gamercat (xbox game studios and etc) created by samantha whitten
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  • ChikamaiS. said:
    I can see the Wii60 but where is the Ps? lol.

    it has a blu-ray drive instead of hd-dvd

    Seyer_Rotsen said:
    I like how most of the console and controller are 360 related.

    console has xbox apearence but wii shaped noting the flat front and similar dimensions... although it should be tilted,so it really does look like a 360 on its side ontop of a small white box

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  • "Because Real Gamers don't discriminate."

    "Real Gamers" buy hardware based on what research tells them will best fit their needs. It's the clueless ones that scramble after every shiny bit of electronics that drops.

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  • Liquid_Chameleon said:
    "Because Real Gamers don't discriminate."

    "Real Gamers" buy hardware based on what research tells them will best fit their needs. It's the clueless ones that scramble after every shiny bit of electronics that drops.

    Real gamers play games because they're fun, and don't give a shit about bragging rights or research.

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  • Liquid_Chameleon said:
    "Because Real Gamers don't discriminate."

    "Real Gamers" buy hardware based on what research tells them will best fit their needs. It's the clueless ones that scramble after every shiny bit of electronics that drops.

    Ya, what you described is simply someone trying to hard

    Morp said:
    Real gamers play games because they're fun, and don't give a shit about bragging rights or research.

    ^^ this

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  • equimanthorn said:
    I need to get a Wii again. I used to have one. IT was stolen. I do have a PS3 and a 360, though

    lmao what kind of dumb ass steals a wii? The wii sucks! XD

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  • Simski said:
    Glorious PC master race

    The glorious PC mater race still needs to think about costs. I'm not gonna spend more than 700 on a PC just to play games on that come out for the cheaper consoles anyways... and less problems than the PC... just how I feels about it.

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  • AdonTox said:
    lmao what kind of dumb ass steals a wii? The wii sucks! XD

    Funny, I'm pretty sure it out sold the other 2. Hence, why it was stolen

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  • AdonTox said:
    the graphics are early ps2 era and the controls are glitchy and unresponsive. The wii sucks.

    ur just bad at it... learn something new?

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  • foxkooh said:
    ur just bad at it... learn something new?

    Kind of hard to say that someone is bad at a game when the games says that you missed the target when your crosshairs are on the center of the target at 20 yards loud mouth.

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  • AdonTox said:
    Kind of hard to say that someone is bad at a game when the games says that you missed the target when your crosshairs are on the center of the target at 20 yards loud mouth.

    Dude, listen to yourself. What are you, 8?

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  • I own all these consoles and each one is decent in its own right. However, I think the last truly great console made was the PS2. It will be extremely difficult for another to match it's game library and staying power.

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  • AdonTox said:
    the graphics are early ps2 era and the controls are glitchy and unresponsive. The wii sucks.

    Some troll is already out of material

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  • IronPanther said:
    I own all these consoles and each one is decent in its own right. However, I think the last truly great console made was the PS2. It will be extremely difficult for another to match it's game library and staying power.

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  • it needs to have a playstation controller. face it. playstation pretty much mastered it's controller, when it first made it

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  • Riddle me this. If the Wii was a truly great console, then why is it's attach rate the lowest of the three current consoles? Sure, the Wii hardware was a financial success. That's awesome. But it failed at doing the one thing a console is supposed to do, sell games. Why? People got bored with it, plain and simple. They bought it because it looked fun and could be had for a pittance compared to the 360 and PS3 on launch. Then discovered the motion controls had a nasty habit of glitching out, that the hardware didn't support so much as 720p during a time where HDTVs started coming into their own and becoming much more affordable, and to play any game with online capability is a horrendous and torturous event. Among most gamers, the Wii is a failure. Plain and simple.

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  • Sable_Drakon said:

    I wouldn't say the Wii is truly great but it's also far from a failure. Remember, it outsold the PS3 and X360 combined for a long time. A failure would be something like the Sega 32X or Virtual Boy which neither were supported for even a year before being dropped. Nintendo also isn't new to trying different things which is why they have taken bold chances with new consoles. ROB the robot, Game Boy, Virtual Boy, N64 DD, DS.... some were wildly successful, some failures. So I wouldn't say the Wii is a failure, people have just lost interest. It's time for the next generation of hardware from Nintendo. And I for one am very interested to see what they offer next.

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  • Hehehe that's funny. But after reading all the comments i just need to say this. Real gamers play what they like, They also like to try new games on different systems. Sure i'm a hardcore Nintendo fan but i like Sony and xbox and like to check out their Liberia. And the Wii is actually really good. You just need to check out its library. Skyward sword, Mario galaxy 1 and 2, no more heroes one and two, Sonic Color's, Tales of Symphonia 2, Madworld, Tenchu Shadow assassin's. Anyways back onto topic. Real gamer's play what they enjoy and try our the other consoles.

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  • Man Wii is awesome. Loved the Metroids, Mario Galaxy was fun, and even now I enjoy playing Brawl. It's about perception. Nothing will be absolutely awesome to everyone, ever.

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  • IronPanther said:
    It's time for the next generation of hardware from Nintendo. And I for one am very interested to see what they offer next.

    and the next generation is the wii u which is either already out or coming out this month not realy sure which

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  • PC Master race. The higher cost is well worth the cost with all of the extra stuff a PC can do compared to consoles.

    Really, consoles are just dumbed-down PCs.

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  • Probably shouldn't have the console made like the 360 at all...or most of their stuff since it's designed to break within months...

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  • Morp said:
    Casual gamers play games because they're fun, and don't give a shit about bragging rights or research.


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  • Sable_Drakon said:
    Riddle me this. If the Wii was a truly great console, then why is it's attach rate the lowest of the three current consoles? Sure, the Wii hardware was a financial success. That's awesome. But it failed at doing the one thing a console is supposed to do, sell games. Why? People got bored with it, plain and simple. They bought it because it looked fun and could be had for a pittance compared to the 360 and PS3 on launch. Then discovered the motion controls had a nasty habit of glitching out, that the hardware didn't support so much as 720p during a time where HDTVs started coming into their own and becoming much more affordable, and to play any game with online capability is a horrendous and torturous event. Among most gamers, the Wii is a failure. Plain and simple.

    I thought people bought it because of motion controllers, but then realized Nintendo is "family friendly" and censors practically anything they see as questionable. Then again, Zelda and Rareware got away with some pretty heavy shit.

    Also, the Wii Fit Trainer as a fighter in Smash? Did we run out of characters like we did sensible Pokémon?

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  • The Wii was ment to be a family gaming system so that any audience could play it and it did that well yes the motion controls were glitchy but that was to be expected. The Xbox 360 was made to be a multi entertainment device that would play movies, games, and connect to the internet for tv YouTube and music and it did each one of those things very well. Now the ps3 was ment to play games and it exelled in that because it was made from Sony who will take other companies ideas and rip them off just like it did with the ps1 which was a direct copy of the sega dreamcast but with a different controller and they did it again with the PlayStation move which added a few more buttons and balls to the wii controllers. My observations Wii is good for what it's made for and so is Xbox playstaion is a rip off and can't do anything without another console to take ideas from.

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