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  • This horse's balls are as low and dense as the people who argue in the comments on e621. ♥

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  • chief said:
    You never assume things, yet you would assume I don't respect someone's culture based on me (seemingly) not knowing their language, which is most of us, to be fair. The majority of the world doesn't speak either French or Spanish, and it's not reasonable to expect people would learn about those languages, just because they are spoken in countries in the west. Most people speak Chinese (followed by English), how many words have you learned in Chinese? Never mind the fact that while I don't think it's explicitly stated anywhere in the rules that you cannot comment in other languages, basically all the comments on this site are in English, and the site itself is in English. Not knowing a language is not a sign of disrespect, but ignorance at the most. 'Combine that with the fact that looking this up on the Internet takes almost no effort and you couldn't even do that much'. You attribute "malicious intent" to what could simply be explained by ignorance, you take the worst possible interpretation of what is being said: "Oh, they can't tell the difference between Spanish and French? That must mean they have no respect for Spanish/French culture. What a terrible person." when all I wanted to do is make I lighthearted joke to make some people online laugh, but I get berated for it with comments like this and: "Sorry I don't speak school shooting". Maybe it's not me who is unhinged.

    Conclusion ?
    No hables español en e621

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  • zephiox said:
    Because if you take away the sarcastic element (which mind you I didn't realize was there until you pointed it out because I NEVER assume things) you're left with a statement that implies that you don't respect the culture of either enough to learn a couple words and realize they're different languages entirely. Combine that with the fact that looking this up on the Internet takes almost no effort and you couldn't even do that much. Do you see where some people may be insulted now?

    Dude...what can you even say about this? lmfao

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