lotus, navos, navos, and ren'is (european mythology and etc) created by whitefeathersrain
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  • Comments
  • LicaWolf said:
    Oh yeah show him how to fuck a pussy

    Dude, seriously, stop. It's okay to like orientation play, but all of your comments have been super creepy and disgusting. Please stop before you get reported.

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  • CuriousLeo said:
    Dude, seriously, stop. It's okay to like orientation play, but all of your comments have been super creepy and disgusting. Please stop before you get reported.


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  • I couldn’t stop laughing at this! XD

    Calling your Son a faggot, as you’re fucking him? Yeah, not hypocritical at all, lol.

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  • Nathmurr said:
    I couldn’t stop laughing at this! XD

    Calling your Son a faggot, as you’re fucking him? Yeah, not hypocritical at all, lol.

    Does the term "dirty Talk" say something to you?

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  • ultrasonicwolf said:
    Unfortunately, yes.

    So... is forced homosexuality a thing? What's your opinion of that? Why can't we all just be bi and have fun with everyone?

    Everyone likes what they like, and I like that fact.

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  • Nathmurr said:
    I couldn’t stop laughing at this! XD

    Calling your Son a faggot, as you’re fucking him? Yeah, not hypocritical at all, lol.

    I mean that IS the actual literal point XD, tadaaa you found it. Also hi, I'm the artist.

    Nathmurr said:
    I couldn’t stop laughing at this! XD

    Calling your Son a faggot, as you’re fucking him? Yeah, not hypocritical at all, lol.

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  • whitefeathersrain said:
    Please don't, or I'll have it pulled from the site and have all my content blacklisted. That shits a real life form of fucking torture. :") This isnt' meant to be conversion therapy. This is suppose to more like be a homoflexible dude who's being bullied into straight sex and likes it but doesn't like admitting it. My customer Continues to commission this stuff often as one of his "big taboo fetishes", like some of my men who love femdom or occasional "gay fantasies". Everyone treats that SOOOOOO okay and like it's "super good to treat yourself". This is sooooooo bad though. Come the fuck on guys, there's something on all ends of the spectrum and you should know that by now.

    The comment is four months old, and nobody has ever tagged this post with that tag. They were just throwing out possible ideas for tags so people who are uncomfortable with posts like this could blacklist them. It was not any sort of serious definitive decision.

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  • whitefeathersrain said:
    Please don't, or I'll have it pulled from the site and have all my content blacklisted. That shits a real life form of fucking torture. :") This isnt' meant to be conversion therapy. This is suppose to more like be a homoflexible dude who's being bullied into straight sex and likes it but doesn't like admitting it. My customer Continues to commission this stuff often as one of his "big taboo fetishes", like some of my men who love femdom or occasional "gay fantasies". Everyone treats that SOOOOOO okay and like it's "super good to treat yourself". Until you get to this part of the flip, then people PANIC, it HAS to have some kind of moral agenda. I don't. I fucking don't. Navos has been actually flamboyantly gay his whole entire adult life and I have never once stopped him or told him no or tired. WOW. Come the fuck on guys, there's something on all ends of the spectrum and you should know that by now. Let him enjoy this without expecting the worst. Don't put "conversion therapy" on it for god fucking sakes and stop being so god damn petty.

    I shouldn't have to come over here JUST to people being snarky and misunderstanding this. My link to my page IS RIGHT FUCKING THERE. You could read for yourself to know it's not that kind of content or that kind of attitude. Ya'll are thick as pigshit sometimes fuck.

    Was going to respond to your FA journal on the matter but since you locked down replies (presumably out of confidence in your decision), I'll be taking my reply here. So some things to consider when you calm down a little:

    The first is that e621 functions on a "tag what you see" basis; nobody's going to dig through character lore to see if this is a character/commissioner's "big taboo fetish", nothing in the source link indicated that this was a guilty pleasure, and it can be reasonably assumed from looking at the picture that the centermost character is being forced into something he'd normally be uncomfortable with. If you want to add in a description explaining the relevant context or proposing a more accurate tag then go ahead, but at least be civil about it. Which leads to...

    Throwing an outrage fit like this is ridiculous, although I'd be lying if I said it wasn't entertaining. You seem to be upset over one comment from a single dude proposing a tag that was never implemented strictly for categorization purposes (presumably for blacklisting), and your response was to misinterpret that as multiple people being morally offensive and then you threaten to scrub all your content from this website. Grow up, will you?

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  • whitefeathersrain said:
    Please don't, or I'll have it pulled from the site and have all my content blacklisted. That shits a real life form of fucking torture. :") This isnt' meant to be conversion therapy. This is suppose to more like be a homoflexible dude who's being bullied into straight sex and likes it but doesn't like admitting it. My customer Continues to commission this stuff often as one of his "big taboo fetishes", like some of my men who love femdom or occasional "gay fantasies". Everyone treats that SOOOOOO okay and like it's "super good to treat yourself". Until you get to this part of the flip, then people PANIC, it HAS to have some kind of moral agenda. I don't. I fucking don't. Navos has been actually flamboyantly gay his whole entire adult life and I have never once stopped him or told him no or tired. WOW. Come the fuck on guys, there's something on all ends of the spectrum and you should know that by now. Let him enjoy this without expecting the worst. Don't put "conversion therapy" on it for god fucking sakes and stop being so god damn petty.

    I shouldn't have to come over here JUST to people being snarky and misunderstanding this. My link to my page IS RIGHT FUCKING THERE. You could read for yourself to know it's not that kind of content or that kind of attitude. Ya'll are thick as pigshit sometimes fuck.

    Chill, it's not even a tag

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  • Chaser said:
    Stop before I have to hand out a record. In my opinion this isn't conversion therapy, but more of orientation play.
    We won't be using conversion therapy as a tag on this post because that is something different. Anyone who adds it will get a record.

    The thing is that nobody has added the tag or had any intentions of adding it. It was just randomly thrown suggestion, and the whole discussion here is just explaining to the artist that nobody is going to, or had any actual intentions tag this as conversion therapy.

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  • Chaser said:
    Stop before I have to hand out a record. In my opinion this isn't conversion therapy, but more of orientation play.
    We won't be using conversion therapy as a tag on this post because that is something different. Anyone who adds it will get a record.

    Seconding Kahen's response; this whole thing started when the artist dug up a comment from four months ago that just suggested the tag as an idea, since they were unsure about what to categorize this pic as. This led to said artist having their little rage fit, and people calling them out for that kind of behavior since nobody was seriously considering adding "conversion therapy" as a definitive tag. I'll stop commenting on the matter since it seems like everything's calmed down though, so there shouldn't be anywhere else for the discussion to go.

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  • DarkDragonLove said:
    So... is forced homosexuality a thing? What's your opinion of that? Why can't we all just be bi and have fun with everyone?

    Everyone likes what they like, and I like that fact.

    I'm...pretty sure they meant "Forced heterosexuality" being unfortunate in a real world circumstance...because, yeah, if it was forced and unwanted that would be pretty fucked up and...well...unfortunate.

    If they didn't,and meant it solely as the kink being unfortunate, then void my whole comment, the dudes a dick.

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  • chaser said:
    Stop before I have to hand out a record. In my opinion this isn't conversion therapy, but more of orientation play.
    We won't be using conversion therapy as a tag on this post because that is something different. Anyone who adds it will get a record.

    Thing is. Forced "orientation play" is pretty much conversion therapy. And this is blatantly it. Same as the stuff that has that but lesbian or homo. If you force it, that's what it is. If it's not forced or meant to be a gag or something then sure, that's ok, but stuff like this really does bring back some bad memories to me and I can't enjoy it.

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  • Downvote this comment all you want but, this website have rape, underage, gore, torture, murder and etc. Some of the comments here makes it look like e621 got a moral standard, it doesn't. This picture is at best a 3/10 when it comes to how offensive it is compared to so much else.
    Especially CuriousLeo's comment to the guy before him, what? The picture is here, he made a perfect comment when it came to the picture. It fits the context. I'm pretty amazed he even said sorry to you, whatever to stop the river I guess.

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  • deviantdragon420 said:
    So... is forced homosexuality a thing? What's your opinion of that? Why can't we all just be bi and have fun with everyone?

    Everyone likes what they like, and I like that fact.

    Because that's not how sexuality works. You don't choose it.

    Yes, forced homosexuality is a thing. And just like with a lot of fetishes on this site, it's perfectly okay to like it in fiction, but in real life, it's just as fucked up as the rest.

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  • deviantdragon420 said:
    So... is forced homosexuality a thing? What's your opinion of that? Why can't we all just be bi and have fun with everyone?

    Everyone likes what they like, and I like that fact.

    i like this! LETS JUST MAKE EVERY ONE BI!!!

    and a femboy >3<

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  • coldwolf95 said:
    Is forced_heterosexuality a thing?

    Yeah. And sadly something that happens irl. It's called correctional rape. It's done to trans people, too. Some people believe that heterosexual sex can somehow "cure" being queer

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