reynard (east asian mythology and etc) created by inkanyamba (artist)
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Everyone at home knew the dangers of leaving the windows open, but some nights got particularly hot in the castle, and risks were sometimes taken. After a long night of gaming, poor Rei was quite exhausted, tired enough that he had to be carried to bed, his fur like a sweltering jacket he could not remove, so his Master made sure to open the window for him before switching off the light and closing the door.

Deep into the night as Rei slept soundly, a cool breeze wafting in from the open window, lighter sleepers would have heard the gentle creak of the wooden frame as a great weight slithered over the sill, drawn by the scent of easy prey perhaps, or seeking a safe place to coil up for the night, a massive anaconda's head lowered to the floor and began to pull its bulk in through the window. It's thick forked tongue flickered at the air, sensing food, urging it to search the bedroom.

Before too long it finds its mark, the golden eyes cresting the foot of the bed, eyeing the small brown-furred snack asleep before him...easy prey. Pressing his snout against the warmth of this little dragon, it easily begins to fold thick and heavy coils around it, moving so slowly that Rei did not wake, for if he had at any point escape may have been possible. Every time the little eastern tossed or turned in his sleep against the warm, smooth coils, he only seemed to aid the serpent in his task of enveloping the small snack. The entire process of folding coils around this prey could have been faster with a bite and display of his strength, but saving his strength was ideal.

Within his dreams, or perhaps nightmares, Rei stirred; his meager squirms within the thick coils of the green anaconda were met with instinctive constriction, waking him. As the little eastern dragon opened his eyes and the momentary confused haze of waking cleared, his situation melted from dream to nightmare, his first instinct to scream coming out as nothing louder than a wheezing gasp. Now that his prey was awake, the anaconda lifted his head to gaze down on his wriggling snack, the scent of panic mixed with the sweet tang of his fur, the thick layer of fat from a bountiful hunting season embraces Rei's every curve, the edges of the coils pillowing out against his chest.

The leviathan snake hisses softly as its tongue tasted the air with increasing frequency, the massive constrictor's slow breaths seemed an eternity to something as small as Rei, and with each panicked, strained cry for help, the coils pulled tighter. Given an extra few moments before he awoke, the snake probably could have gotten another loop around the struggling dragon's chest, watching those little claws scrape at the scales uselessly amused the snake, the subtle scars of countless creatures that fell prey before him, now visible to little Rei as he pushed and clawed to escape. In desperation, Rei took to pounding his fists against the coil over his chest, given it's thick layer of fat, the anaconda hardly felt it. Every straining push and hasty swipe of his claws did nothing to ease the creeping pressure over his chest as the thick coils pulled tighter.

Rei's body started to weaken, the coils had been growing tighter as minutes ticked by, cheeks turning blue and jaw agape, even the color in his tongue growing dull as his heart struggles in vain to beat even once per minute, each thud within his chest feeling like a heavy blanket over his muscles. Eventually even clawing at the serpent's coils feels like too much effort as his arms fall to his sides on the bed, the soft leathery creaking of those coils echoing his ears as his eyes grow distant, glazed and lifeless.

This prey was hardly worth the effort of such strength from the anaconda, but deep in its feral thought-process it could curl up on this bed afterwards and rest, safe from the weather and other fauna of the jungle, reasoning that even something as small as this prey was could sustain it another few days. As Rei's eyes started to close and his heart was forced into deathly stillness, he could watch as the green anaconda opened its gaping jaws over his snout; with one slow, comforting hiss, a warmth passed over him like a dream... it was almost comforting.

  • Comments
  • Extreme plot armor here but do they not know what prison bars or shutters are?

    Also, another reason I prefer my bulky westrens over my noodle slurpy eastrens. This was just too easy. Poor thing.

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  • I'm so used to larger eyes on this artists snakes, so the small pair on this serpent really threw me off lol

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