envy and wrath (oversexed eeveelutions and etc) created by kuroodod
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From Kuro:
As most of you know, I've been hit with many DMCA notices regarding my Pokemon content. And with it I've had no choice but to change gears on monetization. Going from Oversexed Eeveelutions as my main series to Oversexed Evolutions.

Though I've stated before I'd be stopping all progress on Oversexed Eeveelutions, moving forward I will now state that I will do future pages as a side project when I'm up to it. I'll do the occasional Eeveelutions page here and there, but it'll be weeks, even months between these pages. Some very vocal fans of the series have been making themselves heard and I hope with this announcement they'll get some closure. Losing monetization rights over something I'm quite passionate about is quite painful and I'd love to continue work on the comic, though slowly released publicly.

I can't say exactly when I'll draw them. But I will do pages of Oversexed Eeveelutions here and there.

  • Comments
  • It's a shame this is most likely the last time we'll see Envy's pussy as a Pokemon before the design switch. But what a glorious final shot it is indeed!

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  • If I would have to say anything I would kind of think the reason how it is supported still is maybe support his other art or something else it's not like he can't have another patreon or something different but still work on something.but I kind of think he's not going to be done with that it's probably just going to be going much slower now

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  • King-solstice said:
    Is it me or does OSE Envy look cuter then before?

    I think it's the revelation of coming back to her old design after seeing her new design.
    I have to agree tho, she's low key 2nd best girl tbh and I wish Sam actually had some proper 1 on 1 smexy time with her

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  • Pansol said:
    It shall live on in our hearts.

    UninspiredJigglypuff said:
    We can always hold hope for Kuroodod, that he can find the time to keep working on it, even if slowly.

    You guys do realize Changing Fates is the new version of OSE right? Nintendon't filed a DMCA (basically a cease and desist) against Kuro's patreon, so he's reworking the characters so Nintendo can go fuck themselves

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  • LordLeafeon said:
    You guys do realize Changing Fates is the new version of OSE right? Nintendon't filed a DMCA (basically a cease and desist) against Kuro's patreon, so he's reworking the characters so Nintendo can go fuck themselves

    Its been awhile since I have been able to look into it. Though from what I gathered, the DMCA was never filed by Nintendontgivetwocraps, and is an issue with Patreon itself, and the staff with a stick stuck up there ---. Though My info could easily be out of date or just wrong.

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  • LordLeafeon said:
    You guys do realize Changing Fates is the new version of OSE right? Nintendon't filed a DMCA (basically a cease and desist) against Kuro's patreon, so he's reworking the characters so Nintendo can go fuck themselves

    Doesn't mean OSE has to die. Kuro just can't make money off of this.

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  • CoolandHotSandvich said:
    I think it's the revelation of coming back to her old design after seeing her new design.
    I have to agree tho, she's low key 2nd best girl tbh and I wish Sam actually had some proper 1 on 1 smexy time with her

    Blame Wrath. That sex scene was quadruple the normal length.

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    Doesn't mean OSE has to die. Kuro just can't make money off of this.

    I'd be very surprised if OSE continues.

    The fact that he switched to Changing Fates in the first place lends evidence to the point that he doesn't want to make either comic without funding behind it.

    That would have to change (not impossible, but not gonna happen overnight, I'm sure) for him to continue making OSE on his own time.

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  • It is a shame to never see them again. But if you think about it. The story should have ended between wrath and Sam. And from the bios of their new designs, it looks like there's going to be a new story with all this talk about a guild and such. And quite frankly, I kinda like their animal desgins. I will miss their pokemon forms though, but this way, they look more original as animals.

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  • It is a shame that this iteration of the comic will die soon. Nintendo is a massive douche when it comes to their IP's and people's content. I understand, but Jesus Christ. If you want to see an even bigger thing than this then look up Pokemon Uranium version. Also SERIOUSLY WHAT IS WITH THE DOWNVOTE STORM THAT ALWAYS HAPPENS AFTER A PAGE IS RELEASED!? CAN WE GET A MOD TO FIND OUT WHO DOES IT PLEASE!?

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  • Qwazzy said:
    I'd be very surprised if OSE continues.

    The fact that he switched to Changing Fates in the first place lends evidence to the point that he doesn't want to make either comic without funding behind it.

    That would have to change (not impossible, but not gonna happen overnight, I'm sure) for him to continue making OSE on his own time.

    You see, I feel we both have a point. You could be right, but at the same time, Changing Fates could just be temporary. A way for Kuro to make money while getting Nintendo off his back. I'm inclined to believe the latter, but the former sadly seems a tad more probable. But is it unrealistic to be optimistic? No. I don't know about you, but I'm still holding out hope for OSE. Question is: "Is Kuro willing to continue it, or will he let it fall to the wayside, to eventually fade away for good?"

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  • bobb13325 said:
    It is a shame that this iteration of the comic will die soon. Nintendo is a massive douche when it comes to their IP's and people's content. I understand, but Jesus Christ. If you want to see an even bigger thing than this then look up Pokemon Uranium version...

    Although the main difference between this and pokémon uranium version, was that they were making uranium entirely for free, and not making any money off of it whatsoever

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  • I’m confused by the comments...(not a Patron user)
    Are the characters gonna change into animals because Nintendo copyrighted Kuroodad?

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  • UltrajoshX said:
    I’m confused by the comments...(not a Patron user)
    Are the characters gonna change into animals because Nintendo copyrighted Kuroodad?

    More or less, the characters are getting redesigned and are going to be featured in the comic Changing Fates

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  • GayFurret said:
    More or less, the characters are getting redesigned and are going to be featured in the comic Changing Fates

    Oh,ok. So is Oversexed Eeveelutions the comic stop? Or is it gonna continue with these redesigned characters?

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  • _TheDarkness_ said:
    we are back in business

    From Kuro:
    As most of you know, I've been hit with many DMCA notices regarding my Pokemon content. And with it I've had no choice but to change gears on monetization. Going from Oversexed Eeveelutions as my main series to Oversexed Evolutions.

    Though I've stated before I'd be stopping all progress on Oversexed Eeveelutions, moving forward I will now state that I will do future pages as a side project when I'm up to it. I'll do the occasional Eeveelutions page here and there, but it'll be weeks, even months between these pages. Some very vocal fans of the series have been making themselves heard and I hope with this announcement they'll get some closure. Losing monetization rights over something I'm quite passionate about is quite painful and I'd love to continue work on the comic, though slowly released publicly.

    I can't say exactly when I'll draw them. But I will do pages of Oversexed Eeveelutions here and there.

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  • Imagine the poor motherfucker at nintendo who has to comb through all the pokemon porn to DMCA it.

    I bet that guy loves his job.

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