created by ruaidri

BnW - Goat

This is a bit of a sketch, more than an actual completed picture. The purpose of this sketch is twofold.

Firstly and mainly, this is what my pictures look like just before I start colouring them, more or less. I've been thinking that this step alone looks kinda neat though, and with a bit of refinement it might make for an interesting picture idea for commissioners. So mostly this was to test how a picture might look left alone at this step, and see what everyone else thinks as well.

Secondly, and sort of as an afterthought, I decided to play around with proportions a bit. So don't mind if things look a little wonky, I was trying some stuff out. :P

What this picture -wasn't- meant to have was an interesting or unique pose in any way. I just scrawled down the first thing that came to mind and left it at that. One of the few stock poses I use for trying out stuff like this.

Also, fun fact, girl goats have beards, apparently. It's fun trying to make that not look really strange. x3

Anywho, lemme know your thoughts, folks.

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