vasira (mythology) created by abraxocleaner and fuzzamorous
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  • MaxElCapo said:
    I'm a boy. Why does this turn me on?

    If you do like woman, I'm pretty sure it's only natural to get turned on from pleasuring your partner. Othervice straight porn videos would focuse on men in the film.

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  • Mairo said:
    If you do like woman, I'm pretty sure it's only natural to get turned on from pleasuring your partner. Othervice straight porn videos would focuse on men in the film.

    the wording of his question makes him seem under aged.

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  • Leon_Neon said:
    what does gender have to do with sexual orientation?

    Well, around 5% of people identify as homosexual, so you could assume 90% of people identify as heterosexual or bisexual. The extra 5% is a generous buffer for asexuals and general error ranges.

    So someone who identifies as male would be attracted to women 90% of the time.

    Or maybe I'm misunderstanding the question?

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  • Shiitake said:
    Well, around 5% of people identify as homosexual, so you could assume 90% of people identify as heterosexual or bisexual. The extra 5% is a generous buffer for asexuals and general error ranges.

    So someone who identifies as male would be attracted to women 90% of the time.

    Or maybe I'm misunderstanding the question?

    It was a rhetorical question. Correlation does not imply causation.

    In other words a persons sexual orientation has nothing to do with their gender. Otherwise every trans person would change sexual orientation. This does not happen. Some male to females that are into women stay into women after they transition, etc.

    OP worded it like it is confusing, maybe even undesirable, to be gay. Obviously an incorrect and asinine notion.

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