alfa quinto (mario bros and etc) created by alfa quinto (artist)

"Thats a good start for a Vacation~~"

Well lately im in the mood for Animations I started to learn more about and then I did this piece
thats why I didnt make more progress in the Digimon project
this animation I took about 3 or more days to do and I choose this color for yoshi because I really love the red yoshi <3

About the lack of post lately is due to me being more active on my Twitter and not having time to post on FA

But well I hope you enjoy the pic :3

  • Comments
  • yoshi20 said:
    Hey sorry to bother you but i have one question unrealted to this yoshi animation whatever happened to kabier you know the artist with the kobold lizard creatures i wanted to reread the comic i thought tgey were pretty good in my opinion.

    I heard that there was some controversy behind it, and kabier ended up going DNP, but I don't know much other than that, sorry

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