ral-jiktar and wi created by ruaidri

Jiktar Commission

Wi thought it might be fun to tie his friend up near the tentacle pit and enjoy the resulting show. But just as he was pulling the last rope tight, he noticed a peculiar feeling slithering up his leg...

...I tend to get a little carried away doing tentacle pics, heh. Inking this was a brush was pretty rough, definitely a test of my brush inking abilities. I'm fairly certain I failed, but fortunately having the ink being a bit rough around the edges doesn't harm the picture too much. :P

Other than that, and a few other issues with the drawing side f things, overall I'd say the result is pretty decent. Still working the kinks out of the colouring, but I think it's coming along nicely. No major disasters anyway, so that's what counts. x3 Decided to do purple tentacles for once instead of green, which is the other standard tentacle colour. Glad I did, contrasts better with the lizard boy's greens. More purple practice never hurts, either.

So yeah, lemme know your thoughts, folks!

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