want the blowjob part to loop. Also has concept art which I thought was a nice touch to include.

    buy this if it got you off. Think of it as the directors cut version with behind the scenes lmao

    Plus it supports the artist. I totally recommend donating 5$ for all this good stuff!

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  • Supersolo is not that far off, although I would contest it being an issue solely with modern women. Promiscuous lifestyle for the benefit of wealth/societal status has always been an occurrence in human society since such practices became sustainable. (ie. humans living in close proximity with a hierarchy) I'm not saying that women don't have any thoughts or aspirations above living off of sugar daddies and sucking cock for cash, but as the saying goes 'Prostitution is the oldest profession' and these practices have continued and will probably continue for the rest of human existence.

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  • gentlefurfag said:
    Right? That song was so fucking awful.

    Ngl i have been everywhere yet this is one of the only songs i probably wouldn't have chosen for something like this.

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  • Also this comment section is actually 🚬☣

    Considering we proved a sexist comment which in turn had them call us chads for defending modern women, only to have them try to refute that too.

    hiatuss said:
    post #512318

    Actually do this.

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  • supersolo123 said:
    this pretty accurately depicts modern women. sluts for money. to all the guys out there, get a job or you are physically incapable of getting any girl above a 3-4/10. dont @ me

    I'm a dude and honestly, i'd be a slut for money too. Seriously. Be paid to have sex? Sounds like a pretty good deal to me.

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  • gimsbery said:
    I'm a dude and honestly, i'd be a slut for money too. Seriously. Be paid to have sex? Sounds like a pretty good deal to me.

    Pretty much this. If you could, you would.

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  • supersolo123 said:
    this pretty accurately depicts modern women. sluts for money. to all the guys out there, get a job or you are physically incapable of getting any girl above a 3-4/10. dont @ me

    If you don't have a job yet, why are you looking for a girl?

    You're not going to be able to take care of a family without an income.

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