fan character, gau, and lyka (pokemon mystery dungeon and etc) created by gau (artist)
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See for my logic to why a dark type is effected by psychic.


Gau and Lyka were relaxing one sunny afternoon. They had finished their missions for the day and just wanted to relax.

This was shortly after they had both joined the Guild and they had both settled into their evolved forms.

Lyka in particular had found she had an immediate aptitude with her new psychic abilities and was complimented by the other psychic guild members for her quick learning and creativity. While a psychic type could use their powers from the get go, it took much practice to truly master them. In particular they had been impressed at how she could imitate the feel of touch with her psychic powers which usually had a very distinct feel when used on someone, but Lyka could almost perfectly imitate touch with which she confused many members with silly pranks like a ‘paw touch’ to the shoulder, only to turn to see no one there.

In short she adored her new form. Of course she loved her mate Gau’s form too, he was such a handsome Umbreon who she loved. But if there was one thing she was a little disappointed by it was his immunity to her psychic powers. Of course this was a good thing too, she couldn’t accidently harm him in the heat of battle but she could not help regret that she could not play and tease the bre with her power.

It was on this sunny afternoon she was thinking about this and she decided to test him a little. Was he truly immune to her? How did it work exactly? She had asked this of the other psychic guild members, but it was a mystery to them too.

She lay there and watched the bre who was splayed on his back relaxing in the sun without a care in the world. She then focused on his ear as she tried to focus her psychic power. As expected he showed no sign of even noticing her attempt, none the less she continued slowly moving down his body.

When she tried at his mouth, she saw him flick his tongue a little but didn’t think much of it. She moved down to his chest, still with no effect. Then her eyes fell on his sheath and the two sizable orbs below which he shamelessly displayed to the sky. She smirked playfully, the idea of her fondling his sheath with her psychic as the bre laid there unaware amused her. So she focused her mind and made a stroking motion with her mind, first of all fondling his orbs a little, frowning a little as not even a strand of fur showed any movement from her efforts, but non perturbed she moved upwards now working the sheath itself. Still the bre showed no signs of noticing. Finally she found herself at the tip of the sheath with the small opening that hid his red member inside. She focused her attention here and pushed a little inside until she could touch the tip of his hidden member. To her surprise this felt different, as if she had actually made contact.

She eyed the bre who seemed to shift a little at the touch, and she smiled as she watched him scratch at his sheath shamelessly with a forepaw.

Had he felt that? Well only one way to find out. She focused once again, putting all her concentration into the opening at the tip of his sheath, pushing inside she began to fondle the hidden prize inside trying to ease it out.

This time there was no doubt. Gau jerked up suddenly, his paw once again pawing at his sheath. He looked a little flustered and a slight blush had appeared on his face.

Lyka gave him a concerned look and asked innocently “Is something wrong Gau?”

Gau blinked and faced her “Uh no.. nothing is…”.

But Lyka cut him off as she squeezed his tip. Gau stiffened as both his forepaws shot to his crotch covering the now emerging tip.

Lyka suppressed a giggle “Gau? What’s wrong? Do.. you need to go or something?”

Gau was staring at his sheath, clearly confused. “No.. I.. um… actually.. yeah I uhh, I’ll be right back.”. He began to stand, obviously planning to go and deal with whatever strange feeling was gripping him, but Lyka had no intentions of letting him leave.

So once again she used her psychic, this time stroking his now exposed tip, before pushing past it and rubbing against the length that she intended to pull out. She smiled as she knew to Gau it probably felt like a tongue had just stroked his member.

This was quickly confirmed as Gau let out an audible moan before falling back on his rear. His forepaws went back to catch his fall as his now almost fully erect member stood to attention between his rear legs.

Gau’s face was crimson as he looked at Lyka “I..” but he was at a loss for words, as of course he had no idea what was going on.

Lyka smirked at him “Oh Gau.. If that’s what you wanted, you could have asked..” she teased.

Gau’s ears drooped and he looked away shyly “No.. I didn’t… I… a… ahhh”. He broke off with another small moan as Lyka made for another stroke of his member, but this time she didn’t stop. She continued to stroke against his member with her mind until she saw the satisfying plop of his knot pop out, his fully erect member now ready for all to see.

Gau stared down at his member through squinted eyes. “I.. don’t know what’s happening..’s like something.. is t..touching me..”

Gau muttered shyly, sounding genuinely concerned.

At this she couldn’t hold back her laughter and began to giggle at him. Gau looked up at her “It’s not f…funny.. I..” Gau paused for a moment before he clicked on “, you’re doing this to me aren’t you?”

Lyka caught her breath from laughing. “Ah… you figured me out huh?”.

Gau blinked at her “B..but I thought I was immune to your psychic!”.

“So did I, but I guess you have your weak spots.” She teased eyeing his throbbing member, to which Gau just glared at her.

“Well I can’t just leave you like that, how about I finish the job?” and before Gau could reply, she began working his member.

With strong strokes she caressed the member from tip to base. Gau leaned back with a moan as he opened his mouth and started to pant.

As she worked him she began to experiment, wanting to find his most sensitive spots. Of course this wasn’t the first time she had worked him, but she found using psychic gave her more control than when she gave him a paw, tail or blow job. She could really explore and work him without limitation.

As she worked every part of his throbbing red member, she learned several cute things about the bre. When she stroked the very tip it would always throb a little which was usually met by a cute little moan and a twitch of an ear. The length itself wasn’t quite as sensitive but she found the underside gave the most feedback, she ran along the small ridge there as if running a paw along it to which Gau would sometimes clench a hindpaw. The knot itself wasn’t the most sensitive but Lyka loved to caress the rounded knot none the less. Of course she knew the most sensitive part already. It was common knowledge that just below the knot was the most sensitive part of a canine, so that when they popped that knot and the tight cookie pressed down around it the sensitive area would give them the signal to climax. So Lyka had left this area mostly untouched.

A few moments more passed as she stroked his length, she adored seeing his cute moans and reactions to her various touches, but she knew the bre was getting close to his limit, his member began to throb harder and she could see on the bre’s face he was desperate to climax.

So with one final flurry, she worked each area in turn, noting his ear twitch, paw clenches. She worked down past the knot and finally gave the underside one big squeeze. This single squeeze send the member into a spasm of throbs as Gau leant back further, closed his eyes and let out a huge sky piercing moan. A stream of warm seed soared from his throbbing tip catching the sunlight as it flailed through the air. As she watched him orgasm she gentle squeezed at his entire member, wanting to get every last drop from him.

Lyka watched him with a happy expression. For her, helping her partner feel pleasure was her own ultimate pleasure, so to know that her psychic abilities could work like this made her truly happy.

After a moment Gau fell back, his seed splayed all over himself, the ground and even on Lyka.

“Arceus Lyka.. I had no idea you could do that, that felt incredible.”

Lyka smiled and wagged her tail “Neither did I, I was only experimenting,.”

“Well… feel free to experiment further. Just uh maybe let me know next time.” Gau grinned.

“Oh I intend to..” she smirked back at him “But no promises”.

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